Wednesday, June 22, 2011

MG 1/100 GN-0000GNHW7SG 00 Gundam Seven Sword - Hobby Magazine (Aug Issue)

MG 1/100 GN-0000GNHW7SG 00 Gundam Seven Sword (Release Date: Sept. 2011, Price: 5500 yen)
BB Senshi 00 Gundam Seven Sword (Release Date: Sept 2011, Price: 800 yen)
Image from Muso Photo Gallery


  1. Hahaaa, and I was just about to buy the MG 00 Raiser. Rational consumer FTW

  2. hoping for an MG o raiser stand alone kit

  3. lol i waited for a good reason now didn't I

  4. I got the MG 00 Raiser but still might get this...

  5. Wouldn't this suffer weight issues like the 00Q?

  6. i just got my MG 00R, now i have to get this one as well. Oh come on, Bandai.

  7. Hahah, well who didn't see this coming *sarcasm*
    I mean come on, the MG 00 is basically a plastic version of the metal build, so of course this was gonna be released.
    On a side note, Suiton629 will be devastated when he finds out his dream of an Exia R2 will still remain a dream. :D

  8. hell no, personaly i would prefer XN Raiser
    @theantdojo racional consumer? if the QanT shied brings enought leaning problems i wonder what that giant GN Sword will do, my precious 00 Raiser if i may say so.

  9. eh, i never really wanted the seven sword anyway :P but its cool that they do release it, even though it was kinda obvious that they would^^

  10. I'm pretty sure the size of the blade will remedy the leaning problem that the Qan[T] had, since the blade is capable of touching the ground as a side support.

  11. So~

    It appears that Bandai isn't quite done with the 00 series's Master Grade GunPla kits. It's not that surprising that they released this as the entire kit is basically the same as the MG 00 Raiser without the O Raiser parts, but instead with the Seven Swords weapon parts.

    I'm guessing this was one of their "quick" buck projects, and I assume this will also use LED units. =P

    So I guess it isn't too far-fetched to assume we're also getting like:

    MG Exia Repair 2
    MG Astraea
    MG Exia Avalanche

  12. ...speaking of the MG Exia R2, I think that with this, we can basically assume that the MG Exia R2 will come out in a similar fashion...

    - take the MG Exia
    - add the newer weapons & armor parts (minor revisions)
    - advertise LED units (yet again)
    - put it out

  13. @XXnike629xx or may i call you Suiton? Bandai already annonced MG Exia R2, its going to be released february 30 @_@

  14. hahah that's totally suiton...the 629 on his username is a given!

  15. First of all, I was never hiding or anything in case that's what people thought. I also have a few other user names that I go by online...


    So MG Exia R2 is coming Feb 30 2012?

  16. @Suiton yes its 30 February 2012, meaning ITS NOT GONNA HAPPEN.

  17. Right.

    Well you can say that it'll never happen, but I won't believe anyone til Bandai officially states it.

    A while back, people told met hat the MG 00 Qan[T] won't be out for at least a few years. This is when the movie just came out.

    Turns out that the HG and MG...and the SD kit of the 00 Qan[T] came out much faster, and people shut up about saying it won't be out so soon.

    So I'm going to keep my hopes up. Bandai, in my opinion, will do the MG Exia R2. When it does, people will shut up yet again..


  18. Great, gonna buy this.. ^__^

    I hope they also release standalone 7S/G kit..
    Would be cheaper to build monstrous MG 00 14S/2G that way.. :D :D

    Still curious why gn blaster 2 not shown in pic.. -__-

  19. Totally saw this coming. I have yet to get the 00 Raiser, but if I somehow miraculously have enough money, I might get both and see where things go from there.

    @ LC2: The Gun isn't part of the the 00 7 Swords. It's only part of the 00 7 Swords/G (the "/G" essentially meaning "+Gun").

  20. ... come on! i bought the 00 raiser because I as many other people never thought this would be realesed! oh well since my 00 raiser is custom painted i might have some use for this one anyways.

  21. i think im going to buy the 00r and this Seven Sword instead of buying the MB 0 Raiser for my MB 00 Gundam/7s. :)

  22. Of course 00 Gundam MG line is not dead yet, merely getting started. It might take a while for the other Meister Gundams to release though, like the pattern with Gudam Wing MGs. Though, actually I'd rather have the MG 0 Gundam before Exia RII. Suition, you can always just mod RII if you want it so bad.

  23. another MG for the must buy list for me :D

  24. Well for me, all I really want is the MG Exia R2. But other MG kits I want from the 00 are..

    O Gundam (Type ACD)
    O Gundam (Roll Out)
    Exia Avalanche
    00 Qan[T] Full Saber
    Avalon (with or without armor)

  25. Crap, now what am I gonna do with that 1/100 Seven Sword Resin Parts I bought?

  26. @Anonymous
    Well, I guess you're just shit out of luck. ROFL

  27. :: saves up for MG Exia ::

    :: saves up for MG Exia Ignition Mode ::

    :: saves up for 2 more LED units ::

  28. Where the F**** is my GN-X IV ?!

  29. LOL dang, I'm stil contemplating if i should get this or 00 Raiser in the Future. The GN Sword III looks good with the O raiser. Btw, Where is the GN II blaster or whatever it's called? if they don't include that wouldn't this be MG 00 7 sword instead of 7 sword/G?

    Also, if they're releasing Exia R2, they better fix those issues plaguing MG Exia. its not really a "repair" if they dont address those flaws.

    they need MG brave or MG flag or masurao/susanoo. common Bandai, give graham some love!

  30. @nike629 aka suiton:

    People didn't shut up about the MG Qan[T] because it came out, they were just relieved that you can finally shut up about it.
    Or if you consider it as people shutting up because you were "right", I guess that can be similar to how you haven't responded to any of my recent replies to you on YouTube. ^___^

  31. The comments are making me LOL. I like... saw this a mile away? Just didn't imagine it would be THIS fast. But then again, with AGE rolling out in October it seems Bandai's making the most of this time before they start to focus on the AGE line.

    And oh, Exia R2 was friggin' created to milk money. We're getting it; just a question of "when."

  32. @Anonymous

    There's no way Bandai is going to miss out on a chance to milk the Exia R2 MG kit, especially since they can spam out more LED sales...rofl copterz

  33. @xxnike629xx so, according to you, all the past 30 years of gunpla has been a scheme by bandai just so they could sell LED units? please, think before u speak, every gundam in 00 has the potencial for a LED, and if bandai wanted to "spam" LED sales, they would just put them in the kit, and raise the price. now SHUT UP with the LEDs!!!

  34. @xxnike629xx or suiton or whatever, I´m with Juno Uno, I just wish bandai release the R2 just so you stop trolling everything and everywhere about it, stating your opinion as fact, wich just makes you look stupid...


    ohh at least it released with a GN sword II blaster ...

    at least it have something that metal build doesn't have

  36. O'cmon another model of 1/100 00 raiser.... How about for the fans of 1/100 GN-X???? Let there be a standard model of 1/100 GN-X A-LAWS, 1/100 Advance GN-X & 1/100 GN-X IV.... So much already for 00 Raiser & Exia.... We want something for bandai to release new models for grunt....

  37. Exia R2/Astraea/Astraea Type F=More crappy hip joints FTW!

  38. cant waiting to have a look on the seven swords 00 box it do looks like..

  39. LOL of course everyone will be wanting it 20% based on boxart

  40. Even i am 11 yet wanting to e boxart see the boxart first

  41. I can see a MG XN Raiser in the possible future lol
