Wednesday, October 31, 2012

MG 1/100 Gundam AGE-2 SP Ver. - Custom Build

MG 1/100 Gundam AGE-2 SP Ver.
Modeled by ryugo


  1. This is not quite anime accurate colors, but none the less, it's a really nice custom color scheme that's more like inspired by the Special Forces color scheme..

    I hope Bandai releases a Special Forces Age-2 Normal in MG later.

    1. You don't have to reply back to my comments nor do you have to read them. I believe I've mentioned that many times on the comment section below.

      So unless you have anything pertinent to the blog post or my comment, I would appreciate if you didn't post at all.

      You're wasting your time, and more importantly my time.

    2. >implying your post contributing something to this blog

      by the way, those "I want this MG" shit make you look like a little kid begging for birthday/Christmas present

      Kid should not get the gunpla, get toys instead


    3. ITS A MODEL!!! Who the fuck cares if it isnt anime accurate? At least this guy paints his age 2 into a special forces color instead of whining about it over and over again. Seriously. Jeez

    4. Yeah, Charles Kim, nobody wants to make you waist your time reading their comments asking you to stop spamming over and over and over and over again the same BS about your wishlist... Bad anon, bad, why you no stop making suiton lose time from suiton busy busy spam life!?!!11!!!

      On topic (as I also don't want to make suiton waist his time reading non topic comments, poor suiton, he has so much gunpla to build), I find this veeeeery good looking, makes the MG look even more awefull...

    5. >waist
      oh, good english you got there

    6. @anon 12:44 there are other non english speaking countries in the world, I'm sure you no that, don't you?

    7. This shit is getting annoying, the point of the fact is that you are wasting your own time to post a comment to get people to say all the negativity. It's contradicting to tell other people to ignore your comments and yet you reply back to them to add fuel to the fire.

  2. Lol epic fail,how did that guy waste your time???you were the one who wanted to reply to his comment and u even stated "You don't have to reply back to my comments nor do you have to read them",then why did you also read his comment and replied to his comment.Plus,how is stating it is non anime accurate relavent to the topic?? It states custom built not painted built theres a diff fig it out urself

  3. Nike is a narcissistic jerk

  4. imagine if those mg els qan(t), exia r2/3, age2 sp ver, etc, etc, actually come out all at once, a day after suiton dies. that would be hilarious

  5. seriously this guy nike likes to spam, troll and generate a lot of heat from ppl, i'll give you credits to that. My god everything you likes to bitch about MG this MG that.....and this blog is not meant or correct channel for you to wish MG this MG that. Grow up and go to the proper channel to wish for your MG wishes....if that is never enough why not take it a step further.....maybe PG AGE-2 SP ver???

  6. Dam it looks good :D

  7. Still needs a locking mechanism for the legs

  8. well nike really is a troll for what he did that's for certain, but I can't believe majority of you loves to entertain him... -_-

    nike aside, the details of this one is amazing...
