Wednesday, June 29, 2011


The GUNPLA BUILDERS WORLD CUP is making it's round to the Anime Expo this weekend (July 1st-4th).                                                                                
I am looking forward to attending this event on Friday and eagerly awaits all the goodies that will be there... will definitely be getting my credit card / camera warmed up to be used in full force.  Bluefin Distribution will have be setting up an awesome gunpla display booth that would include some upcoming MG & HG model kits.  MG Delta Plus anyone? =D 
Be sure not to miss out on the Gunpla World Cup 2011 – U.S. ChampionshipDo you love building GunPla? Do you spend hours on end assembling these miniature war machines? Well here's your chance to show off your best works! The Bandai Gunpla World Cup is a yearly contest held amongst modelers to show of their completed Gundam models. Competition will be held in several categories and age brackets. Top modelers from countries such as Japan, China, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, Italy, France, USA, Thailand, Hong Kong, South Korea, Australia and Malaysia battle it out for the title of Gunpla World Cup Champion. (more info HERE)

1 comment:

  1. Im gonna be at anime expo :D look for a black haired kid with a blue flame eye and a white haired black kid with a red flame eye, and were both wereing reversed jackets with stars on the back
