Friday, September 10, 2010

HGUC 1/144 Delta Plus Hyaku Shiki custom color by Meister Morishita

At Asobit City, Meister Morishia shows off his HGUC 1/144 Delta Plus Hyaku Shiki custom color in this workroom.  I am sensing many fans will be using this custom color as well.

Images from


  1. That's ring a bell! It's no wonder when I first saw Delta Plus, I find it so familiar! The evolution of Hyaku Shiki! Lol...

  2. I actually like its original color scheme better because it is more a more "serious business" tone ^^;.

  3. The paint scheme really justify Delta Plus as the virtual Successor of Hyaku Shiki, hope i will be able to see it in action in the 2nd episode of Gundam Unicorn.

  4. I want to make gold too, but I think Delta+'s original color is really good too...

    ... must I buy two...
