Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Gundam AGE: Vagan Gundams - Upcoming AG 1/144 Gunplas

Images of upcoming Vagan Gundams gunplas
*Looks official, but can't say for sure until official announcement*
The Vagan Gundams were also shown in silhouette duirng the Gundam AGE 3rd Gen Opening Theme
Thanks Muhamed Sukry & reeoyuy for the link up!


  1. the first one look's like AGE-3 Normal
    the second one for me is look's like Wing...

    1. The second looks basically like Zeydra in gundam form. It has similar wings/tails/rifles. Wouldn't be surprised if Zeheart ends up piloting it.

    2. The Vagan Gundam looks nothing like Wing Gundam......

    3. It's probably the shield that gives the impression.

    4. i think the first one looks like 00 quanta and second one looks like reborns gundam

  2. Why'd they have to make Gundams? The Vagans already have great suit designs. Its not really the Gundam designs which influence the war's out come but the AGE system and, to a certain degree, the Asuno family.

    1. But the Vagans don't know about the age system...yet. Think about it. One family has managed to make a Mobile suit that is techonoligally superior. Not only that, but every time a gundam is made, the EFF make stronger mass produced type suits of their own based on them. Also, Why not try and level the playing field? Gundams aare just high performance war machines that, becaus ehtey aren't being made in large numbers practically gives the MS designers a blank check and allows them to cut fewer corners and develop better weaponry and armor.

    2. I think the vagans know about the age system, i dont remember which one, but they talked about it, i think it was in an episode in the asemu arc

    3. That's the point. If gundams are just high performance machines the Vagans have that too. They made the Zedas, Zeydra, Khronos, and Ghirarga, all of which are a match for the Gundam of their era. They don't need gundams.

      Grunt unit wise, for every Vagan suit with an unnamed pilot that goes down, two Federation suits are lost. The Vagan pilots also appear to be better trained, though it could just be a different combat doctrine.

    4. The Vagan pilots aren't better trained, they just all have artificial X-Rounder powers thanks to Mu-szell.

    5. Anon 8:56. They are SUPERIOR high performance machines. Really, that's all they are. Yeah, the vagan's have high performance models, but seeing as ONE machine is able to be a thorn in their side for so long, they just decided to make their own. It's got pretty good psychological advantage. "the enemy is...A Gundam?!?" kinda thing you know?

    6. and why it need to colored like gundams!? when it can be gundam in red or black with touch of vegan design

    7. Yup in real life warfare a unit in gundam colours can't camoflage well. of all the things in gundam i hate the colour most.

  3. Does Asemu pilot this Gundam ?

    1. Aemu pilots the AGE 2 still, but now works for the Pirate Group Visidian. I'm thinking Zehart gets one of these.

    2. Why would Asemu go AWOL? Nevermind we'll find out I guess. Where did you get this information anyway?

    3. Read the side Manga Gundam AGE: Memories of Sid. Also, the flag shown behind the pirate Gundam's silhouette is the same one the Visidian Pirates use.

  4. The AGE-2 is still alive but giving a pirate motif by Visidian. The same opening shows the AGE-2 in silhouette color.

    In theory about this: It's possible that Vagan gathered data during their encounters with the Gundam AGE-1 and AGE-2, thus building them during the time when the final plan is in motion.

    1. It's obvious by the second arc that the Vagans have been studying the gundam. Heck, they've been doing that ever since the AGE 1 held its own against a Gafran.

  5. How about this? Ezelcant being flit's father, then recognises the time to release the gundam blueprints!!!

    1. How about no? That would be too cliche ...

  6. I hope, the first one is AGE-4

    1. or maybe, Nu AGE? Judge from design maybe it will be Gundam that use remote weapon in this timeline

  7. Maybe it is Age-3 with a FOURTH form. Or maybe it is the Age 4 because in truth the first one looks exactly like the Age-3 in Head Sculpt.

    1. Agreed. The second looks more like the Veigan-Gundam because of the antennas on it´s head. But I can´t say it for sure. And this green light on the chast of the first one could be the AGE-Sign.
      After all the 22 Episodes for the third Generatioon are a lot of time to gather Data for the AGE-System to develope a third wear for AGE-3.

  8. Wow, a possible 4th AGE gundam in either season 3 or the movie/OVA. Had it in the back of my mind should they go ahead with the movie, but i think this will be some sorta final battle ala AGE ??? VS Veigan Hybrid (Alien Predator hybrid anyone?) Exia Repair V 0 Gundam all over again.

    Wow. just wow. Really loving that amalgamation of AGE and Veigan technology. Looks like Ezelcant will have a role somewhat in this.

    That AGE ??? with the Ghiraga esque "blades" if you call it coming out of everywhere = 00 Qant overload (Ebi really really loves his 00 designs, he must have had a few leftover that he used in AGE instead)

    Veidam needs to be piloted by Ezelcant, i'd rather have him die than the awsum Zeehato.

  9. That first suit kinda looks like a secret 3rd alternate wear for the AGE-3, specficially for Kio's X-Rounder abilities.

    I agree with the second one being the Veigan Gundam - more like a Zeydra in Gundam's clothing (look closely at the rifle - looks like the Zeydra's beam gun, especially in the back end)...a slight homage to Gundam GP-02A since I always think of that as a Dom in Gundam's clothing.

  10. Maybe that new Vagandam is styled to look like an EFF Gundam suit for trickery-related strategies? I mean, the only reason the RX-78's successors were given similar color schemes and design features was for the psychological effect on the enemy; why not use a similar idea for disguise?

    1. Because people aren't retards, and the IFF code would out it looooong before?

  11. Or a Vagan chap decides to go turncoat...you never know?
    I'm thinking it could me modeled after the Gundam for moral support, kinda like "Hey, we have our own Gundam too! let's go crush em chaps!"

    1. That isn't a morale booster; you're decorating your units with the face of the monster that's been slaughtering the fathers, brothers, and sons of your populace for 50 years.

    2. its a reference to how retarded zaft's been building random gundams

  12. Or a Gundam made with Vagan Technology by the E.f.

  13. the second one has a double x-wing shield!!!

    1. closely resembles the Delta gundam if you replace the shield with the tail sword...

  14. Man., the second Vagan Gundam looks really nice! the first one just looks like a simplified AGE-3...

  15. Shiiiit! I have a feeling that the first Gundam will be Flit's MS for the 3rd Gen.

  16. The Vagan Gundam's color scheme reminds me of Turn A. me likey.

  17. The top one reminds me of the AGE-2 ?fan art? that was posted at the beginning of April.

  18. I think the last unit's either Zeheart's or some Gundam from a future that has achieved peace or is about to go back to the dark ages.
    That's given that Age homages UC, and UC somehow ending in Turn A's CC.

  19. my friend thinks the vagan's are from a future that failed and they are fighting the earth federation and adding more data to the age device so this timeline doesn't fail like the last did

    1. the vagan gundam must have some relation to the mobile suit in a portrait in the the asuno mansion

    2. That was that leaked spoiler form not too long ago. Its highly doubtable since the Vagans once mentioned that the Gundam was a hinder for their plans.

  20. Yay gundam vs gundam. That is what I liked about Seed.

  21. scan it next time so we can see it properly bum hole!
