Friday, December 23, 2011

Life-Size Gundam's Final Touches Shot in Time-Lapse [via AnimeNewsNetwork]

Statue returns to Odaiba island next year after nearly 3 years away
The self-described "Gundam videographer" darwinfish has been streaming two new time-lapse videos of the 1/1-scale Gundam statue's reconstruction at Odaiba since last week. The videos (dated December 17 and December 23) feature the final touches on assembly and the exterior. According to darwinfish, the area surrounding the statue was also undergoing construction, now that the statue is largely finished.

The statue is being rebuilt at Diver City Tokyo, a complex under construction on the island by Mitsui Fudosan and Fuji TV. The life-size statue first stood at Odaiba in July of 2009 and attracted 4.15 million visitors before it closed the following month.
The statue rose again in Shizuoka — the self-described "model capital of the world" and the home of Bandai's plastic model factories — from July of last year to March of this year. The statue did return to Tokyo in August — in disassembled parts — as a charity drive after the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake (Higashi Nihon Daishinsai) disaster.
The videographer has posted several other videos chronicling the reconstruction of the Gundam since construction began a few weeks ago.


  1. The first video is the best; I can clearly see why you picked screenshots out of it. For some reason, to me, those screenshots look like they come from a promo image of part of a BBC show or something; giving me the impression that it wouldn't be out of place if Christopher Eccleston and/or David Tennant appeared when I look at the video or screenshots. *shrug*

  2. I will add that I wonder why DF doesn't move to a different video website, given the trolling nature of YT seemingly plaguing every video of his. I think he'd get a better reception in the older Google Video. But what else is new in YT? Oh, well... *shrug*
