Thursday, October 15, 2009

PSP - Gundam Vs. Gundam Next Plus (Update 3)

Here are some updated MS info from the official PSP GVG Next Plus website... with the ones shown here being my current favorites. I have to say I wasn't that excited about this game after the release of Gundam Senki UC0081. That game still currently rules my PS3, and will be there for awhile (even Batman: Arkam Asylum has to stand aside for now). And quite honestly, I haven't been using my PSP for gaming for a quite awhile, but just using it to watch videos on my bed (currently rewatching Densha Otoko..... Hermes MOE! LOL)

But as I find out more about the upcoming PSP GVG Next Plus... I am getting more excited. The most interesting addition over the original arcade game is the "Next plus" mode, that allows the player to use a team of four Gundams to tackle a series of missions, carrying them over during the campaign and acquiring experience that will allow him to customize and improve his mobile suits. The best part, though, is that this mode will be available even as a cooperative mode, allowing 4 players to connect over the ad hoc network and play the missions together.

And there is a couple of updated controls for the Next Plus version:

Shield block: by pressing down on the D pad only Mobile suits equipped with a shield will be able to block the incoming attacks with it. Useful because some attacks cannot be evaded in any other ways than by blocking or putting a building between oneself and the attacker.

NEXT Dash system: similar to Boost Dash, but allows to actually chain another attack after it, if used well can lead to devastating combos.

Also, a few more details have been revealed that gigantic mobile armors will be included as bosses in the Next Plus mode, and the game will also include Mobile suits exclusive to the PSP version of the game: the Gundam Wing Zero Custom and the Gundam Nataku from Gundam Wing Endless Waltz, the 00 Gundam and the Ribbons Gundam from Gundam 00 and the Unicon Gundam from the new Gundam UC series.

The above info was enough to have me sold on buying this game. Dec. 3rd...bring it on!


  1. Yay! Gundam Unicorn!!!

    I'm waitting for this game too :). btw, mind to do link exchange? i love the gundam info in your site.

  2. This has been on my radar since its announcement. I'm also looking forward to getting Macross: Ultimate Frontier, which is also for the PSP

  3. Cool. Someone talking about GvGNP and possibly anticipating it~

    The Next Plus mode is like the mission modes for previous VS series games - pick MS and do some scenarios, be it just normal duel, destroying specific MS, or just surviving through a battle etc. Those who have played the previous games will recognise the stuff easily. It's a good training for beginners I suppose, and there should be quite a lot of missions (scenarios) to do.

    As for the shield block, shouldn't it be down then up quickly? This is the system that has been used in the SEED and SEED DESTINY VS.

    The NEXT DASH (ND) system is basically where you cancel whatever the action you're doing so you can move away or do a new move. It's kinda similar to the SPEED awaken in SEED Destiny VS game but without the speed boost and it's constant. As a result range shooting is more common than melee as it's easier and safer to just lay down a heavy fire while dodging enemies'. I haven't played the arcades myself, but judging from players' opinions and my observations on arcades and youtube, it's can be quite confusing at first with all MS flashing left and right while shooting whatver they've got at you.

    Last but not least, I hope it will be a good game, and I've been tempted to buy a PSP for it too. Well, we shall see, since I am still observing closely at it.

  4. @B-Mecha: Thanks! I don't mind to do link exchange, lets do it!

    @zrofuntoa: Macross Ultimate Frontier is on my radar too, looking forward to all the new stuff on it.

    @Q: Thanks for the additional info, I am really hyping up for this game!

  5. The Nextdash will also cancel out any delay caused by weapons, meaning...

    Wing Zero beam spam!

    Fire off all three Satellite Cannon loads from the DX in seconds!

    Rush in to grab with Aegis, then cancel and get them while they're in the middle of an attack!

    etc etc.

  6. Hope Justice Gundam will make it.., since there is till a chance
