Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Dengeki Hobby Master Grade Ranking - Hobby Magazine (July Issue)

Dengeki Hobby Master Grade Ranking Chart (Large Scan)
MG MS-06 Zaku II Ranked at No.12 
Misc Ranking Scans 


  1. Wow, SF gets two spots? Now I really know that I shouldn't trust Japanese polls.

  2. The polls are completely biased by UC/seed fans , the boxarts seriously, someone please translate 11-20 for boxarts

  3. Thats becuase they are. No problem to that.

  4. @Ben:
    I don't think that's a problem, especially since UC and SEED dominate the MG line in terms of numbers. Only Wing is close to their numbers, and that line is only starting now (not to mention that they are essentially variants of each other). So statistically it is acceptable.

    Boxart polls are even worse, haha (IMO).
    11. Zaku II J v2.0
    12. RX-78-2 v2.0
    13. G Gundam
    14. ReZEL Commander Type (?)
    15. Zaku II
    16. Zaku II v2.0 ____ (seems to be a limited run)
    18. Hi-Nu Gundam
    19. Gundam Exia (?)
    20. Kampfer (?)

    Not really a translation, just based on their release dates since I don't want to cross-check katakana.

  5. @Ben

    11. MS-06J Zaku II
    12. Gundam 2.0
    13. G Gundam
    14. 00 Quanta
    15. Zaku II
    16. Zaku II "White Ogre"
    17. Hi-Nu Gundam
    18. Infinite Justice
    19. Exia
    20. Kampfer
