Friday, May 7, 2010

HG 1/144 0 Gundam - WIP Updates

Had some time to work on my HG 1/144 0 Gundam today. As oppose to working on the entire kit, I am going to finish the uppor torso first, before I do to the other parts. So I was able to finish the panel lines & decals, and also applied the finish flat coat to the upper torso.

As seen in my previous 'Partially Painted' image, the kit was quite shinny, that was due to the application of a clear gloss coat so that I may effectively do both the panel lines & decals. But now with the clear flat coat finish, you will notice the color is a bit lighter (due to the flat coat), and that is the exact color I was opting for.

As for the antenna that is suppose to attach to the upper torso.... yes it is missing. Actually I accidentally broke one of them, so currenty that piece is in repair. LOL

Next I will work on the head...


  1. The application of decals makes 0 Gundam looks really awesome!

  2. the modification, colors, and decal placement make this kit looks really awesome!

  3. Thanks Guys! Your comments are encouraging me to finish this kit soon!
