Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My Favorite Collectables: Wind-Up RX-78-2 Gundam

My Favorite Collectables: Wind-Up RX-78-2 Gundam
A friend got this in Japan and gave it to me along with a wind-up Dom and Big Zam.  Once the toy wind-up, it walks and its head wobbles.  In the midst of all the cool and ultra detail toys releases in the recent years, sometime I find it refreshingly retro to play with these simple yet enjoyable toys...especially when it is the RX-78-2 Gundam.  Perhaps will make a short video of the Dom chasing the RX-78-2 Gundam later...


  1. You need two more Doms to make it right

  2. Oh? Is that a HG 1/144 0 Gundam (Type ACD) I see there? Are you hinting at more new 00 kits coming soon?

    1. Dude you are about 1 post away from getting a 1/1 scale of my foot in your ass.
      So just shut up what ever your thinking or what ever your going to post just don't its that simple

    2. At first I thought he was some autist obsessed with certain kits. Now I'm convinced he's some fuckhead troll. A very dedicated troll that spouts the same shit where ever he goes. Just ignore him.

    3. Of course not, you can obviously see that it's a Tieren

    4. I'm actually interested in how you came to that conclusion.
      Also, I'm not sure if you're the worst troll or the best, considering you manage to piss so many people off.

  3. Dear GG, I would like to request to have 'xxnike629xx' banned from this site. As administrator of this website you should be aware of the amount of hate and flame wars he is causing due to his trolling. Even myself, a casual visitor to the site, is starting to really pissed of by him and the chaos he keeps causing.
    I know this may seem harsh, but this has been going on far too long now. To the point where I can literally predict when he's going to pop up on the site. As the admin I believe you know when it crosses the line.
    So please, for the sake of peace on this great gunpla website, I beg that you get rid of him.

    Any other viewers who agree, please follow up after this comment.

    1. didn't agree.

      I know xxnike629 is sometimes annoying, but it's nothing compared to troll cv or codename:v, years back when nk is still around, which cv is always insulting someone.

      so far xxnike629 didn't insult anybody (as far as I know), so I don't mind he's still around.
      Don't know about you but for me I feel his troll make this blog feels more lively, lol :D.

      of course this back to GG as site owner.
      if his comment is somehow abusing space on comment database, well (*lol*), then feel free to do whatever necessary...

      happy commenting.
      and thanks to GG as always. :)

    2. Sometimes annoying? Really man? He's been pulling the same shit over various forums (Gundam Eclipse, MAHQ, anime suki, youtube comments). He will always stop visiting said forums/posting once getting told off by other posters and will then move onto the next one, continuing the cycle. It's one thing if he's just an obsessed fan,but he pisses off people wherever he goes. He's a troll. Best course of action? Aside from banning? Ignore him.
      Also, yeah I remember cv, fuck that asshat.But shitposting is shitposting, both cv and suiton are asshats.

    3. Wow, and here I thought it was just an isolated case at GG...

  4. nice GG, this bring back memories.
    I remembered having this type of wind-up toys back then, couple years ago.
    really missed them.. T__T

  5. hope gginfinite folds up.

  6. cool! GG maybe you want to get one of these Gundam NOCO NOCO toys?


    They walk like a penguin when you let them walk. no need to wind em up, they walk with the help of gravity hahaha.
