Monday, July 12, 2010

Gundam Museum - Images from 1/200manax

The Bandai Museum is located in Mibu, Shimotsuga District, Tochigi, Japan.  The images below are at the courtesy of 1/200maniax san. (His link is HERE)

Originally, it was at Matsudo, Chiba, but it was closed in 2006.  I had the opportunity to visit it before it closed that summer.  And it was great! Before the 1:1 Gundam ever graced the earth, the Bandai Museum's Gundam Museum was the wildest thing I ever saw.  And being able to put on a cosplay costume of a regular Feddie's uniform and took a close up with the 1:1 Gundam bust was well worth the admission price. 

My August trip to Japan is coming up fast....but I don't think if I would have a time to visit the new Bandai Museum.  I would probably only go see the 1:1 Gundam in Shizouka.


  1. I used to live in Matsudo and went to that museum many times. Even found a secret way in so i didnt have to pay the admission cost! haha

    good memories. too bad its gone now and they put it in the middle of no where. but i guess its good to spread the gundam love. now people in tochigi can get their fill

  2. It was good memories for me too. But my new good memory will be the 1:1 Gundam. =) And I will see you BB in Aug!

  3. You are going to the country of Gundam. That's so so cool. I hope to revisit Japan when my kids grow older.
