Monday, October 3, 2011

Gundam Seed HD Remaster Project - Renewed HG SEED Gunplas Coming This November

Gundam Seed HD Remaster Project
Official Website:
In honor of the 10th anniversary of the Mobile Suit Gundam Seed television anime, a high-definition "remaster project" is launching. Details of the remastering, including release date and price, have yet to be revealed.
With the launching of this remaster project, a 'renewed' line of HG SEED gunplas will be release beginning this November 2011.  What can we expect from these remaster gunpla?  Here are some details:
- Redesigned packaging
- Include parts to be attached to Action Base 2 (Action Base sold seperately) to allow the gunpla to display in various action poses
- Colors will be molded to match the color from this animated HD remastered series
- Additional markings (stickers) will come with the gunpla kit, such as affiliation insignia, numbers and identification markings.
Some of the initial gunpla to be released for the Gundam Seed HD Remaster Project:
- HG 1/144 R-01 GAT-X105A Aile Strike Gundam (Release Date: Nov 2011, Price: 1200 yen)
- HG 1/144 R-02 GAT-X102 Duel Gundam (Release Date: Nov 2011, Price: 1200 yen)
- HG 1/144 R-03 GAT-X103 Buster Gundam (Release Date: Nov 2011, Price: 1000 yen)
- HG 1/144 R-04 GAT-X207 Blitz Gundam (Release Date: Nov 2011, Price: 1200 yen)

- HG 1/144 R-05 GAT-X303 Aegis Gundam (Release Date: Nov 2011, Price: 1200 yen)

- HG 1/144 R-06 ZGMF-1017 Mobile Ginn (Release Date: Nov 2011, Price: 1000 yen)


  1. come on! seriously???? renewed gunplas? this is ridiculous

  2. By "remaster" im hoping they mean a remastered set of movies, as much as I like SEED and hate SEED Destiny (seriously the first season was good, no god hacks and what errors it had were mainly grounded in its time and some bad choices by the animators, Im looking at YOU action clip repeats) I wouldn't be able to go thru the series again unless it was all redone.

    As for the gunpla I say bring it on if they bring them up to todays HGUC HGAW HGFC quality this would be awesome, the old versions suck (Im looking at YOU HG Strike Freedom)

  3. I hope they're only making redone gunpla of the significant ones (the gundams, MP suits in SEED suck EXCEPT for them DOMs and GOUFs)....I would hate to have the pointless ones and variations taking up release slots when we need so much HGUC still (Gerbera Tetra anyone?)

  4. @Anonymous 12:31AM

    I'd love an HGUC Gebrera Tetra. But I love an MG version of it better :)

    I'm kinda disappointed though it only comes with this. Though this remaster project is better than Zeta's remaster, which only difference is the box and colors. Now, we can mount Seed HGs and has custom markings, like HGUCs. But really, no change in articulation? MAN! Very disappointing. And I really hope they release HG Sword Strike and HG Launcher Strike, though I won't buy them :P

    Lastly, please give us MGs for Aegis, Saviour and Justice Bandai. Thank you :)

  5. i hope they will release new look for MG Aile strike.. make a new design

  6. i'll be pretty much happy if they decided to redone hg zaku(P/W),Gouf,Dom hg.or maybe they made mg of it

  7. ok, the HD remaster of seed is a good idea, but the rereleases of those kits is definitely not. wish they would just do newer versions of the kits to match the quality of the current HGUC and HG00 lines (those old seed kits suck big time, i tell you)

  8. Blitz HG 1/144 really need to be rereleased into a more accruate colour which is black, and hope they really do that.

  9. According to the info given about the kits there will be no physical improvements. Just new boxart, new stickers and the old parts molded in the correct colours this time.

  10. SEED Destiny s what happens when your head writer is both the director's wife AND is battling Cancer at the same time. IMO, it warrants a complete redo.

  11. oh yes, more seed gunpla please.

  12. This is awesome and all but I really hope that more info becomes available soon. I really seriously hope they plan to "remake" these kits in the same quality as the HGUC and HG00 kits have been. They need it. The older Seed kits are kinda...meh.

  13. Read the damn article people... It doesn't say anything about the kits being redone or remade. New boxart, new decals, slightly different colors, an Action Base connector, and that's it.

  14. In case they re-issue the kits of the HG Seed and Seed Destiny lines, I hope they revamp the designs of the Freedom, Strike, Justice, and the Infinite Justice. The kits really look...short. O_o

  15. I'll take the HD remastered, but the "renewed" HG, no thanks :)

    and who needs HG aile strike when you have RG Aile strike

  16. LOL @ RoyVF1 !!

    Excellent point. Why would anyone even care about HG Aile when there is RG aile? Now if all these were RG's, that would be something really worth announcing.

  17. Re-releasing the seed HG with no improvements?! These kits required major painting to look okay, let alone good. And now they think that they can sell this crap to us in this day and age? Unbelievable.

  18. sunrise should make the ASTRAY series

  19. thats good a gundam seed / seed destiny kit collector (1/144 HG only). can/t wait to have it....

  20. Awww... And I was hoping they'd have a HG 1/144 Destroy Gundam finally released. XD And maybe some MSV units like a Sword Calamity kit for those who missed out on the conversion parts. They did it to Astraea after all...

  21. i just hope they would realize to "remake" the ending of GSD or make a sequel... but having HD remaster project is way cool too (hoping it would be nice)...

  22. here hoping for ending.or maybe the third series hopefully
