Thursday, December 22, 2011

MG 1/100 RX-0 Unicorn Gundam 02 Banshee?

MG 1/100 RX-0 Unicorn Gundam 02 Banshee? 
*Notice that the Banshee is placed next to a convention display of the MG 1/100 Full Armor Unicorn Gundam.  Could this be real?  Pls view this image with a grain of salt...*
Image from A.E.Media


  1. haha regardless of whether or not it's real, we all know it's gonna come at some point.

  2. will be release around march next year maybe ? that matte black color is very good!

  3. I think that's just a modified standard Unicorn, the collar piece doesn't have the jagged edge that the Banshee has...

  4. The HG Banshee has the OVA version weapons. So we might wait and see for another update for the MG Banshee, probably the kit will be after Episode 5 of Gundam UC.

  5. YEAH !!! Let's hope that it's REAL !!!

  6. It lacks the jagged golden collar (which I am not fond of) and the OVA weapons.

    so I think not... however it may be the Novel version?

  7. Look at the sideskirt. There You can see small part of old red psychoframe from standard unicorn - it's just modified unicorn...

  8. i wouldnt mind a MG banshee

  9. it seems to be the novel Banshee...just the realm of conversion kits. I like an MG version of the OVA Banshee better...and the matte black finish rocks indeed.

  10. This is just the conversion kit, and most likely only meant to announce a MG Banshee rather than actually show it off. They did the same thing with MG Sandrock and Heavyarms, they're doing the same thing here.
