Wednesday, October 6, 2010

GG INFINITE - A Little Update

Just a little update about my GG INFINITE webstore.   Launch date will be toward the end of October, and we are definitely keeping our fingers crossed.  I am especially grateful for the talented people that I am working with, who is turning what I envision into reality...especially those who are helping me with the technical side of the business.  And I would also like to thank my customers who currently are mainly my blog / facebook readers.. thanks for giving me so much of your support.   This hobby business has always been just a dream for me, but now I am living it. 

Each time a new batch of inventory ships in, I feel like is Christmas.... and everytime I ship products out, I feel tremendously good that I am sending joy to others.  Is a great feeling.

Here are some images of items that came in this month:




  1. I'm really looking forward to the grand opening of your store! I'm in the state right above you and I follow you regularly so I got some pretty good incentive to pick up a few things from you when the time comes ;).

    It'll be pretty awesome if you become the HLJ of America ^_^b

  2. GG,
    How Awesome! I am excited for you to be in business, and to have a plave to go for Gunpla things in the US. I am excited to continue business with you. Thank you for all the extra you have done.

  3. Awesome! Can't wait to do business with you! Well, if I had some money...

  4. hey GG, i live in the Philippines and i'm wondering if ship there?

  5. Lucky!! Im so envy!! ... Good luck!!!!!

  6. @Everyone: Thanks for all the encouraging comments! And I look forward to serving your hobby needs!

    @Anonymous: Yup we ship worldwide. Pls email us at info@gginfinite if you want inquire about pricing. thx!

  7. Dude that's awesome!!! Look forward to your grand opening. Great to see more Gunpla businesses here stateside.

  8. Do you have a physical store I can visit? You ever go to the Frank and Sons flea market deal in City of Industry? Would be cool to see another model related booth there!

  9. My store will be an online based webstore for now. However for local customers I will give discounts and I can even meet up at F&S to deliver the goods.

  10. Man, it's awesome that you are bringing Gunpla so close! I agree, you should become the HLJ of the US. Keep us all posted!

  11. I'll definately support your store! Please open now! haha

  12. Well, as long as shipping and price on your products are good (I live on the east coast, Tri-State area), I think I'll use GG as my GunPla source for kits, tools, spray paints, etc.

  13. Awesome! This is very exciting!!!

  14. do u have like a web site so i can see what you have in stock? nhow does payment work?

  15. Hello, I too am a LA native and man... i'd love for a supplier closer to home. hope all is well
