Sunday, August 15, 2010

LEon @ Open The Toy - Interview with Ngee Khiong

Any gunpla addicts or mainstream anime toys/figure collectors would recognize the name 'Ngee Khiong'.  He is basically one of the more well known blogger who devotes a good amount of his time each day to bring us news of the latest gunpla, anime, toys & figures.

In comparison with other popular blogger like Danny Choo who can't blog enough about his own success. NK on the other hand is much more mild mannered and humble.  He aims to keep his focus on just bringing to his readers the daily fix that we came to love & enjoyed.  While little is known about NK other than what he wrote on his profile (which is outdated by the way).  LEon from Open The Toy had recently interviewed NK.... and through his excellent interview we (his faithful followers) got to know just a bit more about this great fellow.  (Read the entire interview HERE)

Image from Open The Toy

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for putting a link on your blog to that interview. Hope all can enjoyed and know more about Ngee Khiong. :)
