Friday, July 15, 2011

PSP: New Giren's Ambition (Shin Giren no Yabou) - PV

PSP: New Giren's Ambition (Giren no Yabou) game is currently in production for the PSP platform.  (Release Date: Aug 25th 2011, Price: 6280)
Official Website Coming Soon:
Previous post about this game: HERE, HERE
For those unfamiliar with the Giren's Greed game series, here is a little review for the previous title at (HERE)
Video From nanshi0snd (Youtube)   * Thanks Sieghart for the link *


  1. Hmm, not too sure if I would like this ga-- *Then I saw the EZ-8 with two machine guns, and I JIZZED IN MY PANTS*

  2. Just once, I'd like one of these games in english, even if the video segments had to be subtitled. I own the PS2 version, love it, but kinda hard to really know what decisions you are making without knowing how to read katakana/kanji/hiragana. The only thing that gets me remotely by is knowing the story and characters.
