Sunday, February 26, 2012

Gundam AGE & Gundam UC - Animation Similiarities

Gundam AGE & Gundam UC - Animation Similiarities
Image from


  1. Haha how odd is that, I knew something wrong with AGE haha

  2. This just makes Age staff seem lazy in terms of battle choreography.
    And also make arguments that its just copies stuff from all other series much more accurate.
    C'mon AGE, give us something fresh!

    1. Those scenes from Unicorn are pulled straight from MSG and Zeta too.

      They are called homages.

  3. Because it's not as if the Unicorn's Beam Magnum pose and the Age-1's DOTs Rifle pose wasn't already used by the Aile Strike which in turn was in homage to the RX-78-2's?

    On the other hand looking at them side by side makes me realise just how good the animation is in Age. Still not as good as Unicorn but it looks damn good.

    1. probably because AGE is not OVA, but if it were...

  4. Most of these poses are homages to Unicorn and the original scenes unicorn was in turn paying homage to.
    Come on, the Zeydra is even red and its pilot is a blatant Char reference.
    They'd only be complete lazyness if there weren't any variation in limb position and special effects, like what Destiny did in its ridiculous amount of used stock footage where only the suit itself was any different.
    Though they could stand to be a bit more different too.

  5. I think these are more homages than just straight up rehashes.
    Honestly, not everything that looks the same is a straight up copout, I think these poses and similarities are pretty awesome.
    It's like...they're taking the same kind of characters and objects and having them react in different situations. Sure, it SOUNDS like rehashing content, and you could argue that it is, but I'll still think it's amazing to be able to recall an aspect of a certain scene in another series that came out years after it.

  6. At least they didn't pull a seed and seed destiny, where they literally used the same animation, but in different mobile suit....

    1. In some point in Destiny, before the edit of special edition, they used Freedom footage for strike freedom. You could even see Freedom's shield. But I'm glad this ain't no Destiny.
      If it ever gets to that, I'm abandoning the series.

  7. It's homage people. Haters gonna hate.

  8. I think this is more of a continued theme. Not even homages, it's a formula that worked for them. They probably tried so many different shots and poses. For example, Red Comet and Zeydra, their position on the screen is vital to emphasize the antagonist. It's Bandai's style, they have expertise with these camera angels.
    I think what should bother Gundam viewers more is the audio, in Age, most audio is so similar to Seed/wing/zeta sometimes. The typical Gundam thrust sound. The Vegans' mecha thrust is a unique sound, probably from lack of protein since they don't eat meat.

  9. So... what I understand from the comments... If UC is doing it, it's a homage but if Seed or Seed Destiny is doing it, it's an abomination?

    Heh... Gundam fans...

    1. No. These are just the same poses from earlier series, but the scenes are brand new and redrawn for each series. What Seed/Seed Destiny did was just take scenes from a few episodes earlier,stick in new backgrounds, and call it a day. If Unicorn and Age were doing what Seed destiny did, then you would see random 70's animation in the middle of the action.

      Heh...Seed fans...

  10. AGE is just a shitty knockoff of multiple Gundam series... the writers must have such a hard job collecting their pay cheques.... I wonder how the director sleeps with all that money at night....

  11. all gundam is a knockoff of first gundam

  12. lol forgot to add in the scene where the AGE-2 and Zeydra were racing through the asteroid field like the Sinanju and Unicorn were.

    Anyways theses are HOMAGES not ripoffs, ripoffs is the same thing done by different people, in this case all the same company (Bandai) who have the rights to Gundam so these are homages to earlier series in particular UC. Take out that stuff and it just isn't Gundam anymore

    Sheesh people have waaay too high expectations for non UC series (UC forever dont get me wrong im no elitist I started with Wing)

  13. Remember, rehashes are only okay in UC Gundam. That's when we'll call them homages! Man did you see that Char Kick? And Full Frontal, he's just like Char, so cool!

    Now if any similar scenes show up in ANY OTHER SERIES, they're just dumb lazy ripoffs! Grr, that stupid masked man, why can't AU series be more original! But not too original, we wouldn't want them doing anything new, we can't have AU series killing Gundam!

    1. You do realize that Gundam would have been long dead without the alternate universe? If for nothing else, I credit the alternate universe for keeping the interest in Gundam for so long that they were able to make an animated version of Gundam Unicorn (not to mention making it a billion yen industry).

      If they shift the focus back to the UC, then OK. Most probably, they won't. But as long as they keep churning out those kits, I'm never going to complain.

    2. @2nd Anon Please turn on your sarcasm radar when reading through the 1st Anon's comment. Sincerely, 3rd Anon.

  14. Do people even really notice this while watching the show? LOL, these are nowhere near what SEED and Destiny did. Those were really horrible and downright lazy.

  15. Homage, copy paste rip off, they need to try different things either way imho (and SEED Destiny needs to be written off as canon and replaced with a real follow-up to SEED (or have a mega awesome redemption movie/ part 3)

  16. Don't 4get d similarities between Providence, Legend, & Akatsuki Gundam's scenes in Gundam SEED universe. U can search 4 it @ Sankaku Complex, i think
