Friday, January 11, 2013

HG 1/144 Gundam AGE-FX Burst - New Images [Updated 1/11/2013]

HG 1/144 Gundam AGE-FX Burst (Release Date: Jan 2013, Price: 1890 yen)

Above images via Gtoys Blog
Previously posted

Images via Gtoys Blog


  1. Is it just me or do the C-Funnel on the skirt seem pointier than the regular HG release?

    1. There ARE no C-Funnels on the skirt. That's thruster fire. The only C-Funnels on these pics are on the stand behind the MS.

    2. It's because those are not c funnels. Those are the flames that appear during burst mode.

    3. Sonic must be piloting this HEDGEHOG-FX Burst Gundam

  2. I took a look at the Actual C funnels in on the clear stand, and I think they're still using the old stickers, which makes the C Funnels 2 colored :< Still getting it tho

  3. How can anyone actually like this Gundam? It looks stupid in normal mode, and the Burst FX looks even more stupid

    1. I agreed with you. Quanta looks wayyyy better than this. And Setuna will spare no mercy while this kid give alot of mercies toward Vagan.

    2. Quanta is the best example of storing bits (C-funnel in this case), Quanta has them on the shield, which can be move to the back etc. in case they're on the way, this is not, everywhere this thing moves, it will hits its own C-Funnels. Even Providence & Legend Gundam did a better job at storing DRAGOONs.

    3. Um... Setsuna was all about mercy and going for soft kills (disable the machine while keeping the pilot alive), unless unavoidable. We just never got to seem him use the Quanta against piloted mobile suits. Pretty sure that he'd use the sword bits just like Kio does, decapitating and dismembering his opponents whenever possible.
      And that pretty much goes for the entirety of the Ptolemy's crew, (aside from Tieria, since his Gundams don't really have the option for surgical strikes like that). So much that it's pretty much the main philosophical difference between them and the Trinity siblings.

    4. uh, guys, please

    5. well whatever
      the Box Art looks gorgeous tho,

      but the kit itself is ugly

    6. I have to agree that 00 Qant looks better and more practical than Age FX. Still, I like the design of the FX but without the C funnels. As for pilots Setsuna and Kio can't be any more different. Setsuna has no problem killing someone if he deems them a threat/enemy first. Kio can't even protect himself and gets his own allies killed.

  4. I didn't really care much for Kio and I'm more character driven when it comes to gunpla. Maybe if it had a cooler pilot I would have liked the Age-3's and the FX more.

  5. By far the worst main mecha ever. Not only the pilot is annoying the burst mode serves no purpose. The giant beam rifle it got at the end of the show was also useless.

    At least the Age-3 looks better than this crap where i can over look the pilot being a wuss.

  6. I'd pass on this one. Not the kit's fault, but the original source itself looks to me like it's all effect and no substance. To begin with, those C funnels hanging from everwhere was already silly enough. And then this.
