Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Formania Sazabi - Updated Images

Formania Sazabi
Release Date: Sept. 2010
Price: 18,000 Yen

Some images showing the details of the Formania Sazabi and how it stack up to it's Nu Gundam counterpart.

Images from CyberGundam


  1. No offence to Gundam and Nu fans especially, Formania Sazabi wipes the floor out of Nu in terms of Details, also we know the head is too to awesome

  2. That is what I thought also. The size of Sazabi is also larger too, which makes it all the better.

  3. Yeah, but we've all seen how many times bigger meant jack. Look at the Big Zam, Psycho Gundam 1 and 2, Zeong, that big gold thing from 00.
