Monday, August 13, 2012

SD Gundam Capsule Fighter Online - New Characters Updated [8/13/2012]

SD Gundam Capsule Fighter Online - Info via (Info translated with Google, so it could be off a bit.)

GN Armor Type-E Exia - Melee (Rock) / S-rank / Item capsule machine
A mobile suit from Mobile Suit Gundam 00. Its Large GN Sword carves through close-up foes. Using its Large GN Cannon, it can pick off enemies at a distance, making it good at all ranges. After its gear swap, it's far more maneuverable, but at the cost of weapons selection.

Vigna Ghina - All-around (Scissors) / A-rank / Milage Box
A mobile suit from Mobile Suit Gundam F91. Focused on mid- to long-range combat, its Beam Launcher picks off far-off enemies while inflicting a Slow effect to help your team. Potentially boosts its SP gain, making it easy to focus on landing specials.

Geara Doga - Melee (Rock) / C-rank / Capsule machine. 
A mobile suit from Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack. While it specializes in melee, its rapid-fire Beam Machine Gun lets it hold its own at mid-range. Reload Up makes it even easier to fight at a standoff. Enemies strong against beams can be handled with its Sturmfaust rocket.

Jegan (R) - All-around (Scissors) / C-rank / Capsule Machine
A mobile suit from Mobile Suit Gundam F91. Its main weapon is its Beam Rifle, and it switches to Grenade Launchers up close. Mobility Up lets it dash in close to long-range attackers.

??? - Ranged (Paper) / AR-rank / Item Capsule Machine 
A mobile suit from Mobile Suit Gundam 00.

??? - All-around (Scissors) / CR-rank / Item Capsule Machine
A mobile suit from Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack.

Previously Posted
SD Gundam Capsule Fighter Online, the online action game for Windows, will add new units after the maintenance scheduled for August 1st. This update features 00 Gundam Seven Swords/G, the first SR-rank, the Reborns Gundam, a threat at any range, the melee-focused Char Custom Gelgoog and the Wing Gundam (EW), armed with a fantastically-powerful Buster Rifle. 

Users who log in between the 7/26 and 8/1 maintenances will also receive a free Providence Gundam. Don't miss your chance to get a S-rank unit!


  1. 1 question but no offense PG. Why are you posting these???

  2. plus they are not new characters..
    they had released those suits for months now

    1. Maybe they're new to the Japanese version?

  3. because it makes me happy :)
    i'm playin' the game and i'm normally not able to get the characters but this way i see how they work :)

    1. There's a thing called SDGO wiki and Youtube. Those alone can provide you with so much more updated units and infos.

  4. this is for the north america version of the game, right? cause i swear i'll go back to playing if this also affects the SD gundam online South east asia. a FREE S-RANK!?!?!!!! reborns gundam is still only for rent in SDGO SEA.

    1. No, these are the updates for the Japanese server, which is why GG posting them is entirely worthless. You can't play Japan's server without proof of citizenship.

  5. あえて日本人が日本語で書きます

  6. in fact, you CAN play the japanese server. Its free. You need nothing to install the client
