Friday, October 5, 2012

Zeonic|Scanlation Latest Release - Gundam Unicorn Bande Dessinee Act.1 In The Depths of a Gravity Well

Zeonic|Scanlation has released their latest scanlation of Gundam Unicorn Bande Dessinee - Act.1 In The Depths of a Gravity Well
Synopsis: As the remains of Laplace plummet towards the Earth, the crew of the Nahal Argama tries in vain to save Banagher and the Unicorn Gundam. Meanwhile on Earth, Riddhe seeks help from his father in protecting Mineva. While all that is going on, the Juneau-class submarine Bonefish is sunk by a mysterious shape beneath the Atlantic Ocean! Is it the sea ghost?! Finally, Martha Vist lands in Augusta to oversee progress made on Marida Cruz. What she learns is both surprising and fascinating…
To view this manga, click HERE
*Thanks Deacon Blues & his team for this new release!*

Info & Images via Zeonic Scanlation


  1. Cool! I was hoping the manga would be more in line with the novels and not that rushed job that is the 4th OVA episode.

  2. Deacon doesn't have a team... it's just him translating, editing and photoshopping. Thought people knew that... that's why he's so freaking slow.

  3. didn't they get a cease and desist order for their scanlation of this?

  4. I'm interested. There was so much story rushed and skipped in the 4th episode it was a mess. Hope this expands on Loni's character to be less a wannabe Four clone. Also hope Banagher's less a wet blanket in this one.
