Monday, July 16, 2012

HG 1/144 Gundam AGE-FX - New Images [Updated 7/16/12]

HG 1/144 Gundam AGE-FX (Release Date: Aug 2012, Price: 1680 yen)
*A new image added*
 Core Fighter

Images via Gtoys Blog


  1. Now that I look the rifle closely, it vaguely look like the 00Qant rifle with sword bits on.

    Since its the same designer, should we expecting a full burst mode?

    1. 00 qan[t] doesn't have a rifle, it has a sword/rifle.

    2. Obviously meant the rifle mode.

    3. now that i think about it. Most/All Gundam varient's beam rifle looks like Rx-78-2's beam rifle.

  2. Put some GN Condensers on this thing and it would've looked like it came straight from the 00 universe.

    1. Maybe because it's the same Mechanic Designer for both shows........................

    2. Yeah... I know that already. And that's all I'm saying. You can easily place this somewhere in 00 and it would fit in perfectly. Like this could've been the Qan[T] too.

    3. No, its too bulky to be setsuna's personal mobile suit. If all of the gundam meisters had a 00 qant varient, then it could be tierias but i agree it looks like it would fit from 00.

    4. Seems like Bandai is hinting at MG Exia R2 and MG 00 Qan[T] ELS with these designs...


    5. Total bullshit, faggot.

  3. While i do see some 00Quant, I have to say i see some Nu/Hi-Nu gundam in there, especially the legs

  4. It seems the bits are forming at the back. So its definitely not a shield like the 00 Qan[T]'s, whose bits form at the front to block attacks. Maybe its some kind of booster? its definitely not a canon if its at the back.

    1. In Gundamguy's AG 144 AGE FX promo pic, somebody translated the kana as saying some of the bits/funnels can combine with the core fighter.

      Funnel enabled core fighter = win

      Also, the bits/funnels are able to combine with the 'Blustia' rifle/cannon ala Qant GN Buster Rifle, and is said to have many forms of this rifle. You're possibly dead on, a booster/blade/funnel combo that enable the gundam to reach ridiculous speeds ala Orbital and damage enemies ala Ghirarga.

      Heck, we may get another Gundam that "teleports" or God knows what. More insane wackiness Kamen Rider/Sentai Rangers style, the merrier.

      As for the Stargazer/Qant funnel formation on the back, can't say until we see the AGE FX's capability in the show.

    2. Sounds promosing, but really I hope we don't get anymore teleporting gundam because Age just dosen't have the logical background to do that. 00 just "barely" pulled of the sense and logic of quantimization. It was good, but its still forced no matter how you look at it. A booster type formartion is good enough for me and more logical in Age's world anyway.

      I hope what they do with the bits/funnels is like what they did in Generation 2. you remember when the photon canon was fired through a ring to enhance it power? I want it to be something like that. it would be almost the same as 00 Qan[T] but different enough in formation to be its own.

    3. 00 Qant[T] is not the first Gundam to be able to teleport. Turn A did it first...

    4. No, Jobert wasn't saying that Qant was the FIRST Gundam to teleport. He was saying 00 just, JUST pulled off the logic of quantimisation, which is loosely based on quantum field theory. Turn A's nanomachine technology and i field drive is also loosely explained, but i guess in Correct Century it sorta makes sense fiction wise (where all the Gundam series UC/AU BEFORE TURN A GUNDAM's ending meet and end) Both Turn A and 00 Qant are able to 'teleport' because of differing purposes: Turn A for interplanetary/interstellar space battles, exploration, etc. and 00 Qant for intergalactic 'innovation' and communication with Human, Alien, ELS/Extraterrestrial sentient beings, etc. secondly for fighting.

      This is why people love and hate 00. As much as it tried to 'innovate' on things that were already done in Gundam past and things not yet covered before (The GN solar furnaces utilising magnetic particle drive and solar power, already pre-existing in the galaxy; the ELS, sentient 'beings' or machines apart from Turn X and Turn A; linking once again to Jupiter; basing it on Anno Domini, AD - our present world for the first time, which meant nearly identical geographic locations e.g. former Ceylon/Sri Lanka under HRL control and territory)

    5. Turn in is not a gundam it looks like a piece of shit with a mustache put into a blender and then peed into then swallowed and puked into another person butt hole and then re shat out into a fat man's mouth.

    6. @ 2:28 AM

      1999 called, they want your opinion back :(

    7. no anon 2:28 i peed into your mum's mouth.

    8. LOL at Anonymous insulting each other/themselves..ROFL ROFL
      Do you guys just not have the ballz to at least register for a blogspot account?

    9. @jobert
      not a shield, it's a paper marker attached to giant blue doll. obviously age 3 are not intentionally designed to wield funnels, let's just see other massive MS with funnel like Ksh*triya(censored if you don't want to compare it, as for me it's just for reference)it does designed to contain funnel. Just it looked so silly those funnel flapping around his body, very raw design indeed.

      @xxnikewhaevah at 6:10
      nah, too much of a hassle, no different than typing your full name

  5. Jobert, I was just about to say the same thing.

  6. I cannot express the amount of relief I have in the fact that it doesn't have any red parts.

    Black/White, blue and yellow makes it look cooler, like the earlier Qan[T] designs, red just butchers it up, imho.

  7. The second photo = AMEN...

  8. It looks like it's pissing beams out of everywhere.

  9. Whoah...something more badass the Strike Freedom beam spamming everything.............dang.

  10. Funnel, Bits, Fangs, DRAGOON, etc, they're all the same system appear in Gundam series with various name

    1. I just hope the pilot is not crazy like the guy who piloted the providence

    2. The Gundam AGE-FX is one of the four titular mobile suits and the successor of the AGE-3 Gundam AGE-3 Normal, appearing in the Kio Arc of Mobile Suit Gundam AGE. The unit is piloted by Kio Asuno.

    3. Sorry to be politically correct but theyre not all the same

      - Funnels come from the PSYCOMMU system for Newtypes = brainwaves control the bits telepathically.
      - Bits and Fangs were used in 00, propulsion through GN particles and guided by quantum brainwaves or a robot Haro/computer system
      - DRAGOON system was only possible for space use, and was designed for computer aided use, best at the hands of a Coordinator (FOR SOME REASON. Apparently gravity would have rendered their use impossible)
      - The Bit-On system Ghirarga uses in the EXA DB log was only recently revealed to have links to Flash system in Gundam X

    4. Bits were originally from UC, bits were bigger and had internal batteries that can last longer while funnels were smaller and relied on the main suit for constant recharge

  11. They could've at least put the 'bits' onto the mobile suit in a nicer and cooler way than this, right?

    1. ya the way bits placed more like Providence, 4 on the skirt armor except lacks on big ass backpack.

  12. Another 00 QanT copy, the design of AGE-FX need to fix, it look like Duel Gundam w/Bits.
    Kio might recieve FX after getting in Prison on Vagan, i wonder how they manage to get the AGE-3 back ang its AGE SYSTEM.

    1. My bad after escaping the Vagan prison. he might receive the FX.

    2. And just where exactly are the other 00 qant copies?....o.O

    3. So it's a Quanta copy but it looks like the Duel that came out before the Quanta, so the quanta is a Duel copy that the FX is copy-copying....?

      Or maybe you need to tone done on the Troll Meter... the design is fine.

  13. i wonder if this has any other wears

    1. Maybe with support unit like:
      Gundam X + G-Falcon
      Freedom + Meteor
      Exia + GN Armor
      AGE-FX + ....

  14. I can't help but think that kio is going to turn agenst the EFF and work with the vegans....that would suck!

    1. no if it make age end sooner.

  15. Lol...I see major weight problems with this guy based on the amount of clear blocks they're using to keep this guy propped up. Hopefully, it's just an issues they're having with the prototype.

  16. I like the design of the body but that mouthpiece is just weird.

  17. Not AGE Builder built AGE-FX but rather Celestial Being built it LOL

  18. It looks better without the bits on. The only part i like is the legs. FANCY!!!! I hate though MS who use sword bits or bits in general without thrusters. Ok with 00 since the mysterious properties of GN Particles but please put some thrusters on those bits!!

    1. I think the bits/funnels weapon without thruster things is still speculation, this MS are still not in action yet. How can we easily assume FX bits are not use thruster just because image of this kit? Even Providance/Legend/SF's DRAGOON are using conventional thruster although thruster part are not visible as Sazabi's funnels

  19. i suspect that this is a vagan modify age 3

  20. if this is a suit that kio pilot where is the age symbol on the chest

    1. you really don't see the creative A in the torso just below the chest that lights up do you?

      Look for the AG box art, and you'll see a modern looking A

  21. Whaaat... This kit releases later than the dark hound and it gets a real pic first?

  22. Daaaayum how did you get it so fasssst??? O.o

  23. Dude the symbol is on the torso

  24. So is this the Gundam the Vagan are building from reverse engineering the AGE-3?

    1. Uh, if you watch last minute of ep 37, you will see the blueprint image of Regils, not FX

  25. unless its just the lighting on the newest picture, those clear green parts on the FX are looking pretty sexy thar

  26. Replies
    1. No more f*cking Age MG. Age's MS designs are sucks, eh I can save money then.

  27. This needs

  28. I keep trying to get myself to like this MS, but I just can't. I actually like the first 3 AGE Gundams, and the designers always managed to make the the newer ones look better than it's respective predecessor. Then they come out and lay a huge egg on the final MS, no less. Overall, it just looks way too busy, especially those legs. Those calf armors are especially disgusting. :\

  29. looks better without green thingie

    those useless green bits should just combined together as sword like 00 QanT had.

  30. I like the colours, it makes it look more mature.

    And I find it funny how everyone calls it a 00 Qan[T] copy...

    1. yeah cause it doesn't designed as well as qan[t]. Attaching bits around the MS and make it stronger..pft
