Sunday, December 18, 2011

1/144 Gundam AGE Normal w/ Nightingale Armor Custom Build

1/144 Gundam AGE Normal w/ Nightingale Armor Custom Build
*Pretty neat!*
Images from A.E.Media


  1. Looks pretty cool. They should make a resin kit of that or at least make into a kit for the Gunpla Builders thingy. I would love to have that kind of thing on my shelf!!!! =)

  2. alright customization looks cool and all... but the idea is just flat out dumb.

  3. I like it when people are creative but this simply doesn't work

  4. the generic nature of AGE plus the awesome Nightingale just doesn't fit together. It feels like AGE brutally murdered Nightingale and is now wearing its skin.
    either way, i can hear it saying "it hurts to live" as i type.

    good craftsmanship though.
    But the boxy binders looks like lego.

  5. look like Chicken...

  6. I bet you people would say differently if you see something like Nu Gundam instead of AGE-1 Normal. I can pretty much see too much biased opinions in most of gundam fans, or rather UC extremists.

  7. yes, we probably would say differently if it was the Nu. But it's because of the ironic contrast between the two considering the great gundam rivalry between Char and Amuro.
    But away from that bias. Generally the UC universe was more coherent; whilst Age, up until now, seems to have down syndrome and is partly schizophrenic.
    I know it's aimed towards kids, and one can argue that we should judge it with that in mind; but as a Gundam fan im not satisfied with that.
    After the train wreck that was Seed Destiny; Stargazer and 00 rose from it's ashes and began, once again, raising the bar. Now, Sunrise is making AGE and they seem to have made the bar tunnel right into the ground beyond the wits of spelunkers.

  8. i am pretty much see all the negative comments are blamed on uc "extremists" for no reason, all the time.

  9. A unique execution of a completely one-of-a-kind idea. I absolutely love it.

    Except that the binders kinda throw off the whole design; they're too square and blocky compared to the rounded and pointy armor.

  10. Looks cool but I don't think it's practical.

    Then again, this is sci fi so the rule of cool should always prevail.

  11. Not a fan of how blocky Gundam parts were mixed with curvy Zeon parts. This ruins the flow between parts thus making the kitbashed parts jut out.

    Keyword: consistency.

  12. not so bad, but not really good either. the shoulder parts definitely came from AOZ Hazels.

  13. Guys please regardless of which Gundam series we like we should learn to respect each other, despite agreeing or disagreeing with each other's choices. If you are real UC fans you should know the true message of Gundam = promote civil harmony and resonance despite living in an imperfect world. UC "extremists" bear in mind Gundam was almost titled "Freedom Fighter Gunboy/dom" WHY? they almost named the Whito Base = "Freedom", Gundam = GunBOY TO APPEAL TO KIDS! Im fkin serious go look it up. So if you're bashing AGE based on the fact that it was meant to be an introductory or bridge Gundam series to lure/draw in the new young internet generation (21st century) as well as promote buying Gunpla, then you are bashing the WHOLE Gundam metaseries because Tomino actually wanted it the other way = a serious depiction of military combat and the harsh reality of life and death FOR more mature adult audiences, INSTEAD of appealing to a younger impressionable audience. The problem is, back in the 70's, Gundam flunked in ratings BUT regained interest through marketing the kits IN the famous RBWY colour scheme you see in every gundam today. Why? to appeal to children! Bright colours stimulate them, i know when i was a kid i only watched Gundam Wing because of the 'cool' action not the story (not that it had much) nowadays that has been reversed. /rant.

  14. UC Extremist, in my definition alone, are those who see nothing more but Universal Century as the sole series that needs to exist.
    - They're also the types who keeps on complaining about the current series that's airing and goes like "What's this shit? Bring my UC back!" all the time.
    - Next they compare everything to Universal Century all the time. and if you ask for gundam recommendation, you'll get nothing more but the usual 08th MS Team, Zeta, original and CCA and keeps on saying that ZZ sucks for the first half and but the 2nd half was great. V had a lot of deaths etc.

    Basically they're all like a bunch of old broken recorders.

    Of course the UC Extremist are just one part of the fandom, next we got the Wing Fujoishis, Kira's Religion and a whole bunch more who just can't enjoy any given series for what they are and what they're not.

  15. I bet most of the people complaining about this kitbash can't even come up with anything better, let alone even come close to its craftsmanship. ^_^

  16. I'm finding the people who complain about U.C "elitists", "extremists" or whatever they call them to be just as annoying at this stage.
    Ok we get it, they like U.C. Are people not allowed have their own taste?
    I dont see much blatant hatred or the design, just opinion.

    And in my opinion the concept is ruined by not painting the Age parts red, unless of course they already have a red torso and the Age was added as a joke.

  17. problem is, no one here is talking about gundam series and then suddenly BAM! "FU uc extremists!!!" out of nowhere. its like trolling. giving those moderate AU fans a bad name

    please just use the term "uc extremists" when appropriate. sheesh...

  18. i guess the idea comes from AGE special ability which is swapping arm and leg parts to change it function, like metabots. so leaving the main body as the original color is the main point

  19. On a side note, I think this looks pretty damn cool. My only complaint is that the blue on the chest stick out like a sore thumb. Maybe instead of the blue, paint it straight up red or maybe the dengeki hobby black color scheme.

  20. It's the Gundam AGE-1 Nightingale; the torso's never in a different color! And the critics should applaud the design cuz it would totally pwn the UE and end the show before it finishes the first half! lol

  21. Last thing I need to see is a bunch of idiots debating on gundam and its multiverse :/

  22. I don't see anyone mentioning anything about UC universe, just suddenly everyone is up against 'UC extremists' from out of nowhere?

    On a related note, no, it just doesn't feels right altogether, even if it is Nu Gundam in the place of Gundam AGE.
    Though I can't deny the excellent modeling skills and craftsmanship, but I can't see this as anything more than a joke design.

  23. Wow Nice kit but you should scratch build some of the parts there because the flow of the parts are not consistent but it's nice ^^

    and please Guys where talking about the kit not the Timeline and please if you cannot say anything good about that thing they you just keep your mouth shut because you will only make the problem worse thanks o_-

  24. Gundam AGE is the new MS Girl and the blocky binders are from the TITANS Hazel shield.

    But you have to admit, if the AGE Builder just mass produce the AGE, things would be a lot more easier.

  25. Can't accept. Nightingale has to be on its own.
