Tuesday, August 23, 2011

GG INFINITE: Our New Website 'GG Infinite News' Is Now Live! [STICKY POST]

Our new GG Infinite News website is now live and in service.  There are still functions & services yet to be implemented, but all the mission critical functions are ready.  We will continue to modify our website as we go, so please bear with us in the meantime.  Please come check us out and bookmark us at @ GG INFINITE NEWS!
What is this new website?
GG Infinite News is the official sister website for our GG Infinite Store.  The purpose in to create a clean & easy to use interface for our readers to access their daily hobby fix.  We will be revamping our main store site next. =)

What kind of contents can we expect?
- Consolidated updates from Gundam Guy, Mecha Guy & Kamen Rider GG. All in one location.
- Simple to use interface to access just the content you want to see.
- Team GG's gunpla & figure reviews (work in progress)
- Regular GG Infinite Store updates & promotions (work in progress)
- Members' Gunpla Gallery w/ rating system (work in progress)
....and more exciting stuff to come!

Are you going to close down Gundam Guy?
No, or at least not yet.  We will run all our current blogs (Gundam Guy, Mecha Guy & Kamen Rider GG) in parallel with our new website.  Isn't that redundant?  Yes, but redundancy is actually a good practice when implementing a new website, as we need more time to observe it's performance.  We will maintain all the bloggers sites until the beginning of 2012, when we would review if there is any need for change.  So in the meantime, feel free to continue reading our current blogs and try out our new website. =)

Who's doing the 'Team GG's Gunpla & Figure Reviews'?
Our current Team GG (review contributors) comprise of members: Falldog, PatrickGrade, JosieBeara & Figure Guy.  Our goal is to provide reviews with a bit more substance and most importantly...the reviews will be in english. They will be doing a variety of written & video reviews for the recent releases of Gunplas & Figures.

What type of Special Promotion can we expect?
From time to time, we will be placing info on sales & special coupons under the website 'Store' tab.

What are some exciting stuff to come?
Well, we are currently working on partnering up with another great source to further expand our love for Gundams & hobbies! (A bit vague for now, more on this later).  And also, Mecha Guy (the guy who created Mecha Guy blog, but hardly update it) & I are currently working on something that we hope would please our readers, is still in conceptual phase, so more about that later.  We are also working on building a page on this website, where registered members can submit / post their gunpla works, and we would have a rating system & comment box for folks to show their appreciations.

More updates will follow as our website matures... but for now please take a look around the new site!  If there are any hiccups here & there, it only means that we are still working on it.  =)  And your comments/feedbacks are always welcome.  Thanks everyone!

*** Our GG INFINITE's September Lucky Draw will be celebrating the launching of this website.***

To celebrate this special occasion we are choosing 20 Winners this time!!!

We will officially begin our Sept's Celebration Lucky Draw starting from Aug 23th (today) - Sept 25th (Sunday). To participate in this lucky draw, we would like to have you give us some feedback & suggestions for this new GG Infinite News website of ours.  We would love to hear what you like thus far and what we should improve upon.  To enter the contest, please follow the instruction & rules below. 

And on Sept. 28th (Thursday), we will draw and announce the 20 winners to win the following prizes:
- (Winner 1) Mystery Prize
- (Winner 2) MG 1/100 Delta Plus
- (Winner 3) HG 1/144 GM III
- (Winner 4-10) GG INFINITE $10 Online Coupon
- (Winner 11-20) GG INFINITE $5 Online Coupon

Here are the instructions & rules:
- To post your comments, you MUST register a wordpress account (HERE) and post your comments under this post 'GG INFINITE NEWS SEPTEMBER 2011 LUCKY DRAW', it is the banner located at the sidebar of our GG Infinite News website.  
- You may post more than one time, but your name will ONLY be counted once.
- No profanity / name calling is allowed in your comments or your post will be deleted. And further alteration to this rule is subject to change if deemed necessary.
- You MUST post comment at the specified location.  Posting in the chatbox or anywhere else will not be a valid entry.



  1. is it a site where people can sign up for???

  2. So that's why there was an earthquake and the site is looking good.

  3. "the guy who created Mecha Guy blog, but hardly update it" That would be me lol. I'm really excited about the new project as well. Stay tuned all!

  4. i think i will pass. before this we must register for blogger, and this one register for wordpress. why cant we use facebook account?

  5. So far I am really enjoying the site. I like the overall layout and I enjoy that there is a different section for the different categories. I particularly enjoy the review section :)
    I am excited to see the user submit section. I think it would be cool if maybe every month or so the post with the highest ratings gets featured on the main page or something.

  6. why not use OpenID ? that way I can still use my google and blogger account.

  7. that would be cool if you guys posted tutorials with english, not just the japanese tutorials from Dengeki Hobby (although I do enjoy those little snippets)

  8. I saw the site and i thought it looked very clean and neat! Very nice stuff Gundam Guy!

  9. love the new layout! sinanju<3

  10. Your new site looks awesome! Nice to see it up and running

  11. Site looks great so far, really like the reviews. Any chance for some in depth tutorials on customization and modification to models? Some step-by-step instructions would be great, and you could link the products used to the store.

  12. The new GG site looks great and done a great job putting the news on the top for easier viewing. maybe the the background need some work. I dont know how to explain but just feel something need to be done.

  13. I'm loving the new site! It's nice and clean looking and easy to navigate. Also dig the Full frontal splash you gave it :)

  14. i really like the new website. one thing i would is some SRW kits... but thats just me :p

  15. I cant wait to see what this mystery prize is!

  16. The new website looks great but it would be great if you kept the dark color layout and maybe a different type of border because it reminds of HLJ site sorta.

  17. I had an earthquake today and the first thing i worried about was my Gundam lol is that bad?

  18. Since Extreme VS is coming to the PS3, maybe the new site could host a tournament and will show the best battles.

  19. very fresh and interesting site you set up there.

  20. Oh a hurricane is coming my way! this is going to be exciting! looking at a this blog till the storm goes away.

  21. I'm liking the new website. it looks great!

  22. Wow. After that hurricane. I lost internet! ahaha No Gundam Guy for me~ But now I'm back!

  23. its not bad. runs easier on my crap computer. i hope that once the tutorial videos are put up, i can get better at customizing

  24. the site is really easy to go through i just think da layout is a lil too bright but that just me otherwise its really good

  25. Seeing as how there are tutorial sections, why not give a page for the newbie Gunpla builders? A page to go over the real basics, like each grades, terminology, etc. I feel that no website accomplishes this and we should make newbies feel more welcomed should we not? =)

  26. Wow GG, you guys really outdid yourselves. I really enjoy the layout a lot and it's very efficient too. It's more than good GG, Its GREAT!
    Congratulations on your new site.

  27. I Actually really like the site! The Layout is great and I love the choice of background you chose for it :D Keep up the good work!

  28. The new Site is awesome! Looking forward to the Lucky Draw, im excited about the Mystery Prize, too...

  29. Awesome site! It would be cool if you can freeze the banner and/or link buttons at the top of the web page for easier navigation throughout the webpage. I speak for many peeps that whenever you surf a webpage, it can get irritating to scroll back up all the way to the top just to click on a link to another topic.

  30. I'm love the site a lot and visited it multiples times everyday. I jumped back into gunpla modeling not too long ago and this is one of the major sites i visit to get all my gundam news and a few tutorials also.

  31. Please dont shut down Gundam Guy. Ever since
    Ngee Khiong shut down you've been my best (And only) source of Gundam info

  32. I dunno if i did write a comment previously but yea it's a very awesome layout GG, as for what i would consider adding would be probably a guest gallery for modelers to post their gunpla or model kit projects. Kinda like what Gundam.com use to have back in the day because that was like the only english gunpla site that let people upload pictures of their gunpla.

    Also if your looking for action figure reviewers, i could probably review the SH Figuarts Shinkengers and any future SH Figuarts i plan to get into the future.

  33. are the winners announced already? i can't find the post
