Thursday, February 28, 2013

Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team Blu-ray Memorial Box - New Images & Info [Updated 2/28/13]

Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team - Blu-ray Memorial Box (Release Date: Feb. 22nd, 2013 Price: 26,250 yen)
Each disc in the Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team Blu-ray Memorial Box, scheduled for release on February 22nd, 2013, will feature a brand-new pinup jacket by artists related to the show.
We've got special sneak previews of Kunio Ogawara's disc 1 and Kimitoshi Yamane's disc 2 illustrations!
Disc 1 Jacket Image - by Kunio Okawara
Disc 1's illustration by Kunio Ogawara shows the 08th MS Team on the march through a jungle.
Disc 2 Jacket Image - by Kimitoshi Yamane
Disc 2's illustration depicts a desert battle. This was illustrated by Kimitoshi Yamane.
These and more will be included in the Blu-ray box as pinup jackets!
Disc 3's will be by Toshihiro Kawamoto, and the staff of the new short film will handle Disc 4's. Don't miss them!
All twelve episodes, from "War for Two" to "The Shuddering Mountain, Part II" along with the epilogue special "Last Resort", are included on the Blu-ray. A ten-minute short film "Sanjigen to no Tatakai", written by Ichirou Ookouchi, rounds out the set.
The limited release, only available for a year, will cost ¥26,250. The deadline to preorder is January 15th, 2013, so get your orders in now!


Previous Info:
The Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team original video anime series will get a Blu-ray Memorial Box on February 22, 2013, and the box will bundle a brand-new short film, "Sanjigen to no Tatakai" (Battle in Three Dimensions, pictured right). Ichiro Okouchi wrote the scenario, which follows the 08th MS Team (led by Shiro Amada in the Gundam Ez-8) through the jungle zone towards the next battlefront. Just as they approach a bridge, the team is attacked by the Zeon forces from the front, left, right, and the air.
The set will include the anime series' 12 episodes (including the epilogue special), a promotional video and commercial collection, the pilot film, the credit-less opening and ending animation sequences, a storyboard collection, a collection of illustrations from magazines and promotional materials, and a 42-page booklet with the scenario for the short film. The bonus extras Blu-ray Disc will have "Sanjigen to no Tatakai," and The 08th MS Team Data Archives. The video series will have both the original soundtack and the 5.1ch version.

Hajime Katoki is illustrating the box, and Kunio Okawara, Kimitoshi Yamane, and Toshihiro Kawamoto are illustrating the jackets for the three main discs inside. The animation staff of the short film are illustrating the jacket for the bonus extras disc.
Images via Gtoys Blog


  1. Oh good. Let's see if anyone is willing to pay $328.95 (USD) for this. >_>

    This is why Bandai fails with DVD/BluRay pricing.

    1. Why are such a faggot with everything Charles Kim?

    2. ugh, $328.95... that's as close as my monthly salary... o_0

      I'll pass..

  2. At the very least, I'm hoping this results in a HGUC EZ-8.

  3. If anything they should animate an epilogue instead of the wierd apocalyse now ending we got.

  4. Those nostagia fanboys crying for realistic Gundam, this is for you. Time to vote with your wallet.

    1. "Nostagia fanboys crying for realistic Gundam"? Do I detect the cheap-deodarant-over-sour-milk stench of a jealous, piss-ant OO Gundam fan? I believe I do!! Maybe Seed or Wing? Even G Gundam perhaps? Cork it, you little Cartoon Network-addled shitsnot. "Realism" was the whole point to Gundam in the first place, and a thousand comically over-powered buster rifles or goofy Age-style character designs can't erase that. Can't wait untill Bandai charges similar outragous prices for your ugly OO series and you're told to "vote with your wallet", you imbecile.

    2. Hmm... I love the 08th MS Team but I think the realism angle has been massively overrated by the fanbase and it doesn't have the same "magic" as Tomino's original work. I also enjoy some AUs because they're different experiences (X, G and 00 are pretty cool). At these prices and with no english subs I don't think I'll be buying haha.

    3. Lol, UC fanboys strike again

    4. So, a guy insults a group of fans for liking something he doesn't and these fans respond, THEY are being fanboys?

    5. Going at each other like that at least one of 'em has to be, lol

    6. I don't see it as an insult. Bandai cares about money. If 08th style of Gundam is profitable then they'll keep making more. If you like it, support it.

    7. I was waiting for this UC VS other Timeline Arguments. Seriously why don't you all just keep an open mind? Gundam has one of the worst fan base ever. Every forum you go to it's either SEED/SEED DESTINY or UC VS 00 Gundam and shit. Seriously grow up =_=

    8. I agree. Gundam fans are obsessively attached to one version of Gundam and expect every show to be like that. While I like the show I hate how 08th MS Team has become the poster child for what every Gundam "should be". Its very narrow minded and limits the possibilty of such a great franchise.

    9. I love both UC Gundam and AU. Also a lot of UC shows have been show on Cartoon Network and Adult Swim so grow up and stop dissing folks because they watched Gundam on CN smh. Whether its 0079,08th MS team,War In The Pocket or G,00,Wing they are all great. You fanboys are ridiculous. Calling people a "imbecile" over a cartoon smh childish.

  5. Yeah. With prices like that, they're actually encouraging us to watch it for free on the internet. I don't care how good the series is, there's no way in hell I'd pay that kind of money for anything less than 50 episodes. Now if they priced their Blu-rays around $80-110 USD, I'd still think they're overpriced, but I'd be a little bit more comfortable with giving Sunrise my money, since I'm used to paying over $25-30 for 2-4 episodes in Standard Definition.

    1. Yea. They must be smoking crack or something..LOL

      They're basically saying that we should watch it online for free or "acquire" it through whatever means, only to later complain and be confused as to why people aren't purchasing their releases. Ridiculous really.

      Also, do they not realize that the world businesses today do business on a global scale? So by excluding countries outside Japan like the US and Europe, they're basically missing out. Gundam is a huge franchise around the world, and by:

      1. overpricing their BluRay and DVD releases
      2. not offering incentive for "outsiders" to purchase their goods or have a means to in their own countries

      ... They're basically killing themselves off. The way I see it, if Bandai/Sunrise keeps doing business like this, they're going to be killing off the Gundam franchise/brand as well as losing more and more potential customers of their BluRay/DVD, model kits, toys, clothing, accessories, etc.

      Come on Bandai! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!

      Also, I wonder if we're going to see re-releases or updated releases of RX-79(G) Gundam Ground Type and RX-79(G)Ez-8 Gundam Ez8.

    2. Well, that's standard pricing in Japan. And as we know, most of the fans that started out with Gundam there are 30+ now and probably earn enough to splurge on BR-Boxes that cost several hundred dollars. Bandai is making enough profit thanks to these fuckers, so they don't need to cheapen the boxes just to appeal to the westerners that are not willing to pay as much.

    3. perhaps fans in japan buy this sort of things collectively, and duplicates it among them ?

      reminds me of my childhood, eheh. lot easier than have to go through internet ways..

    4. It may be standard pricing in Japan but standard income in Japan isn't any higher than standard income in America or any other Western country. Think about it, do you have several hundred dollars to splurge on Blu-Ray boxes.

      Japanese economy is stagnant. The companies that produce these Blu-Rays and DVDs over-price them because in their mind they'd rather make a lot of money selling just a few units. What they don't realise is they could make a lot more money if these were affordably priced.

  6. I NEVER EVER thought I'd admit this Nike, but for the first time ever I agree with you on the re-releases of those two kits....

    1. I know, right? It's like an intelligent, mature person hacked his blogspot account and posted this ;)

  7. I haven't built the MGs, but I'm satisfied enough with the old 1998 HG 1/144 Ez8 that I don't really care if we get an HGUC. It's a pretty good kit despite it's age. However, if bandai does decide to release an HGUC Ez8, I'd like it if they give it all the weapons that weren't supplied with the Ground Gundam (Beam rifle, missile launcher, bazooka, net gun)

  8. by excluding countries outside Japan like the US and Europe, they're basically missing out. Gundam is a huge franchise around the world.

  9. Wait so this has no subs?

    1. No subs, but I assume a fansub group will find or get rips of this, sub it themselves, and release it..LOL

      If Bandai made an effort to release things more often on BluRay outside of Japan at a more reasonable price, then I think more people would actually buy it.

  10. Maybe we'll see new MG's for Ground Gundam and EZ-8...

  11. 300+ USD for 12 episodes?!? I don't care what the reasoning is, this is INSANITY.

    I just.. what?

    1. People are paying that much for Unicorn which together works out about the same length.

    2. For $300 I could go to bestbuy and get enough Blu ray content that I could play it 24/7 for around a month without repeats.

    3. True but my point is people are willing to pay Bandai's asking price for each volume of Unicorn on bluray (around $50 each) which when you add up the cost by the time it finishes will be even more expensive than this set for about the same amount of content.

    4. @anon 3:56 Nobody was talking about Unicorn. 300+ dollars for 12 episodes is pretty much insanity. Actually, scratch the "pretty much".

    5. Lol I agree with you wholeheartedly. These prices ARE insane but then Gundam fans are an insane bunch after all (or incredibly rich). Textbook example of crack is cheaper right? haha.

    6. Saying that, overall, people are paying as much for Unicorn is missing the point. Unicorn is being released in installments, and while it is expensive it's affordable. Episodes of Unicorn take so long to come out that most of the people interested in purchasing it will probably have enough money to buy it when it gets released. This box-set conversely is a lot of money all at once.

  12. So they're catering almost exclusively to the homeland for now. Damn shame.

  13. Even though they never make a point of it in any of the tv series, it makes a lot of sense for the Feddies and Zeon to have well-established bases in a jungle. Maneuvering mobile suits through that kind of terrain must be hell and would realistically put a lot of stress on the attacker.

  14. The price is outrageous... I prefer buying some MG or a PG for this kind of price. BTW reading the comments from above, LOL Nike is not Exia/AGE super fanboys anymore

  15. My bank account is still recuperating from the Cowboy Bebop Bluray set (which was also sub-less and dub-less), but this is my favorite Gundam, so this is a definite purchase.

  16. 26250 Yen = $301.59 (US)

    Yea. Uh. Good job Bandai. Now you must wonder why not many people buy your BluRay/DVD's.
    Severely overpriced.

    1. Again, these are standard Japanese Bluray prices. They're ridiculous, but this is how much Bluray is in Japan, regardless of company. They're not intending this as something people will want to import.

  17. Damn...need that box for wallpaper...

  18. The Ground gundam reminds me of it being in the list of the "RG test pattern" I'm hoping they make it into an RG if not GP03s or S Gundam would be better choices for an RG gunpla

  19. will buy the bluray set for sure

  20. In case you guys didn't notice, Bandai never expect and hope anyone outside of japan will buy their BDs. So don't act as if they're trying to rip you off. They don't even give a damn if you pirated it.

  21. I reaaaaaaaaally hope Bandai will makes a Version 2.0 for "Ground" Gundam and Ez8 to go along with this

    1. A Gouf Custom 2.0 would make me shit myself.

  22. overpriced you say?...for hardcore Gundam Fans and alike, this is a prized possession. Something to be cherished your whole life. an OVA like this remastered into a BD is a priceless addition to one's collection...

  23. Wow and I thought paying $125 for the 5 disc set was expensive!

  24. I most certainly would have bought this if it had English subs. Oh, well... Time to look for the rip online.
