Thursday, February 9, 2012

HG 1/144 Adele - New Images [Updated 2/9/12]

HG 1/144 Adele (Release Date: Feb. 10th 2012, Price: 1260 yen)

Previous Images
Gimmick: Remove faceplate to inner face...


  1. I like this design more than the Genoace. It really feels like someone took the AGE-1 Normal, and mass-produced it to make the Adele. I'm definitely picking this up! :)

    1. They did mass produce the AGE-1 normal. Flit even said thats what it is in episode 16.

  2. Oh god these Genoace designs. I'm going to collect all of these damn things, be it AG or HG.

  3. all Adele parts are awesome, except those ugly LOWER LEGS.
    its lower legs are really ugly. that alone prevented me from getting this MS. :(

  4. I love this design. It still has a grunt suit look, and yet it also looks very formidable. My wallet's about to get lighter.

  5. This is probably one of the most feminine suits we've seen in a while(not including Nobel Gundam)

  6. Love the head design. The head looks like the helmets of the normal suit/pilot suit in the AGE universe.

  7. It will be even better for me if the internal eyes behind the visor are position lower an dthe shoulders armor bigger, still like this design nonetheless :)

  8. Even though it shares the coloring scheme of a lower-spec'd Nokia phone from the first half of the last decade, there's something about the Adele that grows on you.

  9. So the G-Bouncer's wing pack fits on the Adele? That's kind of cool

  10. Is there a way just buy the G-Bouncer backpack only?

  11. wow, never knew Adele would turn into a mobile suit, LOL :D
    will it set fire to the rain? :D
