Tuesday, August 7, 2012

HG 1/144 Gundam AGE-3 Orbital - Review by Taka421

HG 1/144 Gundam AGE-3 Orbital (Released in Japan, Price: 1,800 yen) 

Review by Taka421



  1. MG Age-1 Flat
    MG Age-1 Flat (w/ Zefuld Launcher)
    MG Age-1 Flat (w/ Grandsa Armor)
    MG Age-2 Double Bullet
    MG Age-2 Normal Special Ops
    MG Age-2 Darkhound
    MG Age-3 Normal
    MG Age-3 Fortress
    MG Age-3 Orbital
    MG Age-FX

    Make it happen Bandai!

    1. You are very consistent indeed...

    2. You forgot to take your pills again, haven't you? You're not even trying now... But thanks for your lovelly and very profound imput on this kit review, I'm sure it will help ppl interested in this product to no end... I think bandai should just stop making HG kits, and other series MGs while they're at it, and just make stupid Age variations of the leads (some of which anybody can do with little more then a spray can) so suiton can calm is obsessive behaviour a little, by adding to his growing collection of boxes....

    3. Shut up Charlie! All you do is spam all the damn website, you autistic fgt. Do yourself a favor and SHUT THE FCK UP. And don't say I'm jealous or that crap, because when you do, it makes you seem even more of an autistic fgt. Do I make myself clear, or is this burn too hot to handle?

    4. How I wish I could find him and beat the crap out of him.

  2. There are more important gunplas to be turned to MG before those crap.... Also stop posting fgt

  3. I never realized how much interchangability the AGE kits had, some kid is going to have loads of fun swapping out the limbs
