Monday, March 14, 2011

Support For Japan Earthquake/Tsunami Relief Effort

'Manga creator Akira Toriyama (Dragon Ball, Dr. Slump) posted the above message of support for the victims of 3/11 earthquake and tsunami.  The Image had Goku & Arale Norimaki saying 'Ganbare!!', which would mean 'Hang in there!'  Is a great encouragement for both adults & kids during these harsh times in Japan.'
(Image via AnimeNewsNetwork)

For those of us who does not live in Japan, the best way to help is to donate in the relief efforts.  I had placed some links to some non-profit organizations on my side bar.  Pls feel free to donate.  And your contiuous thoughts & prayers for the survivors & relief effort workers is also very important.
My fellow gunplar buddy Sonar @ Gundam Australia will also be taking up a collection to help our ailing brothers in Japan. Please help by spreading the word and giving what you can. No amount is too small!
Donations via paypal to japanquake gundamaustralia com
And I would like to thank those of you whom had sent private emails/messages to me asking/offering to set up a relief fund for Japan via this blog/my store.  Your thoughts & gesture for the people of Japan is certainly well appreciated.  But I feel there are already many sources thru which we can donate, so I would encourage you to donate via Gundam Australia or other non-profit organizations.  Let's help however we can.


  1. I wouldn't donate anywhere that only takes PayPal. That's why I donated $10 straight to the American Red Cross for the Japan Earthquake.

    The reason is because say that you donate $10 to someone who accept PayPal. PayPal, then takes a fee for managing your money so you wouldn't (for example), be giving the full $10 to the relief effort.

    You don't want PayPal to be profiting off of this, and they probably will.

  2. Thanks very much for spreading the word GG.

    @suiton: with paypal, you can elect to pay the fee yourself which is usually only a few cents on a small amount. The advantage is that your donation can go directly to where it is needed without the bureaucracy. The Red Cross is a great organization to give to and their efforts are critical and lifesaving in this type of an emergency so please definitely give to them, we are merely taking up an additional collection to try and rally some of those who may otherwise have not donated at GAF, becuase this is very close to home for us. Many of us have at least a connection to Japan, if not family and friends there.

    Thank you very much for your help in giving this cause some further exposure GG. They are hurting bad in Japan and they need our help.
