Tuesday, December 25, 2012

MG 1/100 RX-93 Nu Gundam Ver. Ka - Hajime katoki & Producer Shigeru Horiguchi Interview (Eng Translated) & Official Images [Updated 12/25/12]

MG 1/100 RX-93 Nu Gundam Ver. Ka (Release Date: Dec 15th 2012, Price: 7350 yen)
Hajime Katoki & Producer Shigeru Horiguchi Interview (Eng Translated) & Official Images:

Above info via Gundam.Info *Thanks Derringer for the link up*

Above images via Gtoys Blog
Previously posted

Above new images via Toys Daily
Previously posted

Above image via CyberGundam

Above images via Toys Daily
Previously posted
Images via Cybergundam Blog 
Previously posted
*Thanks for the image Jonathan Rios*

Images via http://gtoys.blog48.fc2.com/blog-entry-6107.html#more


  1. I find amussing how after so many years they haven't fixed the scale problem with that Nu Gundam scene holding Sazabi's escape pod.


    1. you're wrong, the pic http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-UPmvHBfzPgQ/UDuAZE8-n0I/AAAAAAADPZc/J7x8t68qVHc/s1600/87.png shows nu trying to grab the escape pod from a distance, the pod is nearer to "us" and the nu is further away. thats why the pod seems so big compare to the gundam.

    2. The Sazabi isn't 70 meters tall. who the heck made that picture? It's 25.6 meters tall.

    3. No, that picture is trying to show how the two scene's scales do not match up. According to the anime, if the ball were the same scale in the two scenes, then the sazabi WOULD be 70m, but of course it isn't.

    4. The scale on that picture would still be wrong. You can see on the first picture that the escape pod is about half the size of the cockpit opening. In the pic where the Sazabi is 70m tall the escape pod isn't nearly as big. The Sazabi's escape pod would be bigger than it's eyes ya know.

    5. The problem isn't the Nu holding the escape pod, it's the scene in which we see the escape pod in the hangar. Take a look at the MG guide, you can see the actual size takes up quite a bit of the head and dwarfs the eye. Even then, there's no way the cockpit is fitting inside a ball that small.

  2. LOL I didn't know that today was 28 of August of 2112 XD

  3. in the image where they show the various depictions of the nu,i just laughed so hard when i saw the one on the far right. you cant make nu's image any worse than that.

    1. it's Yutaka Izubuchi sketch. you know, the original designer of the nu gundam..

    2. thing is, would you rather have it in that form as against the current incarnations? looks sloppy and too rounded for my taste. like they followed the general theme in victory's. but cca came first so what gives. anyhows we should be thankful this didnt become the official 'design'.

    3. Nice trolling, 10/10

    4. 10/10 for expert trolling

  4. MG Buster, Aegis and RG Zeta can all take a backseat. The Nu Gundam is the only kit I need for Christmas! :-)

  5. I know what I want for Christmas now =)

  6. this thing says that it can somehow take an LED!

  7. I would definetely buy this, but I don't know if my body is ready to build a Master Grade. How will I know when my body is ready for a Master Grade?

    1. When your body starts secreting strange liquid when thinking about building a MG.

    2. Oh, you'll know alright. That is when after you assembled your latest gunpla and your fingers are still itching to build more, You're no longer satisfied with just building tiny 1/144 scale kits, like first Anon said, your body starts secreting strange liquids just by thinking of building a master grade, you will feel a deep craving for an MG kit, and you'll keep tossing and turning in your bed at night, your palms will sweat, you will feel frustrated and irritated and you feel like you won't stop unless you get a Master Grade kit. Basically those are the symptoms, but be warned, once you get a taste of the Master Grade kits, you will crave for more. This is next big step in being a Gun-ota and once you take this step there is no turning back...

    3. LOL also be warned: crack is cheaper

    4. By strange liquids; that my men, is called "Gunpla pre-cum".

    5. when your wallet is ready for an MG, then your body is ready for an MG too.

    6. do you think that MG Guy that always demand MG version of any GunPla suffers this disease?

  8. Replies
    1. Keyword: FAGGOT

    2. Yeah....because proportions on a redesign of a fictional robot design are so important.

    3. The proportions are definitely better than the first MG nu who looks ugly as fuck.

  9. 90 degree kneee !!!
    LOL !!

    1. Cannot agree more, mate...

      But still a good one though, for a ver. Ka. kit

    2. *cries*

      Sadly, it seems to be so ;_;

      But it looks like the arms have a pretty nice bend. . .

    3. Nah.. see the pic https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/198028_383598731728289_895836191_n.jpg

  10. somehow i feel bad pre-ordering this kit... the proportions is still bulky and fat and the face when looked directly infront is still ugly as fuck.

  11. Looks like his beam saber (the one that comes out from his arm) has similar effect parts or details as the MG Sinanju. Then his main beam saber would be more similar to the old HGUC.

  12. Hoping for a RG Hi-nu....

    1. Hi-Nu Ver Ka. works 4 me

    2. but is most unlikely to happen, or at least anytime soon. My bet is on MG Sazabi ver. Ka because the old MG sazabi is shit, same as the old NU mg. As for RG, it's hard to predict what the next RG is for the UC series. but my bet on the next RG in the seed series would be saviour, since they already started to make transformable RGs. and Saviour is the most logical answer when looking at the SEED RG pattern.

    3. The old Nu Mg is not as shitty as u said. Its just an old model, but it was great when it came out. I owned it and bought it when it was first released. so stop complaining for those u just recently entered the hobby.

  13. great details! no need for further detailing on my part... me likey...

  14. Correct me if I'm wrong but, isn't the Nu GFF designed by Katoki.
    So technically there are two NUs that are designed by Katoki?

    1. That might be the case. This is the latest design using the latest MG technology that Bandai has. It also has a full psychoframe - something that isn't in the Nu Gundam's original design - which could be a personal touch of Katoki himself bridging the technological gap between Nu and Unicorn.

  15. I smell MG Nu Gundam HWS Ver.Ka

    1. Online limited edition?

      Bandai : Gunpla WEB Shop exclusives = when your dreams became true... nightmare XD

    2. Maybe a good idea for a conversion kit???

  16. Hmm so that's what's this secret gimmick's all about.
    and this:

  17. Big bulky feets again? We're talking about gundams here not a zaku, For me the only best kits that katoki designed are mg ex-s, sinanju and unicorn others failed in terms proportions like what he did on PG strike freedom who's knees are so thin and feets are so wide..
    That's why conversion kits are made not only to enhance the looks but also to fix what is wrong with the proportions..

    1. Conversion kits are usually pretty cool but are always so insanely contemporary and never timeless. Look at how silly G System conversions are after a few years.

  18. two armors types or does it simply expand like the unicorn or cast off (ala liger)

  19. pale pink beam sabers :(

  20. Can't imagine what Katoki will do on the Sazabi ver. ka since this Nu has some added features or some may say is "retconned", it looks like it'll have many new features as what he did with the Nu.

  21. I doubt the existence of Nu in Unicorn Gundam OVA Ep 7 due to:
    1- The Ep 7 is not planned from the beginning, there have to be some changes in the plot compared with the light novel
    2- Sudden appearance of Nu MG ver Ka from nowhere (and very right timing I suspect)
    3- The similar mechanism to Unicorn for the psycho frame (and it's actually transformable from the latest image!!!)
    Just my doubt! (or my imagination maybe :P)

    1. Dafuq, you say you doubt that Nu will appear in ep7 but your given reasons support or give more chance of it to make an appearance in ep7

  22. i get horny every time I see the Nu gundam ver.ka

    1. Are your hips moving on their own? XD

  23. I am still not liking Katoki retconning the original nu design to fit his own Unicorn design with the full psychoframe that didn't exist in 0093...

    1. well, there's a part of me that doesn't like the fact the this Nu is retconned with them full psychoframe BUT there's also a part of me that fucking loves how this thing looks. It just looks too great to be hated

    2. I think it has a lot to do with your personal experience with CCA. If you are from Japan or East Asia and are old enough to have watched the original CCA release in theatres back in 1998, it's a very shocking experience to have watched Amuro and Char vanish in the lights. It's like the kids/teens who went to the cinema only to have watched Optimus Prime died or Darth Vader telling Luke that he is his father. It's a cultural shock. And to them retconning something that is part of their childhood is just wrong and offensive to the original work. I am one of those older UC Gundam fans, and I have been welcoming all of the MG and MG 2.0 of the old UC-era MS, because they are true and faithful to the original designs as they first appeared on the TV/Movie/OVA, but I too find this Ver.Ka way off with the retcon addition of full psychoframe.

      Just saying

    3. Another retcon will be:
      Char and Amuro are still alive in a very faraway place with adopted alien children.

    4. I now have a picture in my head of Amuro in a rocking chair with Char saying "dinner's ready!" surrounded by war orphans.

    5. Anonymous 7:18

      Too much "Seed" can cause you "Destiny" failure or take your "cosmos" to reach a 7th. sense XD

      ~ Old school anime fan

    6. Guys I don't think that it is meant to be a full pyscoframe- Perhaps it's just a gimmick to make it appear to as it did at the end of Char's counterattack with the psychoframe aura as he was trying to push back Axis

  24. Char: Lalah was like my mother
    Amuro: Arrrrhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
    Char: So, I AM YOUR FATHER!!
    Amuro: Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Char: And Beltorchika is pregnant with my child!
    Amuro: Oh That's ok. I had thing with your sister back on the White Base.

  25. "Are you sure you're not limiting yourself to the images that were offered in the animated series?"
    - Hajime Katoki

    Bandai does not make kits just to cater to what fans want or what fans think. They couldn't care less if this design offends you or that it isn't "true and faithful" to the original designs. Why? Because it's a REDESIGN. It's NOT supposed to be so faithful to the original. Also, it's a ver Ka, so you know that there will be many changes.

    I really find it funny reading all those "it's offensive to the original design" stuff because, really, it's not. Designs get changed/modified/retrofitted all the time based either on redesigns for a specific line or updates in the actual in-universe technology (full psycoframe, ultimate Gundam stuff) or a combination of both. It's best to judge this kit by its merits rather than any perceived effect the retrofitted parts will have on the story or the "experience."

    1. Bandai doesn't make kits to cater what the fans want? When they are the ones who buy them? No more like Bandai thinks this is what people wants because of how well Unicorn is selling. But they have it backward. People are buying Unicorn stuff because it's UC, not the other way around. Retconning retarded gimmicks like full psycho frame mode into a classic design is just putting Katoki on an undeserved pedestal

    2. Is Katoki the Steve Jobs of Gunpla? Katoki fanboys are like Apple fanboys. So Katoki can redesign whatever he wants? Can he redesign nu so it can transform into a waverider like Z? or Give nu a core fighter system? Or give the original RX-78 a 360 cockpit?

      The thing about the fictional Gundam universe is that everything is based on "real" science and technology. 360 cockpit did not exist in 0079 (except the experimental NT-1. Tranformable MS did not come into production until 0087. Paychoframe was new in 0093. To retcon (or "refit" if that's the word you chose to use) nu with Unicorn style full psyhcoframe is like putting a F-22 fight jet in a world war 2 movie.

    3. Actually, according to Nu's design,it does have Psycoframe technology which Char secretly provided to Anaheim Electronics (so Amuro Ray will be able to rival his Sajabi. So having green frame in this new deesin is not wrong at all. U can check the information

    4. I rewatched CCA last night and it was explained that the psycoframe was only around the cockpit area rather than the whole body.

    5. @Anon November 29 11:52AM

      People buying Unicorn because it's UC and not the other way around? Only half true. How many of the current Gundam fan population are old enough to actually watch Char's Counterattack much less the originals? How many of the fans have only watched the remastered Zeta films instead of the original series? Sure, there were several UC material between Char's Counterattack and Gundam Unicorn but which of them actually garnered mainstream success?

      As far as many fans were concerned, the first story (and the most popular UC storyline) ended with Char's Counterattack. Without the Alternate Timelines, the entire Gundam franchise would have been dead by now. So while I understand your concerns about putting Katoki on a pedestal, I'd say you give UC too much credit for Gundam's current popularity. Not everything about Gundam and Gunpla revolves around UC.

    6. @Anon November 29 5.01 PM

      Can you not make your own assumptions that this was Katokis idea? There was an animated special where similar looking nu had psychoframe exposed when it was pushing back the meteor. It's not even a full psychoframe system so it's plausible for it's time. After all, the Unicorn is based off the nu.

  26. Bandai's really milking this Unicorn version psycho frame redesign huh. Can't blame them though. After the gag-barfing terrible kid-appeal bullshit that is Gundam Age, I'm not surprised.

    Why couldn't you guys just make Gunpla Builders Beginning G into a full anime series? THAT WOULD'VE AT LEAST BEEN LESS SHITTY. Just the damn fight scene at the last ep was enough to make me throw money at my screen. Gundams... GUNDAMS EVERYWHERE!

    And as much as I loved the fact that a MG can now double fin funnel like the HG, I think it's just weird to have it have a psycho frame...

    and the knees... why you no bend more than 90 degrees knees? WHY.

    Even the Gundam Unicorn can bend more than 90 now... I suppose that's what they'll do though. Release this with defects like proportions and articulation, then release a similar one with only little to no changes for double price.

    1. Continue trolling please.

      Because in this hobby, not much cares shit about Canon stuff or not, people make tons of customization, it is how this hobby is. You should welcome new things. The most boring thing ever is to snap together a kit that looks exactly like in the anime and then paint it with a plain exactly like the anime paint job. Okay, it's nice and all but ain't you feel damn BORED doing the same thing over and over again without no creativity whatsoever?

      Bloody MG that does nothing but follow the original art. Do more stuff like this from now on Bandai.

    2. Yeah, you pay for the model kit, why would you want something that like 80% of the people around the world have when you can do so much more with the kit.

    3. people calling AGE "kiddy" or whatever are the biggest fuckheads

    4. That's because it was designed FOR CHILDREN. That's the main point of the entire Gundam Age Series. So that new kids will get into the gundam franchise.

      That's exactly the same as how The Transformers got redesigned so that the new fans and KIDS can get into it.

  27. If all the kits were anime accurate, theyll all be dull and misproportioned. -,-...

  28. I really love this redesign, and the little bits of psycoframe that show is a nice touch, since it had it in the body to begin with. For the people who don't like the psycoframe, you could just not reveal it and keep the panels closed, problem solved.

  29. What the hell are you talking about. All we wouldn't mind is the Double Fin Funnel compatibility and the slightly sleeker redesign.

    We'd still be stuck paying extra for a psycho frame we don't need or even freaking want. Problem solved our ass...

  30. I love the opening panels, it matches the evolve version with its panels. If you don't think you'd be paying loads for this kit anyway, then there's something wrong

  31. i hope they Re-Do the EX-S Gundam also.:)

  32. Holy damn, this thing is BEAUTIFUL!!! Plus Destroy Mode! Costs the same as the Hi-Nu too

  33. Never has an MG made me want to buy one! The redesign combined with the destroy mode (or whatever its called), the effect is just beautiful! I guess I can skip out on getting the HG Nu. Hopefully the Hi-Nu will get this treatment soon.

  34. silly nitpickers and silly complaints...

  35. People, this Nu Ver Ka is not designed from CCA. It is designed from a CG movie that played at Gundam Front in April, that features Amuro vs. Char. From the images I have seen (I haven't seen the movie), in that CG movie Nu exposes psycho frame while fighting Sazabi and while pushing Axis away from the Earth.

    If you look at the images above, the ones that are in CG are from that movie. You notice in some of them, Nu has red psycho frame breaking through it's armor, that is where the gimmick comes from, it is not random and it is not because Katoki just thought it was a cool add on.

    This kit is not intended to appear as it did in the movie Char's Counter Attack, but as it appeared in the CG movie that it was designed after.

    Stop complaining

    1. I know right? Don't want it, don't buy it. Problem solved. Just wait for an actual Ver. 2.0 of the kit.

  36. Hipster Nu Gundam says I has green full body psychoframe before unicorn did!

  37. The more I see this kit the better it gets. Just look at the details for example the instrument fins protruding out above the chest. How awesome. Katoki poured his soul into his work here and it shows. Beautiful work!

  38. hi everyone can anyone tell me will this kit come with the green LED

  39. if you like it you can buy it, if you dont like it just sit back

    Release date: March 14, 2013

    Famitsu Magazine Scan :


  41. Preserving the original my ass that retard Katoki just copied VP's resin cast he even couldnt fix the problem the original Nu suffered.

    1. You are the retard. Bandai designed the Evolve version first for their CG shorts. VP used that design for their resin. Katoki's is 100% legal, VP's breaches copyright.
      And there are many differences between both designs. Katoki's retains a lot of the smoothness between armour segments like on the original Nu, whereas the evolve version had very harsh changes in armour surfaces.
      Next time know what you are talking about before spouting shit, asshole.

    2. @Anon December 25, 2012 11:45 AM
      merry xmass, retard

  42. Dalong's review is up. For those of you that follow him, Sinanju got a 112, Nu ver Ka got a 120.


    1. The MG ν ver. Ka. is the MG's new king ( 120... speechless )

      Katoki studio always haves the cards to win

    2. Its designed in the same place as the rest of the MG kits.
      By the same people. Ver.Ka means a lot less than people keep thinking.

  43. Oh Dear...Will Sazabi Ver Ka have small head, skinny waist, and super long legs too?

    1. Hope not, the head proportion was always the biggest design problem of Sazabi ( no matter what product line ) if you are fan of Mazinger Z you can compare both head - which the pilot cockpit located - and you will see the difference.

  44. I. Am. Amazed.
    Even after (possibly) read the interview, some people still thinks this redesign is an insult to the original, sigh.
