Sunday, August 19, 2012

Biglobe Poll: Best Gundam TV Series After 1989 [News via AnimeNewsNetwork]

Gundam 00, Gundam W, Turn A Gundam lead the results
[News via AnimeNewsNetwork]
The Japanese Internet service provider BIGLOBE posted the results on Friday of a survey on the best "Heisei Gundam" television series. This is not an official BIGLOBE survey, but a survey conducted by a user named "Jude Saijaku" under BIGLOBE's Anime Ranking Maker system.
The poll is specifically limited to Gundam television series that aired in 1989 (Heisei 1 in the Japanese calendar system) or later, so such titles as Gundam 0080, Gundam 0083, Gundam: The 08th MS Team, Gundam W: Endless Waltz, Gundam MS IGLOO, and Gundam UC are out of the running.
Among the 4,446 self-selected responses from users of BIGLOBE's Anime One portal site, these were the top 9 choices:
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 (Votes: 697)
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing (Votes: 540)
Turn A Gundam (Votes: 522)
After War Gundam X (Votes: 519)

Mobile Fighter G Gundam (Votes: 501)
Mobile Suit V Gundam (Votes: 455)
Mobile Suit Gundam AGE (Votes: 397)
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed (Votes: 385)
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny (Votes: 298)
A voter also wrote in the tongue-in-cheek responses "Moriizo Sunlight" (107 votes), "Saitama Obutsu" (23 votes), and "Fubukide ni Naru" (11 votes).

[News via AnimeNewsNetwork]


  1. I feel this is accurate to my taste

    1. Shit taste that is. 00 is overrated, so does Wing

    2. W series is in the personal essay,and Schema of the 00 series is better than w ,comment please do not arbitrarily .

    3. I only agree with the top 3, the rest is questionable.

      @anon 11:27 PM
      then what gundam series your sh*t like ?
      your comments show what you really are.. careful.

    4. @anon 11:27
      I didn't ask for your opinion. 00 is a great series. May not be the best but a lot of people love it. Just because a lot of people like it ,doesn't make it overrated.

    5. "May be not the best" well then, can you explain all the hassle down below like @Anon 11:44? And others that are scattered around the internet?

  2. 00 and Wing are quite similar. Personally, I'd have voted for X.

  3. I think this was rigged by UC fans.

  4. In the fact,00 is the best out of the UC series.

    1. 00 is the best outside the UC series works

    2. just don't include the movie.

    3. 00 movies have played their own mood, different from the historical series

    4. The real truth!!!~~

  5. Hmm not really my list. I (litterally) fell in Love with Wing for many of the reasons that people seem to hate it. So that'll still be my personal number one. But aside from that, are we really going to say that AGE and G-Gundam are better than Seed '_' not to mention that 00 has been the only gundam series that I found forgetable because I actually tend to forget about it...

    1. Finally was recognized the value of 00 series

  6. I'm happy to see X is far from forgotten in this list... :D

  7. Apparently, the winners get nothing while the losers get HD remasters. Nice!

    1. 00 should be HD remastered :saracsm

    2. Well lets see here. It appears that the losers is what made Gundam 00, Unicorn possible if not Gundam series will bite the dust

    3. Bandai just to sell SEED models, don't think too much.

  8. lol at SEED, though I have nothing against it, but where is that loyal SEED anon fag? are you reading this? umadbro?

    1. Not mad at all because this is the western poll and i don't give a shit what the western think. According to the Japanese poll, SEED is 4th out of 20.

    2. This isn't a western Poll, it was done on a japanese site.
      That video you linked references an old poll, times change and SEED falls.

    3. Is someone living in the past seed series era of brainwashing

  9. BIGLOBE incharge of having shit taste...

    1. Layman, was unclear in Japan many people use

  10. Nice to see Turn A getting some well deserved recognition!

  11. Some people just cannot handle results.....they will only say that it is legitimate when their series is the best...gundam seed is unoriginal and stupid

    1. True story. Seed are a copy/paste of MSG, Wing, Victory, Turn A...

  12. So that means there are more GAY people in the Gundam fandom now

    1. And the Seeders are... and the fangirls are...

      Seed/Destiny = GAY


    2. Actually there are more GAY people in 00, which suits perfectly for crazy otaku females and GAY boys

  13. completely agree with the first top 3.
    00, wing, turn-a, are all my favorite.

    really surprised seed and destiny are scored lower than g-gundam.
    (or perhaps surprised g-gundam itself got into list, lol XD )

    1. G series in Japan often playback,is Japanese favorite

  14. Seed was still ok AGE is the SERIES that is TRULY UN-ORGINAL.
    Every series will more or less have similarities in more then a few ways.
    Why complain so much, after all it's just anime.

  15. My list would've been slightly different, like putting X in the top three instead of Turn A, but SEED/DESTINY would still be bottom.

  16. Gundam seed is the TOP XD.

  17. What do people see in 00?

    It's just some overpowered giant robots with magical particles, that make everything possible, with annoying one dimensional, dull characters, without any character developement, wrapped in magnificent HD. If it weren't for the battles and animation I wouldn't have watched this series past episode 10 of the first season. And don't get me started about the story - there was hardly anything you could call story, not to talk about a plot twist. The second season was slightly better... slightly!

    Everything stated above goes for Gundam WING as well - ok, not the HD part. The characters were soooo boring and dull that I stopped watching after ep. 15.

    I for one LOVE GUNDAM SEED, because of it's characters and realism in their reactions and growth. Don't get me wrong. I'm talking exclusively about Gundam SEED, not SEED Destiny. I hate Gundam SEED Destiny... it's boringness and dullnes was on par with 00 and Wing... those were about 20 hours of my life wasted for nothing... Together with the first season of 00 and the first 15 episodes of Wing makes this more than 34 hours of my life I regret and will never get back...

    1. And the 2 minutes I needed to calculate how much time this tri-force of shit has cost me also don't make the matter any better.

    2. Okay... Okay... What people see in 00? Well, let me talk to you as a long time U.C fan first, and looking at it from this perspective. One of the few times in Gundam you have a hero faction that is well trained from the get-go, have their agenda that is questionable in morality, and clearly from the beginning are fleshed out.
      People throw the term one-dimensional around just when they don't like someone. One-dimensional characters are people that have 1 interest or 1 emotion. Take someone who just likes to kill things for no reason other than to fight. Or a stereotypical gay character in a comedy who just likes fashion.
      A two-dimensional character (or rather, a 'flat' character) is a character with multiple characteristics, but doesn't develop or have some form of arc(either through flashbacks or story progression). This is someone like C-3P0 from Star Wars.
      Now a three-dimensional character, is someone who has an arc or has a story to be told (again, through flashbacks). From the very beginning we see Setsuna has an obsession with being a Gundam Mesiter, and idolizes it like a hero. He grows to see the importance of a Gundam Meister, and sees the ultimate reason behind it. This is made clear when Setsuna has to downgrade back to the Exia in Season 2 before fighting the Gundam he always worshiped, the 0 Gundam. It is a visual representation of the arc he had made.
      Now look at his counterpart, Graham Aker. A man who started out as a regular soldier, grew to be obsessed with beating the Gundams, then came to see something beyond that (illustrated by sacrificing himself in the movie for Setsuna.)
      I could go all day, and if you want me to talk about a specific character, I can tell you how they are not a 1-D character. The Trinities mite be considered 1-D, but for the most part the show is pretty solid in the character department.
      Anyway, as for a story. From the beginning Celestial Being had a goal, they were working towards it, and all throughout the first season we saw the fruition of their merits. In the second season, their plan to unite the world worked and they fought the A-Laws and the Innovates to remove the corrupted core/leadership from the new Earth Federation to prepare them for the aliens and to evolve into Innovators. I mean, this is a pretty damn simple plot, and for it go over your head just baffles me. (unless of course you are trying to be contrarian)
      But I'm supposed to tell you why I like it as a long time Gundam fan. The show was different. People say it's a clone of Wing, but other than "overpowered Gundams against the world" there are hardly any similarities. Some say the second season is a clone of Zeta. I saw kinda, but it went its own direction. Why I liked the show, especially coming off both SEED and SEED Destiny, was just how strong the antagonist cast is. Graham is a great rival, Patrick is a funny homage to the loser-villain archetype, Sergei is a great Ramba Ral type, and Ali-Al Sanchez, as cartoonish as he is, was just a fun villain. I don't know, it's funny you bash 00 like you do, but I just get the feeling SEED was your first series. I personally think SEED and Destiny are the weakest entry into the Gundam franchise.

    3. Gundam 00 is easy to understand when you find out that Aeolia Schenburg planned EVERYTHING in the series

    4. sorry, your opinion is moot

    5. Magical Particles? XD dont make me laugh study up "Particle in a box" theory. Yes it's still a theory and has been already hypothesised, but it is observable through empirical studies. Not gonna explain to you why if you don't know what that means.

  18. AGE is not yet finished yet it exceeds Seed. I personally think that AGE is one of the best Gundam shows recently.

  19. well,00 not so bad but I don't think it deserve to be the best series

  20. You know when this list is illegitimate when AGE is ranked higher than Seed.

  21. Its funny how ppl slam 00 for "magical particles" and "OP robots", its SCI-FI DUHHHHHH

    Honestly its the best AC series to date and alot of the polls so far shows that, if you like the other series thats fine by me, whatever floats your boat

    As for the list I wish Victory was higher....the only thing it was lacking was memorable suit designs other than the V2

  22. The only Gundam Series in this list I havent seen are X and AGE, but to be honest, I don't think I could vote for any of them because they are all so good. I like all of the series I've seen equally. I've found the strengths and weaknesses in the ones I've watched, but there is not a series that I would favor over the other. At the end of the day they're all Number One in my book

  23. Haha and 00 takes the win!! Good. This is how it should be. Everybody hates on 00 for being overpowered and having aliens in the movie. Its on top. People need to stop hating and just enjoy it. The only thing that could top 00 is unicorn and the original gundam. Ha you do not know the power of the GN DRIVE!!

    1. The real truth, than the comments above to the actual.

  24. 00 and WING are the best gundam series so far.. I'm happy beacuse G GUNDAM make it to the top 5

    1. G SERIES in Japan OFTEN playback, it's still very popular.

  25. I thought SEED should be at least at top 3, but even AGE beat it orz

    also glad Turn A and G made it into 3rd and 5th, love both of them :D

  26. People apparently like 00, Just fresh and churning in people's minds I'd say.
    SEED was created as a parallel to UC so maybe...
    Destiny makes all the sense in the world though, actually surprised it's on there at all, lol
    Surprised to see Wing where it is too.

    And all the series' that don't receive as much love as they should, ranking thank goodness.

  27. SEED deserves to be on the bottom imo, weakest entries into gundam period.

    I also love all the butthurtness here, this is what I've gathered from the majority of Gundam fans over the 13 years of my fandom; -clears throat-



    Seriously? WTF do you people want? just sit back and enjoy it, be glad we got a 30+ year old franchise to enjoy. Why does someones negative opinion of your favorite show matter? Does there opinion really effect how you like it? Jeez...

  28. seriously, gundam series is great but i cant say the same thing for its fanbase. they are all "gundam" yet they are so many haters that just can bear with a certain series. fine, you dont like it? keep silence, there are people that like it and i believe nobody would love their favourite series being criticised with
