Friday, March 30, 2012

Robot Damashii (Side MS) Leo + Option Set - On Display At Tamashii Features Vol.3 (Akihabara, Japan)

Robot Damashii (Side MS) Leo (Release Date: Aug 2012, Price: 3000 yen)
Robot Damashii (Side MS) Leo - Option Set (Release Date: Aug 2012, Price: 2000 yen)
Image from Hobby Stock, Gundam.Info


  1. What is it about the Leo that gets so much attention?

    1. Think it's because the Leo's a somewhat popular grunt suit that's been pretty much overlooked in both toy and model kit format.

      The question here is will there be an Options Set for the Plot Armor?

  2. I think the Leo is a beautiful idea of a Robot Damashii release, even though it's just a basic remold of the Tallgeese II or III, as are most of the weapons. I for one will be picking it up, as I have recently been doing a run through of the Gundam Wing series. I am excited for other Gundam Wing RD releases, (Not the Altron), but here's to hoping for a Space Leo release!
