Sunday, November 20, 2011

Gundam AGE Episode 7 - Synopsis & Screenshots (120+ Images)

Gundam AGE Episode 7 'Evolving Gundam'
Synopsis:  This episode begins right where we left off from the last episode, Flit was arrested by by the Zalam faction inside the space colony Fardain.  Emily deviced a quick plan to help recue Flit.  Flit's captor, the leader of the Zalam faction, Don, explained to Flit about the long feud that they had with the Euba faction.  And with the use of the captured Gundam, they could finally turn the tide.  Emily and some disgruntled local children held a riot in front of Zalam's Palace requesting for the release of Flit, when Ract Elfamel, a noble knight of the Euba arrived with a mobile suit team to challenge the Zalam in a mobile suit battle.  Just when all hell breaks loose, the U.E. arrives in the midst of the battle..
 Our full review for this episode will be coming soon.

I love the way the Gundam-1T Titus made its entrance!
Images in sequence of the epsiode


  1. Gundam Maxter would be proud

  2. G EXES and Titus fighting next episode? SWEET

  3. i did not see the return of Z.A.F.T coming.

  4. Talkabout one helluva quick (mid-season?) upgrade for Wolf and Flit!

  5. the old man's beard reminds me of Turn A gundam

  6. AGE Titus somehow remind me of Bolt Gundam and Maxter combine together.

  7. Ano, Sumo Gundam dato?

    Titus' epic entrance rivals that of Freedom, Sword Impulse, Epyon, Zeta, GP01 Fb, all Wing gundams, Seravee, 00, Cherudim, Arios, 00 movie...etc

    Still picking my jaw up from the floor XD

  8. Go Titus, our hopes rest in your fist!

  9. Since we got Titus in episode 7, how much you wanna bet we get Spallow (and hopefully a name change) in episode 14?
