Saturday, November 13, 2010

Introducing MECHA G & Kamen Rider GG

For those who haven't notice, there are two links on the side bars to other blogs which I also administer.  Each will talk about various genre of hobbies.  The titles should be pretty self explanatory. And here I would also like to introduce MECHA G (a.k.a. MECHA GUY) as a partner to updating my blog.  He is a full fledge japanese, a telecommunication specialist and a fan of animes,  Most importantly... he does translation way better than me. 
Having to run a business & busy life, it sure feels good to have a partner to help with things. =)


  1. Welcome aboard Mecha Guy

  2. Welcome aboard Mecha Guy. Sidekick to GG like Batman & Robin. Hee! Hee!

  3. Thanks for the welcome! I'll post more on my bio later. GG is definitely the Batman and I hope I can live up to his Robin :)
