Friday, May 4, 2012

Gundam Poll: Favorite Former Enemies Who Team Up [News via AnimeNewsNetwork]

Poll asks fans their favorite teams of rivals throughout the Gundam franchise
Spoiler warning: the results of the poll spoils plot points for series including Zeta Gundam, Gundam Seed Destiny, Gundam 00, Gundam Wing, Gundam X, Gundam AGE, and G-Gundam.

On May 1, the portal site posted the results of a poll that asked fans to name their favorite teams of former rivals throughout the Gundam franchise.
Among the 7,362 votes cast by the self-selected respondents, these were the results:
Char and Amuro during U.C.0087 - 46.55%
Kira and Athrun (Gundam Seed) - 30.20%
Gundam Meister and Graham (Gundam 00) - 12.35%
Zechs and the Gundam Pilots (Gundam Wing) - 3.31%
Jamil and Lancerow (Gundam X) - 2.99%
Asemu and Zehart (Gundam AGE) - 2.88%
Domon and the Gundam Alliance (G-Gundam) - 1.73%
The survey was conducted among the users of the portal site between April 16 and April 22.
News via AnimeNewsNetwork


  1. HA HA! Bet that pisses off a lot of Wing and OO fans, which in itself is always a good thing....

  2. No Domon and Master Asia? Oh well

  3. Hell yeah, Kira and Athrun FTW!

  4. Amuro and Char team up? that never happend so this is invalid, Kira and Authrun are the winners...

    1. Yes it's happen, so it's valid

    2. they simply are on the same side, but team up? only time you see Amuro team up in Zeta is with Kamille to fight against the Psycho Gundam. if im wrong please tell what episode they team up and fight togheter.

    3. in Kilimanjaro, when they fought against Psycho twice. And most of this moment when they have mission in Earth to join Karaba. Sure Amuro and Char are not that close enough in battlefield unlike Kira and Athrun, but in same side, fight same enemies together and have time to talking together in same place are meaning they're teaming up too.

    4. they are on the same side but that doesn´t mean there buddy's now and everything is ok between them, its not like they team up to defeat the bad guys until the end like the other teams...i dont think they´re former enemies, its more like a temporary truse between them for a good cause.

  5. Yeb, Am vs Ch, Ki vs At, that's my top 2!

  6. Still Amuro-Char is the most epic... \m/

  7. AvengersmovieamazingMay 5, 2012 at 7:58 AM

    Since Lelouch and Suzaku are expys of Char and Amuro, and you see what the former two were able to do when they teamed up with each other, you can only imagine if Char came back to the AEUG at the end of Zeta and stayed on Amuro's side. Char would develop Sazabi/Nightingale with Amuro's Nu/Hi-Nu and they would be the most baddass duo not named Master Asia and Domon (which should've been on the list lol). And if Char still wants to settle their rivalry, I could see a 'friendly' duel between the two like the ending of Scryed. Amuro!!!! CHARRRR!!!

  8. LOL, this reminds me of ACE:R, the top two pairs with their supposed successors were covering their counterparts' backs except it was with Destiny Kira and Athrun.

  9. Like it or not, Amuro and Char's rivalry would always be at the top of any true fan's books.
    As for the team up, it happened in Zeta and it wasn't even considered a truce. Both Amuro and Char (Quattro) was working for AEUG and had the same objective in mind thus a team up was inevitable.

    So to all Seed fans, grow up and man up with the results.

    1. since when Amuro joins with AEUG? do you see Amuro going with the Argama crew to space? do you see Amuro and Char fight side by side against any enemy? can you please tell me Char's role in that part of the story? i think you people really need to watch Zeta Gundam again. Hell if Char and Amuro really did team up, that would be one of the most epic scenes of all time, funny no one talks about that, all they did see is Amuro and Char in the voting pole and why the fuck not? truth is they never team up and they´re not former enemy's so this is invalid.

    2. Please Get Help Before It's Too LateMay 7, 2012 at 6:28 AM

      Why are you so angry? They are people that can help you with your condition. Remember you are not alone in this world.
