Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Image of the Byarlant Custom's Pilot From Gundam UC Episode 4

The pilot of the Byarlant Custom in Gundam UC Episode 4
Misc Images:
* Thanks Dav7d2 for the image link! *


  1. this Byarlant custom looks like added with some Gabthley parts.

  2. the bigger kou or not?!

  3. Oh god, if it were Kou <3
    It's probably someone who'll be slightly more important in ep5, but I doubt it'll be Kou :c

    Whoever it is, he sure is awesome.

  4. The dude single handedly took down 10 MS (if my count is right) and utterly stopped the momentum of the aquatic side of the Zeon remnants' attack. I really can't see this guy making another appearance in the series unless it is to die which would be utterly depressing.

  5. it isn't Kou, the manga gives the dude's name.

    >>It's probably someone who'll be slightly more important in ep5

    He was a random guy simply doing his job. he's not storyline important, and I doubt he'll appear again.

  6. man I cant wait to see this episode!!!!

  7. D'aww

    Oh well, at least I hope we can get an HGUC Byalant/Byarlant.

  8. That is what I hate about the UC series sometimes because they never have reoccurring characters (some). Would have loved it if it was Kou.

  9. Homeless thinks his name is Diez Robin:

  10. Whoever he is, he raped a tremendous amount of face in a short period of time.

  11. This is going to be the new Kampfer, isn`t it?

  12. No, the enemy units were allowed to fight back against the Byalant and actually damaged it. For the Kampfer, the staff opted to have all the Feddie MS hold perfectly still so the Kampfer could shoot them down without resistance. World of difference.

  13. The Federation is known to not be kind to traitors. Take Bright for example; for all of his accomplishments he was never given the opportunity to rise up the highest of ranks because he defected to the AEUG. So yeah, Kou probably never got out of his job as a pilot trainer.

  14. Its the ghost of Jerid messa.

  15. i think he's matt healy

  16. If it were Kou, I'm pretty sure there would have been a "GATOOOO!" cry somewhere in there. Haha, and if memory serves correct, I don't recall hearing it in the Ep. or reading it in the manga ;)

  17. Consensus across the Net seems to be that he is "Diez Robin."

  18. @Apsalus
    You are right, he is from Fragments of Starlight
    Ex-Titan, no wonder he made quick work of them

  19. Byalant's performance is always good (Zeta and UC) though it's weaponry are limited...

    It even catches up with variable frame MS from Zeta

  20. Really amazing piloting skills from the pilot.

    I really hope that Kou Uraki is piloting this ms. He was a great pilot, hope that he'll show up again somewhere in the universal century so that we'll know what happened to him after operation stardust and all the events that occurred during 0083.
