Sunday, October 21, 2012

Mobile Suit Gundam SEED HD Remaster - Remastered & Comparison Images [Updated 10/21/12]

Mobile Suit Gundam SEED HD Remaster - Comparison between the newly remastered version and the original.
Episode 44 

Episode 39
Remastered Scene
Remastered Scene
Original Scene
Remastered Scene
Remastered Scene - New scene added with Shinn Asuka and Seed Destiny's Zaft's crew cameo
 Remastered Scene
 Remastered Scene
 Original Scene
 Remastered Scene
 Original Scene
 Remastered Scene
 Original Scene
 Remastered Scene
 Original Scene
Remastered Scene
 Original Scene
 Remastered Scene
 Original Scene
 Remastered Scene
 Original Scene
Original Scene
 Remastered Scene
 Original Scene
 Remastered Scene
 Original Scene
Remastered Scene
 Original Scene
 Remastered Scene
 Original Scene
Episode 38
Remastered Scene
Remastered Scene
Remastered Scene
Remastered Scene
Remastered Ending Theme

 Remastered Scene
 Original Scene
 Remastered Scene
 Original Scene
Remastered Scene
Original Scene
Remastered Scene
Remastered Scene
Remastered Scene
Original Scene
Remastered Scene
Original Scene
Remastered Scene
Original Scene
Remastered Scene
Original Scene
Remastered Scene
Original Scene
Remastered Scene
Remastered Scene
 Remastered Scene
Remastered Scene  

Original Scene
Episode 37
Remastered Scene
Original Scene

Episode 36 (View this episode: HERE)

Episode 35 'The Descending Sword' New Eyecatch
Remaster Episode 35 Comparison Images w/ Original Episode
Previous Episodes:

Epsiode 4 Comparisons:
Previous Episodes Comparisons:

Images from Yaraon &
Images from


  1. WOW! the HD remastered seems to have better action angle or sorta...

  2. soo, it's not just a mere remaster eh? It has some remake

  3. it looks good

    please to recap episodes

  4. That´s the way, aha, aha, I like it... :-)

    I really hope this remastered edition will be published in germany, too. I really want to have it.

  5. Too bad the quality of the story is shit.

    1. Story's pretty decent to me. The sequel is the let down, not this one.

    2. better love story than twilight

    3. it the multi cut and paste scene that make it shit

  6. @anon12:05 - I'm pretty sure you're basing that due to SEED Destiny. Gundam SEED itself was a great start...unfortunately, Destiny didn't follow through so well.
    And because of that, the 1st series tends to receive negative judgement based on association, despite it actually being a good series.

  7. @anon12:45 - I'm not. And don't even get me started about SEED DESTINY.

    The build up is very disappointing for the Series, the second half is okay. But the ending is horrible. Not to mention the Characters aren't really even that interesting. SEED was going to be nice when it was first announced, it started to really dwindle down to not being interesting, all the way to the lackluster end. I could understand if you don't have other Gundam Series' to watch, but is HD and redrawing really that necessary? I'd rather have seen an older Series get this treatment, IMO. I'm not going to bother with DESTINY, since it's not getting an HD Remaster... yet. So much for lack of taste. -_-

    1. It is not shit, it is better than 0089 with a bunch of idiots running around doing the same thing Char and Amuro did. It just depends. The poor fights itself is the major thing hinder this thing from being interesting. Lacking of taste here is you, my friend. Destiny sucks but if you just running around the net gathering a bunch of negative comments on something you don't actually watch, this is as far as you can write, yeah yeah bad build up, bad ending a damn general and oversimplified perspective. Something even a kid can write about a show...Seriously, you don't like it, then don't watch it, no complain, everyone's happy, simple.

    2. This is the first time I have ever heard of someone say that Seeds ending was horrible. You most certainly haven't watched it before, and if you have you certainly lack taste as mentioned above. Seed had one of the best endings of all time. Even some of my friends who didn't like Seed thought the ending was good.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. God, how could u say that Seeds Ending was horrible? i think thats the better ending among all gundams ending. if u say it to SeedDestiny, that series deserve a bit because the biased and stupid things that actually it should no need to happen. GUndam Seed was titled as a legend and the best ever gundam in gundam universe by Critics. GS also have a best plots-music-characters whilst the story moves perfectly without any delayed.not too slow or too fast either. so, Seed really deserve to Crowned as Legend~ sorry for my mistake and no heart feeling's kay~ XD

    5. saying seeds ending was horrible with no arguments to back your claim up proves you do not know what your talking about also, the hate towards destiny really i understand how the characters and development was horrible but the actual story was amazing and one of the best ruined with shin being an idiot throughout and kira turning into jesus

    6. Haha. Well said about Kira and Shinn, Baltej. It was really annoying whenever I saw scenes between Shinn and Athrun. Seriously, Rey was fucking annoying also reasoning how Shinn is "right", albeit sometimes he makes a point.

    7. i only like it when he was piloting strike, other than that it sucks for me, so i didnt bother watching it, why watch something u dislike right? :)) peace

  8. It's ironic that I'm watching this HD show with the player scaled down to 50% resolution because the upscaling is simply terrible.

  9. ^You have the blu-rays?
    Those are the only proper way of watching this in HD. They youtube videos are basically just advertising.

  10. I liked the change in the fully-equipped Strike.
    I also love the way the characters look (especially Mwu)

  11. The thing I kind of am disappointed with is that the widescreen is cutting off a good amount of the video. I ran the 720p version with the normal 4:3 version in sync side-by-side and all they did was add black bars to make it widescreen. I know there's nothing else they could have done aside from re-drawing it but still. I literally put two pieces of paper on my screen where the 720p black bars were and the 4:3 looked nearly identical. Other then that the HD remaster is looking awesome especially with the fully remastered scenes.

  12. I watched Gundam WING until Gundam AGE, for me Gundam SEED is the best gundam anime... but SEED DESTINY is not as good SEED... The SEED DESTINY MOVIE didn't work for me... I hear in 2006/2007 they want to make SEED ETERNITY but it got canceled... 00 is good too, but I prefer SEED... I think they need to make WING HD Remastered too... and for Gundam AGE I think I need too see until end first before critizing it...

    1. You have to watch/read UC. Every bit of UC starting from Freedom Fighter Gunboy all the way to Crossbone X Victory Gundam. Having seen Gundam Wing long before any UC work, as a kid imo SEED turned me off from what i thought was 'good' about Gundam (well blame Wing and G's overstylized action set pieces but a lack of plot. Watching SEED 2 years after it came out REALLY REALLY bored the hell out of me. I was watching it on cable in Asia, and even when the action came, me and my brother's bias made us flick the channel and sleep on our hotel room. And ive bought a gaming mag with an excerpt about SEED which had just debuted on our country that time...

      But now times have changed. I have seen some UC work, inc MSG/Freedom Fighter Gunboy, MS IGLOO, 0080 War in the pocket, 0083 Stardust Memory, Zeta, F91, V.

      For AC ive seen G, W, X, Turn A, SEED, 00, AGE, some of Unicorn.

      Still i think Zeta Gundam, with Unicorn next to it has some of the best writing plot and character development in it. As an adult who not only appreciates good action, but now a great story told unpredictably as well, with all the twists and politics and drama. most Gundam fans agree nothing comes close to Zeta.

      But imo i really love 00. I have a whole collection of Gunpla of it having missed out on the previous Gundam series.

      AGE is shaping to be better IMO than SEED. AGE is retaining my vested interest in it, sure it may be lighthearted and a LOT of ignorant hateful western bakas spammed the youtube promo vid of AGE just to make a statement. Well Sunrise replied back by not premiering it in the West. AND closing down the Bandai online store. Sure you can get your bootleg Gundam anime somewhere but what about the hard to find Bluray/DVD boxsets? Karma is a beam sabre to the cockpit...

      end of rant.

    2. Gundam Unicorn is not AC dude, it's part of UC and is my favorite under Zeta.

  13. Where the hell is Miguel's GINN???

  14. can anyone give me the link to watch or download the episode 2??

    1. they have it on youtube seach for gundaminfo. he uploads all the latest episodes for seed hd remastered

  15. @Hong: in the opening only, where it belongs. Would break ties to some of the mangas if it showed up in the series, since it was damaged by Gai shortly before the Heliopolis attack...

  16. Gundam SEED was that UGLY? o_O How long has it been...

  17. ^ i agree! lol at the characters. looks like they were drawn on MS Paint XD

    i'm excited to see the series. don't care what other people say.

  18. I'm sorry, can't I just have the 1080p BD only? The bad draws on the HD points out the bads too much...

  19. I'm going to say that most western fans' opinions on CE come from the MAHQ reviews and that they haven't sat through Seed or Destiny. How I look at it the CE stuff overall puts a new twist (character connections) on an old concept (how terrible war is). Actually some of the scenes in Seed/Destiny that have soldiers killing unarmed soldiers and people getting blown up are pretty graphic and depict how visually terrible war is better than some of the older UC stuff

  20. @blacksolar212:

    Im a western. I watched all U.C. series. And Wing, X, Seed/Destiny, and OO . I respect your opinion, but...

    Seed are a huge copy-paste of MSG, Wing, Zone of Enders, etc., and the previous Fukuda's works too. If you watch one of these, you easy catch the copy-references. Examples:
    Wing - boyband ; Seed - ZAFT boyband
    ZOE - OF Dolores ; Seed - Fllay and strike rouge (probably dont understand if you can't note things like the seiyuu, the mech colors and the fact that Fllay could be used to the pilot of the strike rouge.

    War is terrible? In Seed? No. Go away and watch a Vietnam war movie.
    Conspiracy theories. In Seed? YES!! A lot of them!!

    For me, the best alter-universe are AD (OO) in the overall. But for the plot, the best are the AC (Wing). In the UC for me the best are Victory. Seed/Destiny are the worst Gundam series and the worst Fukuda's works. Also I din't like the HD changes. Doesn't work for me.

    Sorry 4 my poor grammar. SPANISH ROCKS!!! See ya!

    1. LMAO you're seriously comparing gundam to a Vietnam war movie?

    2. LOL, even before Wings's boyband we had G's Shuffle Alliance, ZZ's Shangrila gang, and MSG's mobile suit team.

      Another Fukuda thing is the Striker Packs and Animal weapons from Gear Fighter Dendoh. I loved the idea though, like arming the same fighter with different missiles.

      But you have to admit that Seed had more character drama. Fighting a former best friend, sleeping with a friend's ex/girl, new best friend killed by former best friend, former best friend falling in love with sister, falling in love with former best friend's ex-fiance.

      Seed had a lot of character connections, it's generic movie/drama material, only it's animated and has giant humanoid weapons added to the mix.

    3. What? Wing? best plot for an AU Gundam? O_o

      Dude, that's like one of the weakest plot I've seen in all of Gundam. G Gundam was even better than Wing in terms of plot when it comes down to it and majority doesn't even consider G as a Gundam anime.

    4. Wing was one of the first series shown outside of Japan.
      Wing's imprinted on many of us non-Japanese as the first Gundam series we've watched. That's probably why so many people put it in high regard.

      Similarly, this is also why Seed is loved so much by Bandai right now, most Japanese kids saw this as their first series and see this as representative of the whole franchise.

      I love Zeta, F91, G, and the first 13 episodes of Seed Destiny. Never loved Wing's plot, I found it convoluted to the point of non-sense.
      Also, I really hated how Heero would have to be shot down in bird mode and had to transform mid-crash, as well as the initial invincibility of the Gundams. At least 00 fixed this by showing that skill was needed instead of just technical specs (Graham's Flag vs Exia in the 1st ep, also Overflag vs Throne Eins).

    5. lol~ me too. wing have a weakest plot beside how the story move was so slow. i remember watch it several times, from 1-end.. god, it didnt stabbed my heart. but, i cant critique too much, because all gundam have their own fav series. but to say GS/D was a bad-and worst...its horrible.

    6. Well in the concept of gundam as "exclusive mobile suit with superior performance", SEED and Destiny turned it off by giving every faction at least 1 gundam unit. At the end "gundam" seemed equal to cheap mass produced unit that everyone (yeah Earth Union, ORB, ZAFT all have that so called gundam). I don't against multi gundam units, but giving that gundam can easily mass produced for everyone is a big NO. In OO CB got cornered and ALMOST got their technology stolen, wing pilots destroy their units so no piece of technology can be obtained, Seed--->STOLEN and even worse MASS PRODUCED.

    7. So you weren't talking about Gundams?

  21. It actually looks worse. I mean look at those "action" poses! They threw logic and perspective out of the window in order to throw in some Gainax-grade GIANT SWORD IN YER FACE shots. Not to mention how they made the characters look MORE like Kira in the facial department. This is just a way for Bandai to milk more money from the fujoshis...

    1. Logic perspectives? Ha ha, look, something as chunky like a Gundam can fly in the atmosphere isn't really logical already. Let me point out some more, Newtype using psychic to enhance the suit's power, damaging physical substances also isn't logical. Innovator theory is a bunch of bullshit, there's no way human can jam their conscious into a machine or switch body. Crossbones' clothes should constantly hinders the gundams' movements while it is not. Hyper golden mode and Sekiha Tenkyouken are also impossible. There are tons of things that are unlogical in Gundams, live with it man

    2. >complaining about completely unrelated things

      Dude, I was talking about the perspective of the artwork. I could care less about the plot points at this point. Get your head out of your ass and learn to read.

    3. You never said anything about artwork. You literally looked at it and said they threw both ideas out the window...

  22. Only thing i hate about SEED was the pairing of Lacus and Kira, other than that decent series. It seems to me that the characters are made to look like they do/will in SEED Destiny. Hopefully we'll get an extended scene of Flay and Kira in THAT episode.

    They better cut out the recaps.

    1. heh..its true. even i do love kiralacus..but asucaga more perfectly fit for this series motive. what's the motive again? reuinted back Natural and Cordinator.

    2. What ? How could anyone love Flay .................

    3. nevemind. had sex.

    4. nevemind. had sex.

  23. Am i the only one who hopes they'll remastered Gundam Wing like this? including the Ver. Ka Gundams!!! It would be awesomely EPIC gift for old Gundam fans, hahaha!

  24. It's pretty clear that one of their basic rule for making new scenes is basically any scene that can't be cropped easily into so called "16:9" and needed patching up. Some new scene actually looked worse than the old scenes, which is pretty funny. The same effort could have just been used to improve key scenes with better animation, oh well Bandai.

  25. Hmmm, at least they made a change in the opening that made a bit more sense.

    I've just noticed that scene where the Cgue shoots and the Strike draws a beam saber... only to strike a pose. I've always found that weird. At least now it's implied that Kira makes a counterattack

  26. Most noticeable changes of the HD Remaster from the Original

    General changes
    * People have lesser forehead (Athrun and Murrue specially)
    * Clothing now have a brighter color
    * Mobile Suits are more accurately drawn having a much more realistic design and articulation. By realistic I mean 3D model and GunPla perspectives
    * Shadows are done right

    Specific changes
    * Athrun has a smaller forehead
    * Cockpit hatch looks more detailed
    * The GINNs' thruster backpack looks longer
    * Strike looks more badass now

    -- Did I mention Athrun now has a smaller forehead?

  27. Basically, they have the characters have their SEED Destiny design.It may have been a shit series, but the design was pretty good. Athrun had a smaller forehead.

  28. dit enyone notice that at the opening song ihae one of the gins was orange

  29. I always thought that Gundam SEED had an okay quality, I loved the show, so maybe I was prejudiced, but looking at these pictures in comparison, omg the quality was quite terrible actually!
    I had noticed the difference between SEED and Destiny, the characters looked way better in Destiny, although I never much cared for the sequel, but to have the Destiny quality in SEED is very nice, I like it a lot, although I should probably admit that it makes the characters look older, while they shouldn't be. Still, I really like the changes they made to it, and it makes me want to watch it all over again :D Thanks for the comparison pictures :D

    1. Yup! I am really happy about this Remastered thingy. Although I don't understand why others keep on comparing one Gundam Series from the other! Crap, each has a unique story and if you have a hell to say then go and make your own Gundam Animation! Fukuda chiii Domo Arigato!

    2. It is also because there is a technology difference since Destiny was after Seed

  30. captain ramius' remastered is actually 'remastered' from GSD. just changing her ORB Uniform to EA Uniform. Kira's hairstyle in this remastered is almost similar with GSD. i can say that this remastered version is actually wanna matured up the character's face. lol~

  31. Uhmm... The gundam series isn't made by BANDAI, BANDAI is only contributing for the model kits and toys, the real producers of the GUNDAM franchise is SUNRISE.

    1. Finally, someone gets it. i'm surprised as to why it took so long for someone to figure this out.

  32. As much as I would love an HD Wing Remake, I have to say SCREW IT!!!

    Just imagine how awesome a remake of of G Gundam would be (especially with a new dub)!

  33. Wait a second some of those old scene i haven't seen to drawn that horrible? Are you for real?

  34. Hell yeah!!! Gin look awesome hope they make a MG version of it, point a gun like a BOSS

  35. hello~
    sorry i'm just want to comment, no hard feeling okay? its just my opinion.
    actually, i really like the 'remastered' version of GS, coz...well, you know,
    it looks clear (the pic, the color), even the line... hahahahaa,, (so i won't be worried about my eyes being sick of those blur pictures~).. even though it looks bigger (or should i it was cropped), and i also found some changes in the anime (for example, the ZAFT logo changing color in some areas!!! and then zaku too..). when i see that, i thought that it was just some error from the studio. so I SOMEWHAT let it go (i wish there wo't be happen again... please sunrise~~~). actually there are other changes too.. but i save it for you guys to find out~ ^^

    so, back again~

    overall, i still love this remastered version.


    i'm wondering about the "comparison pic" from the old version (i conclude that mostly the pictures from left side is the old one, because the right one has the most characteristic that i got about remastered version).
    it is too BAD TO BE TRUE to be the old version one.

    i already check it with my cousin's GS original (old version). it was TOO DIFFERENT with this pics. so, where is this comes from??? i hope there's no conspiracy here (i'm sorry if there are some of you who feel kinda insulted but ONCE AGAIN... it is just my opinion and my question). even though the old version is too blur for me, i still like the drawing style. so i KINDA not accept this if those pics is actually the old version. i'm sorry... i TOTALLY against it...

    so if there's anyone who can answered it, please~~~ answer it~~~
    coz i love GS too much to let it go~~ hahahahahhaaa..

    *once again, this is only my opinion. fell free to reply it. but please, no harsh words okay? i'm willingly accept the comment~*

    GO SUNRISE, GO GS!! i'm waiting for the full collection of GS remastered version!!

    *if there are a choice which gundam who you want to be remastered next, i will choose Gundam WING!!!!!* hahahahhahahaha

    see ya!

  36. Tolle decapitated in HD └( ^ω^ )」

  37. Nice, they animated the fight between Athrun and Kira this time! Shame they didn't make Tolle's death a accidental one like with Nicols death. Then again, Athrun intended to take down the Sky Grasper.

  38. I can't wait until this Remastered nonsense is over. The characters always looked bland, I hate their designs.

    Why did they decide to Remaster this when they already have Special Editions? They should've done another Gundam Series than this shit. What's next SEED Destiny? God no, please no! And how can you fuckers even defend this garbage anyway?

    1. why are you even bothered then? u can just ignore all this ^^

    2. simple answer for you (which also serves as a reminder for some other guys):
      it's Gundam SEED's 10th year anniversary.

    3. Then why don't other Series that are more memorable get this treatment? I'd rather see older Series get HD treatment, why should we have 3 different versions now? It doesn't even deserve it for how terrible it was.

    4. Dude remember turn a gundam that series although old school fans watched it then the young people did not and lack of media attention almost killed the franchise so when seed was created it brought back the same attention as was before so don't blame it

    5. Pluz, Zeta had a remaster too. Don't hold your hopes up, but some U.C series may get a HD remaster in the future.

    6. hater is going to hate for no reason

    7. I honestly want a remake for Gundam X, that series didn't deserve getting cancelled like that.

  39. What the... they changed one of Sword Strike's signature move... :/
    (referring to Nicol's death)

    1. Stupid ass shit. That's what it is. I don't know what they're at. Trying to make Kira look more "innocent" or some shit?

  40. This reeks of the Han/Greedo edit.

    1. Exactly what i thought when I saw it. Nicol didn't run into the sword. It may be a spar of the moment and he may not have meant to but Kira DEFINITELY swung the sword. Why change that!?

  41. I don't think they're honest comparisons. The HDremastered look awefully like the DVD character design and art, and the one they used as original is probably the tv version

  42. BD engleis, BD engleis, BD ENGEIS!!!

  43. fuck yeah new full burst mode moment!

  44. Nice. Now all they have to do is revamp seed destiny. That shit was horrible.

    1. Destiny had a great start, but went downhill the moment Kira sat down in freedom again... Maybe they can revamp it, but they would need to redo a great deal of the story - Shin schould have stayed the main protagonist till the end.

  45. Shinn and family make a cameo, Perfect Strike is awesome!

  46. for a great review of Seed and Destiny before the remaster check out as its a good balanced but admittedly negative review of SEED....

    Personally the remaster looks no better just new colours and animation and pointless others have said its Star Wars Special Editions all over again!!!!!

    Also SEED is the worst Gundam Series I've watched and I seen/own pretty much everything :) except Destiny...dont need that in my head.

    1. haters gonna hate. if you hate seed so much, why bother come in?

    2. He's a Gundam fan that's why.
      @Drew so what is the best series?

    3. MSG,V Gundam, X,Turn A and G are my personal favs...G is just soo god damn stupid u have to love it.

    4. I agree. To me most of the character and mobile suit designs in SEED were very ugly to start with so it is hard for a remastering to accomplish much.

    5. oh my childhood

    6. He's a Gundam fan that's why.

      A Gundam Fan hating on a Gundam series....
      sounds legit.

      true gundam fans should never hate on any Gundam series. remember that.

    7. True Gundam fans SHOULD hate and criticize any Gundam Series. If not then you're just a blind follower.

  47. anyone besides me noticed at 2:23 in opening credits from episode 25 to episode 36 so far that prefect strike was in their?

  48. The appearance of the Perfect Strike was amazing

  49. I don't know why some of you are complaining about the remaster, it's not like the old show disappeared, you can still buy it. For example, halo combat evolved anniversary was way better than the original. What annoys me is why Seed? They should have remastered older shows, or why not remaster Age lol. Seed and Destiny already got a special edition. But it's nice to see the cool detailed scenes and Super Strike!

    1. The old shows HAVE been remastered, only they're mostly not sold outside Japan except for the recent re-release of 0079 which has a new transfer.

      But none of those shows have been RE-ANIMATED like Seed here because they use traditional cel animation. The Zeta Gundam movies demonstrate why it's probably not a good idea anyway to mix cel and digital styles.

    2. Why seed? Cause it sells in Japan. That's enough reason for Bandai to do anything.

  50. Wow... never realised the old animation looked so bad. Even 0079 and Zeta animation has aged better than this. Guess this confirms the theory that Fukuda pumped most of the show's budget into music with little left for decent animation.

    1. haha so true, but it's a good thing in a way. Because Seed introduced me to some of the best music I have ever heard.

    2. Agreed, Seed has probably the best OST of any Gundam show, it was one of the things that kept me hooked. Thankfully this remaster fixes some of the animation problems though I wish they didn't crop it.

      Also not looking forward to the removal of a certain helmet... (C'mon Sunrise, prove me wrong!)

  51. Can't believe it looked that bad. Bandai's putting a lot of effort into this.

  52. Mu got to use perfect Strike? Awesome!!!!

  53. It's nice to see that Muu got pilot to the Perfect Strike. But Cagalii is going to pilot the Strike Rouge I.W.S.P.? I thought that was supposed to be too difficult for her limited skill.

  54. So anyone wanna tell me why we see Flay naked all the time in Rau's bed? Did the writers imply she was constantly being sexually used by Rau or imply something else?

    1. like flay being sexually to rau and rau liked it? :D

    2. yeh. i showed her the monster

    3. did you mean your "DRAGOON" Mr Rau? lol


    4. Wouldn't being sexually abused make Flay even more hateful towards coordinators thus undoing her character arc of seeing them as human and letting go of her racism?

      Maybe I'm reading too much into it, for all we know she initiated it lol.

    5. lol the replies here are pure of win xD

    6. I actually liked this more... Flay being the manipulative slut we all know she is, now is being manipulated by the grand manipulative bastard of the Cosmic Era universe... :3

      Karma in form of Rau's DRAGOON... :3

  55. Never really cared for this series but the remastered version much better then the original.

    1. Well it makes the series more watchable by today's standards that's for sure. Seed's animation was pretty mediocre even for the time it was released.

    2. But the music on the other hand...

    3. Oh without a doubt the music for Seed/Destiny was amazing. It was probably one of the main factors of the show's popularity.

      But yeah if you can imagine Seed without its awesome soundtrack it would be a pretty medicore anime.

    4. ^ Agreed, while the cosmic era certainly has a solid story the writing and directing of the series was mediocre. One of the only things to push it beyond being just ok, was the music which created all those epic moments we remember.

  56. Anyone knows who the brown haired chick is in the pic with Rau, Flayy and Yzak. Pretty sure I have seen her somewhere before but I can't quite put my finger on what exactly :\

  57. Nvm. Found out that she is Shiho Hahnenfuss

    1. she is the pilot of CGUE Deep Arm

  58. I must say the remastered version's facial expressions are a lot better than it was with the original... specially that blushing Cagalli... it makes her more cuter than normal... XD

  59. I despise subtitles, but may have to put up. I loves me some SEED. And the Scene with the Destiny crew added in, lol, those that could only hint at a remaster of Destiny and unless they completely remake that, not even the Music will make that worth while. I'd still have to give them props for taking a story in an insane albeit awful direction.

  60. I want an AGE remastered oh wait... xD

  61. Wow it's been 5-6 years since I watched Gundam Seed but holy crap I just realized how bad they look compared to the Remaster even though the time I watched it I thought the art was great lol I can't wait to get this on BD though I'm still going to keep the original for memories

  62. Why didn't the Flay and Kira pic of 38 make the cut???

  63. So are we gonna expect a SEED Destiny Remastered too as soon the SEED Remastered ends?

    1. Not as soon, but it would make sense by the end of 2013 as celebrating 10 years of GSD(wow I feel old by saying that lol) hopefully after that remaster(and probably STARGAZER Remaster, who knows) we get the frigging movie, I just hope!

  64. It's better make a reason why Shinn have SEED in GSD than re-make GS..... GS become worse because GSD.... so, re-make that GSD! Make a better reason why Freedom is can be repaired after destroyed and make Neo is not Fllaga! Make GS's characters same with before. Cagalli is a Cordinator SEED, tomboy, strong heart, and not weak. She will come in the wars with akatsuki. Make another MS to Neo! Throw Kira and Lacus's egoism! Don't make Kira is too strong, not crybaby, playboy, always suspicious to ZAFT, can control his SEED, can brain-connect with Rey, and like wars.... Don't make Athrun is weak, too weak hearts, can cry in front of many people, not reasonable,and never kill enemies.... Don't make Lacus is too womanly. Make a better reason why Rey kill Gildarts. Make Shinn and Stellar meeting is not only twice before know that Stellar is enemy, because it's impossible Shinn can be in love in two meeting... etc....

  65. did I just see shiho in the picture and not some character beside Yzak????

  66. So it turns out the final ep count of GS HD remaster is 48 eps while the original series run was 50 eps. They must have completely deleted some of the blatant clip show episodes that added nothing to the story. Thank god.

    Also the final HD remaster ep 48 includes the 'After Phase' epilogue where everyone gathers for dinner with the war orphans and the blind Reverend on the island.

  67. So can somebody tell me on which episode of Gundam Seed did Shin and the others appeared? Thanks. I have this urge to see that idiot's face again.

  68. I am unable to access it from Europe. Why is that? Are there any sites I can watch it from?

  69. some of it is just from the Special Editions of SEED including Azrael's hate for Coordinators & Tole's Death

  70. Well, the remastering certainly did wonders for their hair; its so voluminous and shiny now! LOL.

  71. I didnt expect that old GS is this much ugly when it comes to quality of animations. I watched the old ones and compare it with this. Destiny has a remastered version too but still i dont like it. When kira pilots the freedom again, it makes the serries more interesting.
