Sunday, July 3, 2011

Anime Expo: Bandai / Sunrise Panel - Gundam Related Hightlights

Bandai Entertainment Panel Highlights:
At this year's AX, Bandai Entertainment (North American Bandai Anime & Manga Distributor) had a panel time to interact with the attending Gundam fans.  And I sat in to jot down some notes...
Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 (English/Japanese Language, Eng Subtitled) DVD is set to be release as Anime Legend collection in two parts DVD releases in the US (includes all 43 episodes).  The first DVD is scheduled to be released on Sept. 13th 2011.  This series was the original televised Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 anime series, created by Sunrise in Apr 7th 1979. It was created and directed by Yoshiyuki Tomino.
Turn A Gundam is scheduled to be released in US this Fall.  Turn A Gundam is a 50 episode anime series that aired between 1999 and 2000 in Japan. This series was created for the Gundam Big Bang 20th Anniversary celebration.  It was created and directed by Yshiyuki Tomino.
Gundam 00I (Gundam 00 side story manga series) is licensed to be released in the US in 2012.  The manga was ran in Kadokawa Shoten's Monthly Shounen Ace magazine like it's prodesesser Gundam 00F.
Gundam/Sunrise Panel:
A pretty short panel time with a couple of Sunrise's representatives to discuss about Gundam in the US.  These special guests were, Shin Sasaki - Gundam Division General Manager & Yasuo Miyakawa - Senior Managing Director. 
In a nutshell, they didn't really tell us anything we don't already know.  Just a little recap of how Gundam was introduced to the US audience.... nothing really special.  When they played a short video showing all the Gundam series produced by Sunrise, we got the loudest cheers when Gundam Z, G Gundam, Gundam Wing, and Gundam 00 appeared on screen, while Gundam Seed & Gundam Age didn't get much love.
But what was good about the panel session was the Q&A time that allowed the audience to ask the guests some of their Gundam related questions.
Some of the questions were:
Q: What is the format for the upcoming Gundam 'Origin' series?
A: Sunrise mentioned they are currently producing the Gundam 'Origin' series, but has yet to decide whether it would be a TV Series or a theatrical release. 
Q: When will Sunrise bring Gundam ZZ to the US? (With loud cheers of support from the audience).
A: Sunrise reps did not provide any specific answers, only that it could be possible.
Q: Why is Gundam UC Blu-Ray priced at $50USD for one episode, while one DVD of other gundam series has like 4 episode in them for a lesser price tag?
A: Bandai Entertainment said that they price it the same worldwide...
Q: When will you give us the final showdown between Char & Amuro?
A: Sunrise reps said that he want to see that too, but said that he wasn't sure if they were still alive...
Q: Will Sunrise produce an anime for Crossbone Gundam?
A: No, theres is no current plans for that.
I guess it is expected that Sunrise / Bandai will not provide any major news outside of Japan.  But at the same time their appearance at AX does give us a sense that we, the US fanbase, is important to them.
Source: G.G. at the Bandai/Sunrise Panel @ AX

Here is a more detail capture of the panel discussion from AnimeNewsNetwork:
At the first-ever official Gundam panel in the U.S., Bandai Entertainment's marketing director Robert Napton revealed a special Gundam series guide for fans who stay through the entire panel. After a short video about the Gundam franchise, Napton introduced Sunrise's representatives: Gundam Division General Manager Shin Sasaki and Senior Managing Director Yasuo Miyakawa. Before opening up the audience question-and-answer session, Napton asked the representatives why they had chosen this particular moment to reintroduce Gundam to the country.
Sasaki responded that Gundam is now 30 years old and has been introduced in the U.S. already, but the series hasn't been as popular worldwide as it in Japan. Sunrise wanted to introduce the original series to the U.S. market in hopes of creating new Gundam fans.
Napton then asked how new Gundam series are developed, especially since the most recent shows— Gundam 00 and Gundam UC —are so different. Sasaki stated that Sunrise first selects a target audience. For Universal Century Gundam series they have to take into account the past history established by other Gundam shows, while for original titles like Gundam 00, aimed at the teen market, they want to make the shows more exciting and have them incorporate more popular culture, like pop music. But it's still all Gundam, so they always have to decide what to retain to ensure that the new shows are "still Gundam" while also expanding the universe.
Napton then opened up the questions line, which was immediately swamped with fans:
The first fan asked about a Playstation 2 game which followed the adventures of the Gundam Thoroughbred, and whether a series expanding on them could be made. Sasaki said that there are no current plans, but it's entirely possible that those units will appear in other Universal Century Gundam series.
The next fan requested a steampunk Gundam series, to which Sasaki replied that since Gundam units require nuclear technology, a steampunk version is not possible.
A press member complained that he felt some shows were more geared towards merchandising interests than strong stories, and asked how Sunrise maintains a balance between the two. After a lot of discussion amongst the panelists (and, separately, the audience), Sasaki responded that the universe is diverse, so there are a lot of different target audiences. Gundam Seed was made for a younger audience, for example, so a lot of Universal Century fans have not come to accept the show yet.
The next fan asked about the CG series MS Igloo and whether more of it might be made. Sasaki asked him to make a strong petition to Bandai Entertainment for the show. The same fan then asked about series which are currently out of print in North America, and whether they might be reprinted. However, several of the series he mentioned turned out to already be in print, and Napton also noted that Bandai always tries to get more of those series. Bandai Entertainment president Ken Iyadomi asked the audience if they wanted Gundam ZZ, which resulted in an eruption of applause.
A young man asked if he could get more details on the upcoming series Gundam AGE and its target audience, since it appears to be aimed at young children. Miyakawa noted that the show will span 100 years, making it different from other Gundam series. The audience in mind is also broader, from young children to teens, to make it more accessible than traditional Gundam series.
A professed Gundam Seed fan asked a similar question, wondering whether the Gundam pilots themselves were children in the show. Sasaki replied that the main character is 14 years old, about the same age as traditional Gundam pilots.
After thanking the Sunrise representatives for releasing Gundam in the U.S., a fan asked if the new Gundam and other upcoming shows will be released simultaneously throughout the world, as with Gundam UC. Miyakawa responded that Gundam AGE will not be released simultaneously but they hope to get as quick a release as possible.
The next fan noted that Gundam UC maintains the old-school feel of Gundam's designs while still looking crisp and modern. She asked if it's difficult to keep that balance while producing the shows. Miyakawa told her that it's not more difficult, and they don't do any more or less work either way.
Another fan heard "on the Internet" that they will be adapting the manga Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin into an anime series and wanted to know whether it will be a TV series or something else. Miyakawa said that the only decision that had been made so far was that the anime will be produced, but no other details yet.
A Fate/stay night cosplayer  asked whether there would ever be a definitive, final battle between the characters Ray Amuro and Char Aznable. Sasaki replied that he'd love to see it himself, but that Sunrise doesn't know whether both of them are still alive currently.
The final question of the session: will Sunrise ever bring back the original creator, Yoshiyuki Tomino, to create a completely original, new Gundam series? The audience applauded the question while it was translated for the Sunrise reps. Sasaki said that there is no current plan, but as the original creator of Gundam, if there was an opportunity then Sunrise would like to pursue it.
Miyakawa and Sasaki offered some closing words to Gundam fans. Sasaki said that he was glad to have a first-hand feel of the fans who love Gundam in the United States. He also said that Sunrise wants to commit to delivering the new Gundam in the States as soon as possible and hopes for the audience's support. Miyakawa thanked the audience and noted that Sunrise hopes to create Gundam for the next thirty years as well. He added that he'd like to see another seventy years (making up a full century), but that he might not be around that long.
The panel closed with a promotional video, which was created specifically for this panel. The video featured animation from the upcoming Gundam AGE anime series.


  1. Do the 0079 DVDs include the original Japanese language on it? That's the only thing I felt was missing from the original MSG DVDs.

    I'm very excited to see TurnA finally brought over here!

  2. Zeta Gundam to the U.S.? We already got it. I'm confused. lol

  3. Oh hell yeah Turn A !!!!!

  4. General Announcements:
    0079: Awesome, totally psyched about this.

    Turn A: REALLY psyched for this. I haven't seen it yet, but it's probably the Gundam series I want to see most.

    00I: Meh...

    Origins: Hmm... I'd really love any news on this, but we just have to wait... I really hope it'll be amazing...

    Z & ZZ: Zeta already has an English dub, so I'm wondering what people mean by bringing it here (out it on TV?)... I'm not a big fan of ZZ (then again, I have yet to watch it), but any Gundam coming stateside is a good thing to me.

    Amuro vs. Char: Char's Counterattack. That seems pretty final to me... A re-make would be epic-incarnate, though... I mean REALLY epic... EPIC... I would like to see Amuro and Char face of in the Hi-Nu and Nightingale respectively, though... <_< ... In a movie, I mean...

  5. Zeta has been dubbed, Double Zeta (ZZ) Gundam has not.

    @andrewacoya: I HAVE seen Turn-A, and I find it to be one of the better one-shot Gundam series out there. It was supposed to be the last Gundam series ever, but obviously that didn't happen. Lots of familiar suits show up in it (including Wing Gundam for about 2-3 frames) including a lot of new suits.

    I hope this new translation of Turn-A inspires some new HG & MG TurnA kits!

  6. Amuro and Char are still alive, just digitized into their psychoframes. we just need a huge ass timeskip where they have the technology to wake them back up. They'd only be robot Transformers instead of Newtype Humans...then Banagher comes out of nowhere in the Unicorn and demands a piece of the action.

  7. If people have read Beltorchika's Children, where the Hi-Nu and Nightingale appear; then you would know for Tomino and "officially" speaking, Char and Amuro are classified as KIA, killed in action. Being classified as MIA in the film is only due to yet again bandai refusal to follow what the creative team had intended. Therefore any hopes to bring a "final showdown" should be only of a true to the novel Char's Counter-attack remake, otherwise the fanbase is basically ignoring whatever the creator of gundam has decided.

  8. No one asked if Bandai's bring Gundam X over to the US? I hope some of the other Q&A's were more better these.

  9. The reason why Tomino probably killed off Amuro and Char in the novels was to provide absolute closure to the storied rivalry of the two main characters of the original Gundam series (early UC). With CCA, we are given more of an ambiguous ending with Amuro and Char being referenced MIA (which is acknowledged in other series such as Crossbone: Skull Heart, Gundam UC) so if Bandai wants to do another story with Amuro and Char, they can. I'm not suprised this question was asked and I am hoping they do decide to do a new story featuring them.

  10. Wait are they relasing turn A in english dub or is it just with english subtitles?

  11. "Bandai Entertainment said that they price it the same worldwide..."

    But the purchasing power is not the same worlwide. dvd/bd in Japan is expensive for us non-japanese! That's nonsense...

  12. ' fan requested a steampunk Gundam series, to which Sasaki replied that since Gundam units require nuclear technology, a steampunk version is not possible.' to whoever this fan is, he is probably one of the most purest dumbass ive ever stumble upon.
