Tuesday, July 10, 2012

HG 1/144 Dark Hound - Build & Review Images

HG 1/144 Dark Hound  (Release Date: Jul 2012, Price: 1260 yen)
Review by Tagimi



  1. This definitely screams Master Grade future release.. =)

    1. STFU. Pour a cup of water on your computer.

    2. Well, considering that this is a variation of the AGE-2 Normal, and (most of) the variations of the AGE-1 were released, YOU THINK?

    3. Common sense (from a fan perspective) is not always in line with Bandai's release schedule, or so I've found. Example: The number of years between the first release of MG Gundam Unicorn (Dec. 2007) and the recent MG Unicorn Banshee (Mar. 2012.) The major difference? The Banshee is black, the clear pieces are yellow, and the the head crest is different. The arm kibble was added in the OVA, but it's virtually the same! Why did it take 4+ years to release it? Only Bandai will ever know.

      I think They've cut back on MG variations in general due to the price point. IIRC, there was announcement from Bandai a year ago about their business plan for Gundam. Basically, more HG kits and less MG/PG, because more people can afford the 1/144 scale and are more likely to buy more HG than MG. Which kind of sucks, because MG gives all the extras and detail we crave.

      On the plus side, HG kits have gotten a LOT better compared to when they were first introduced- HG kits don't fall apart when you look at them, joints are solid, gimmicks galore.

      Bottom line: Let's cross our fingers and hope to see it this year!

    4. On your note, I personally think the PG line is dead since Master Grades can essentially do what Perfect Grades can (00 Raiser for example had the connecting parts for the 0 Raiser binders than made the drives turn without moving the mounts was also in the Perfect Grade) for half the price and in a smaller scale.

    5. Blue Aleseides, I know Bandai is a bit weird but your example does not really make your arguement valid. The MG Unicorn released in 2007 was the novel version, the potential in the novel lead Bandai to make the model and eventualy the OVA in Mar.2010 along with the MG Unicorn OVA version. They realized if they were to make a novel version Banshee it would be a waste so they waited for the 5th epsiode of the OVA to come out and make the OVA version Banshee. It wouldn't be nice to spoil the episode with model kits right?

  2. Sweet! I was a little worried they'd cut out the beam sabers, but they seem to be there. Hmm...this comes with a fair amount of weapons. I'm looking forward to picking this up!
