Monday, April 20, 2015

RG 1/144 00 Raiser - New Images & Release Info [Updated 4/21/15]

RG 1/144 00 Raiser (Release Date: Apr 2015, Price: 3,200 Yen)


[Updated 4/21/15] *NEW*

[Updated 4/7/15] 

[Updated 4/5/15] *NEW*

[Updated 4/4/15]

[Updated 4/1/15] 
Image via KANETAKE Twitter

[Updated 3/31/15] 
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[Updated 3/24/15] 

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[Updated 3/18/15] 

[Updated 3/10/15] 

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[Updated 2/7/15] 

[Updated 2/3/15] 

[Updated 1/23/15] 

[Updated 1/21/15] 

[Updated 12/28/14]
[Updated 12/26/14]

[Updated 12/14/14]


  1. Replies
    1. MANTAB!! Abis ini Quanta donk!!


    3. Waaa iki.... uapik buanget iki to bro?

    4. Aslina hayang meli ngan lila keneh duit na ge eweh deui :(

    5. wkwkwk....mulai berulah

    6. jancok anjeng gila keren anjengg

    7. Akuaku kakata jagu jagu
      Stupid Indonesian

    8. onok sing kesel haha, juancok kon asu

    9. ora njangjeng2 su ning kene, ora ilok

    10. Waqk3.. ono bule misuh2 :D

    11. What a shame my countrymen, please mind your words while commenting. Tolonglah jaga perkataan yang dipakai ketika comment di jejaring sosial terlebih page skala international, kasihan kan kalau sampai orang asing mengeneralisasi bahwa semua orang Indonesia itu rude dan barbar padahal cuma perbuatan segelintir orang seperti kalian.

  2. wow...just wow..fantastic

  3. YES! I was beginning to worry that Bandai might have dropped out of the RG 00 series for a long time. This is really great news indeed and I can't wait to buy it! Though I'm also now intrigued to see the mass of very likely P-Bandai releases Bandai will do with the RG 00 Raiser mold like Trans Am, 7 Sword/G, 7 Sword/G Inspection Colors, Condenser Type, and XN Raiser...

    And also, this probably means that an RG for 00 Qan[t] and its variations will follow soon. Still hoping they support more RG and MG with the 00 line, and a PG for Exia and 00 Qan[t] would be cool too.

    1. Well bandai needs to release something in between the release of good kits. lmao.

    2. I am thinking that the condenser type will be included in the kit since it's only the condenser tank and a different color lens for 0 Raiser like the MG, but I still doubt that since it is Bandai... they're full of surprises.

      For the 7S/G and XN Raiser, P-Bandai for sure as add-on parts. 7S/G Inspection Color would probably a whole kit.

    3. Makes sense if Bandai were to include the GN Condensers and the gray cockpit hatch with the RG 00 Raiser. That would be incentive to get 2x of the set...Same thing if they did that with the obvious RG 00 Raiser Trans Am...

    4. YAY!!!! RG 00 Raiser incoming!!!!
      BOO!!!! Suiton, shut the hell up!!!!

    5. You need to calm down about the 00 fangasm suiton. You're making the fans look bad.
      As for the kit itself, I thought that they were going to make the UC series first.
      I also think that Bandai will be reusing Exia's frame for this.

    6. Will they ever make an astray rg like the blue frame second revise or amatsu

    7. Yeah... I would love more UC units to be put into the RG line. I want a Sinanju and a XX.

    8. Sinanju RG is plain insanity. It would be so perfect that it will make other rg looks like dog pile, so bandai will not release it.

    9. You can see the condenser tank in bottom right corner of the first pic though,

    10. seriously if it wasnt for the V2 assault Hg I would have wanted a RG V2 gundam, he deserves a MG and i think a RG would be very nice and stylish. Of course Bandai will make the wings of light as p-bandai

  4. My God, seriously, i just start saving for PG, and this coming out, must resist,,, must resist,,, oohhh here i come
    (dillema of a poor builder).

  5. I wonder if it will come with both Saji Crossroad and Setsuna F. Seiei
    Can't wait!

  6. My GN-Particles are ready for this awesomeness!

  7. And exclusive 7 swords part, inspection color, trans am color, xn raiser, etc..

    1. ....and raiser sword effect part

    2. And GN sword III.....

    3. If you have 7 sword already, just use that. It's not bandai will make 7 sword add-on have detail like RG, just like they do on IWSP and METEOR add-on for RG.

  8. Kinda disappointing, that we are not going to get the other Meisters...

    1. as the line ages and we see the headlines out of the wqay we will be able to enjoy all the tasty other kits~

  9. Where is Dynamis and Virtue/Nadleeh???
    doesn't they open polling the other day about RG for Gundam 00 line?

    For God Sake BANDAI,, They're trolling us

  10. Quan (t) conversation? I will admit that I'm a bit disappointed with the kit. I was hoping for the rest of the wing kits (deathscythe hell custom! )

  11. Great news. But I hope they give their love to other Meisters too.

  12. I know I'm asking for my wallet to get MORE empty, but... RG 7Sword/G and/or XN Raiser option packs?

  13. Yawn... Was hoping for some 8th MS team love with a Gundam ground type, Ez-8, or Gouf Custom. Oh well...

    Glad for you 00 fans though.

  14. Hoping for other 00 ms to come out in rg.

  15. i would buy all the parts, xn raiser, 7 sword pack. i want it i want it i want it

  16. Gonna wait for the special editions like trans am etc

  17. Woah! Heck yeah! Now there's a possibility they also make 00Q.

    Not trying to be nitpick but judging from the artwork the vents on its mouth is too low. Hope they'll fix this before they show us the prototype.

  18. Just like how we got all of Kira's suits in RG it looks like we might get all of Setsuna's suit. I'm pretty sure we will get a 00 Qan[t] Not as the next RG after 00 but later on.

  19. I'm a fan of the series, but not really into this 00. but will buy this anyway, since I'm concentrating to collect Gundam Class RG series.

  20. Its easy to predict RG line, what came out for PG will come out for RG :)

    1. RG unicorn when?

    2. Yeah, sure loving those PGs, like Exia, Destiny, Justice, Z'gok. Mhm.

    3. Really now? Then it would have been the shock of your life when Bandai anounce RG Justice?

  21. Well with this RG, I'd have 3 00 Gundam in my shelf XD

  22. Really looking forward to this, 00 Raiser is one of my favorite MS designs. Wonder if bandai will do a RG 00 Quanta next. Might have to buy this one.

  23. heavybreathingcat.jpg

  24. Heck . I already have this mg . But i won't mind having it in rg size . Please let quanta also get the rg size too.

  25. Pretty damn excited for this! I'm worried about the weight issue for this I mean.. looking at the MG 00 raiser it's back heavy. The torso or the waist area gets pull back. Now hoping for a RG 00Q! Fingers cross!!

  26. I really curious how they intend to improve on the HG 1/144 which was pretty darn near PERFECT in proportions, articulation, accessories, etc..

    Most likely this will be shrunken down MG, so I'm kinda worried they might sacrifice what made the HG so great.

    Time will tell I guess...

  27. Ugh there's better Gundams and grunt suits that should've been made instead, hate the 00 series cuz of all these clones and their useless variations hogging up the HG, MG, and now RG line.

    1. Sorry but bandai is not release product for some people only. They make it for people who want it. Better for you =/= better for all.

    2. stop complaining fag

    3. I agree. The 00 line gets too much love. Give me some turn A or 8th ms and maybe even a good G kit. Hell something dumb like the AGE series would even be more interesting instead of this repetative 00

    4. I want a Victory line and hell i wouldnt mind freaking G-Reco's G-self since the HG wasnt that good

  28. Bandai! Please make 00 QAN[T]. Thanks

  29. Bandai can hardly call "useless" anything that makes money.

  30. What about rg heavy arms custom first ?and then this

  31. Replies
    1. Premium Bandai Exclusive (probably)

  32. I don't really think that the vents on the face look good... They always move the vents to the middle of the face plates and that just makes it look kinda ugly -.-'

  33. It's really not a surprise that we're getting RG 00 Raiser. But I'm actually more surprised and happy we're getting it so soon. It probably means that Bandai has been working on developing it for a while now and only now announcing they'll be releasing it this coming Spring.

    Also, considering that there's a HUGE chance of P-Bandai variations and add on packs we'll see...That probably convinced Bandai to release it sooner rather than later. And then we'll probably get an RG for 00 Qan[t] and its variations and add on packs.

    Seriously though. Bandai just loves to release things; especially if they have P-Bandai potential.

    But we can't forget about the RG Wing Gundam Zero EW since that is coming in like a few weeks or something, right? And at the hobby show, we saw the silhouette of the other 4 Endless Waltz movie suits. So those 4 are probably coming along side with the remaining MG EW Ver. kits. The only thing that I'm a bit worried/concerned about is the "regular" EW Ver. of the movie suits since more than likely Bandai can easily make those P-Bandai releases...kinda like how I think they'll handle the MG EW Ver movie kits we don't have yet (Nataku, Heavyarms Custom, Sandrock Custom) which I think will be P-Bandai.

    A 2.0 release for MG Wing EW and Wing Zero EW would be nice.

  34. I'm really looking forward to this, i love 00's hyper angular designs + some of the best head designs imo. what I do not understand is the hate, I get it some don't like the show but you have to admit the designs were top notch and a refreshing change from the bulkier UC and Seed designs (I like them too). how about we all say hooray they are diversifiying the RG line and look forward to this and all the other wonderful designs from all the many fantastic RG from all series to come.

    1. They hate the series because it is not UC, same to those who hates Seed. You know those UC fans, they hate everything not UC.

    2. It make sense now. O.o

    3. Not all UC fans are AU-hating elitists though.

    4. nah the other suits need love like seraphim, dynames, reborns etc.

  35. can't wait for this one, i wonder how much the 7 swords pack will cost. at least the 00 has far fewer forms that exia to exploit

  36. Wow.. I wonder how they(Bandai) are going to make the inner frame of this kit? I mean on the elbow joints is where the round clear cap and the green sticker is going to be, and it's differ from exia along with the circular inner frame of the shoulder.

    With that said, possibility of the other meister's suits from season 2 is in planning as well since they share the same frame? Dayum really can't wait for them to show case the inner frame of this kit

    1. We got a teaser of Inner Frame on Episode 25 when Cherudim was damaged.

  37. Bandai sure release some effect part - 2 green OO attached behind the OO raiser. Cant wait to see it haha

  38. This is looking really nice. Though now I can't wonder how many P-Bandai varations we'll be seeing... >_<

  39. Wow.....Bandai must really hate the 00 series...
    The details look almost like the MG........(Same as Exia)

    1. Why would that mean Bandai hates 00? Real Grades have always been a 1/144 scaled model of a MG in terms of aesthetics and gimmicks pretty much.

  40. Hopefully it will have those locking mechanism like the MG

    1. Well~ The MG and PG have the locking mechanism so I'd think they could do it in RG. But then again the HG doesn't have it and well, the 1/114 line of kits are not heavy like MG and PG 00 Raiser...

  41. Looking at the hip, seing the design has no leg hindrance unlike le exia RG hurray! XD

  42. Let's see how long til we get all the P-Bandai variations for RG 00 Raiser....
    Trans Am, Condenser Type, 7 Sword/G, 7 Sword/G Inspection Colors, XN Raiser, Condenser Type Trans Am... >_<

    The only thing that could make this news even better is if they do the RG for 00 Qan[t] right after...LOL...and of course its variations like Full Saber, Trans Am, ELS...

  43. Hope after this rg quanta with it's full saber

    1. RG 00 Qan[t]...? YESS!! That would be awesome! But I think they'd do P-Bandai releases for Full Saber (maybe), Trans Am, and maybe ELS?

  44. YES!!!
    RG 00 Raiser confirmed to have condenser parts!

    Now I have to get 2.

  45. nice glare on the prototype picture -_-

  46. Is it only my eyes or just the angel that makes the lower torso of prototype kit looks shorter than the graphic design?
    i hate if this hapens, it make the proportion looks bit odd IMO, well it happen with Exia
    but Yayyyyy. it comes with GN condenser, hope it comes with GN Sword III beam effect too like the MG

  47. Possibly P-Bandai RG 00[Q] conversion kit detected.

  48. I know it's just a prototype but why is it the legs looks thick? It makes the feet look so small.

    1. People always comment on the legs or feet with promotional images of each RG. But the actual product when you get it in hand or see reviews of it looks okay. I think we're just imagining the MG a seeing it scaled down to 1/144?

  49. If they ever plan to release RG 7S/G, it should be release as parts set.

    The most shocking move I could think of they'll do is release RG 00Q as P-Bandai, like what they did with the Type-F.

    1. Why would they do that? It make no sense at all. 00Q is a regular release in MG, if they sell it as a P-Bandai people would buy the MG instead. It is only from 2010 and it is one of the best MG there is. And the 00q use SOME of the frame from 00 unlike astraea and exia they use almost the same frame just different armor.

    2. Now why Would Bandai make an RG 00 Qan[t] a conversion kit? If anything, RG 00 Qan[t] would be a standalone kit with a P-Bandai release for Full Saber, Trans Am, ELS Ver...

      00 Raiser would get P-Bandai for Trans Am, 7 Sword/G, 7 Sword/G Inspection Colors, XN Raiser, etc.

      What gives you the idea that RG 00 Qan[t] would be a separate P-Bandai release?

    3. Why would I have to explain myself to you, Suiton and to the others? I'm just expecting something unexpected. No any other reasons.

    4. I never said you "have to" explain. It's just that you made a very bold and curious statement that I simply was interested to reading your logic.

      "...release RG 00Q as P-Bandai, like what they did with the Type-F"

      That's what you said there. To me, and I'm sure many others, that simply wouldn't make sense because:

      a. 00 Qan[t] is a main, lead suit.
      b. Astraea Type F is a manga only suit. They released a separate kit of that instead of an add-on like RG Astraea because it was in a totally different color scheme.
      c. You seem to fail to realize the nature of P-Bandai. They're reserved for things such as color variations, MSV, manga only variations, etc. To even consider a main, lead that was in the TV/movie to be a P-Bandai is silly.

      So tell me (if you want), what made you think that RG 00 Qan[t] would be a P-Bandai release? I mean it doesn't fit the requirements of a P-Bandai, and it certainly cannot be released as like an add-on set to the Exia or 00 Raiser as it is similar in some design aspects, but it's a totally different Gundam.

      Now things like the Trans Am, Full Saber, ELS Ver... Those I can understand being a P-Bandai for an RG 00 Qan[t].

    5. RG ELS Qan[T]? Hahaha
      Good luck with that...

    6. Alright, like I said, I am expecting something unexpected. No logical reasons at all.

      I understand that main lead suits mostly gets regular releases, and suits with variations and from manga most likely gets the P-Bandai label. Still I have my doubt, I mean this is Bandai, they are somewhat unpredictable and surprising for me. I just thought it will be a shocking move if they ever think of making it P-Bandai 'cause that would be crazy.

      Also, ELS 00Q? They didn't even bother to make a HG of it.

  50. Please no RG for series like Age, victory, build fighter and any series for child please. The wait is painful. Only 2 or 3 releases a year, just don't waste it on that, and hopefully more and more UC MS in RG to be release ('',)v

    1. Between Age, Victory, and Build Fighter I think Build Fighter is likely since they can reuse existing RGs...Like Build Strike (reuse Aile Strike RG) and Universe Booster, Build Gundam MK2 (reuse Gundam MK2)...

    2. Victory is hardly a series for children.
      And it's part of the UC continuity, too.

    3. As if Bandai will actually have to listen to you. If they want to make RG for those series, they'll do it.

      I am actually hoping they'll make RG AGE-1 Normal. Despite the series looks childish, AGE-1 looks great.

  51. I've waited a long time for this

  52. i don't think bandai will release a main character suit like 00Q as p-bandai. 00Q is too famous

    1. Not only is it "too famous", it's a lead suit.


    1. No one? We don't even have MGs for them. So no matter how much I want it, it's not likely IMO.

  54. I do think that the structure of AGE-1 series doesn't perform too childish.

    And the way on releasing combined set such as 00 raiser , perfect strike will also become more common.

    The full armor version of AGE-1 involved a great potential on combined set .

  55. Coeg, Keren Tenannnnn....

  56. According to the scans, RG 00 Raiser will use the same Advance MS Joint (No.7) frame as RG Exia has.

    So basically, the difference between RG Exia and this are the armor parts and add-ons. And I wonder if this will also apply to 00 Quanta as well.

    1. Maybe we'll find out soon...? Hopefully? I hope the RG 00 Qan[t] is next. Then I would consider the 00 line of RGs "complete" since we'd have all the TV series suits. This is of course we get P-Bandai releases for the color variations, MSVs, etc... Like we're still "missing" the Exia in its Roll Out colors as well as the Repair 2 and Repair 3.

    2. of course, Quanta is bassicly Exia with OO legs

  57. Replies
    1. ching chong sang sung wachoy

      sie sie

    2. now, if you hate to get insult, don't insult other people at the first place,

      the Indonesian language on top comment is not insult, the translate is : damn, it's cool / it's awesome

      so, IF you don't understand other language, don't jump conclusion.

    3. Regardless of being racist and insulting, which I do not approve at all, people have the right to choose how they behave online. I guess posting as Anonymous somehow makes him feel it's okay to do this, which it doesn't. Oh well... His choice.


    4. People also have the right to remain Anonymous if there's a choice in the internet. And being Anonymous doesn't mean that its always being a troll. There are others that choose to be Anonymous because they have simply no account for example and the comment section doesn't even require an account.

      Having an account or not will not save you from your crimes, especially you suiton629.

    5. I do not even know the difference being an Anonymous and having a username that it's not even your real name.
      For security purposes maybe? Well ok, same for us choosing to be Anonymous. Not every Anon are being trolls like what Anon 7:31am said.

  58. Color separation in the legs feels wrong to me, and the feet looks smaller and bulky too. Nonetheless, I'm so excited for this!

    1. I think it "feels wrong" because of those little sections of gray next to the white. We're just used to it being all 1 color. I think people said the same thing about RG Exia and its different shades of blue, but the end product came out really nice. Just wait for the actual release and I think we'll be okay.

    2. I know its because of those gray, I'm aware of that. Thank you and forget about the "feels wrong" part. But what I meant is those little sections of gray are not so little at all, in my opinion. Observing the model, or just the legs, in front view white is dominant but those gray parts in front of its legs attracts attention quickly.

      However, it's not really a big deal. Overall it still looks great!

  59. Looking at it, thinking of the Quanta... with the full burst mode... WOW.... I'm excited =)

    1. Maybe Bandai will be nice and give us the RG 00 Qan[t] next?
      Can you imagine all those P-Bandai variations though? Gonna be exciting (and expensive)... =D

    2. What I think is, The next RG will be from the Wing EW boyband, then after that, Qan[T]

  60. I wonder if the binders are as articulate as the HG 1/144 counterpart, never the less, I will still be getting this.

  61. Looking at the color separation (darker and lighter color), i think Bandai become abit lazy since Rg wing zero, they just like put the white armor on the front, then grey armor on the back and do the opposite way for another part
    little bit dissapointing though, looking RX 78 which is more simple in design got more detailed color separation

  62. I don't know.... Is it just me or somehow it wasn't much of a different than the latest HG 00? (In this case, condenser type.)

    1. GN Sword III on HG is larger,more badass. Maybe somw tweaks on articulation only :/ talk about doing a 180° side bending xD

  63. Looks like it won't have same GN Drives as rg exia? I hope it's not just one or two pieces, I was hoping for two exia drives since those are so good looking.

  64. So still no information about it'll compatible with 7 swords equipment, especially on knee parts?

    1. I think it will become P-Bandai expansion part same as RG astraea...

    2. I'm pretty sure that they will be doing add on packs and color variations as P-Bandai... I mean look at all the P-Bandai we got (so far) with the RG Exia...

      - HG GN Arms Type E "Real Type Colors"
      - RG Exia Trans Am
      - RG Astraea add on parts
      - RG Astraea Type F
      - RG Exia Repair 1 add on parts

      I'm surprised that Bandai hasn't done:

      - RG Avalanche Dash add on parts
      - RG Exia Repair 2 upgrade parts
      - RG Exia Repair 3 upgrade parts

  65. April 2014-RG Exia
    April 2015-RG 00 Raiser
    April 2016-RG ???????

    1. RG 00 Qan[T] obviously

    2. prob another UC Gundam

      Hope it's the Alex Gundam

    3. OO Qant will be good, so we could get UC mobile suit for August release, and another suit series for december release

    4. Pretty sure it'd be RG 00 Qan[t].
      That way they can "finish" the Gundam 00 line up and pump out a bunch more P-Bandai color variations and P-Bandai add on/upgrade sets...

  66. The boxart is looking nice. Hopefully the RG 00 Qan[t] can come next.

    1. Yep. Why not? I've been waiting for RG Quanta for so long.

    2. And it would be cool too since then we could get a P-Bandai for:

      RG 00 Qan[t] TRANS AM
      RG 00 Qan[t] ELS VER.
      RG 00 Qan[t] FULL SABER ADD ON SET

  67. RG number 19 gotta be ZGMF-X19A Infinite Justice

    1. it will be too good to be true if that happens, but nobody can ever predict Bandai and all their twisted mindfuck XD

    2. Infinite Justice as an RG would be cool. But so would Aegis, Force Impulse, Sword Impulse, Blast Impulse, and Saviour...

      But seriously. How awesome would it be if the RG 00 Qan[t] came next??

    3. lol nop, they're probably done releasing SEED RG's. HA!

    4. Like I said. It, "...would be cool..." implying that I think it would be nice but I realize there's a good chance for it not to come out...or at least not for a while.

      Just saying it would be nice. That's all. I mean to finish up the Seed/Destiny RG line, all we would need basically:

      Aegis [and Deactive Mode P-Bandai]
      Infinite Justice [and Deactive Mode P-Bandai]
      Saviour [and Deactive Mode P-Bandai]

      Force Impulse [and Deactive Mode P-Bandai]
      Sword Impulse [and Deactive Mode P-Bandai]
      Blast Impulse [and Deactive Mode P-Bandai]

      Just 6 more releases.

    5. Well, RG exia and wing zero custom was totally unexpected and caught most of us in surprise, one thing's for sure, expect the unexpected, except the RG Qan[T] and EW boyband, thos have almost 100% chance of being released

  68. From what I can see, it seems that Bandai with their RG their plan was to release protag mobile suits first then maybe just maybe they'll release more kits in the future.

  69. Binders are not the same length?
    I'm glad that the GN sword III can be attached under the 0 Raiser.

    1. it is the same length, it seem it could be extended or pulled out, or whatever it is (sorry i'm bad at english)

  70. Nice
    but when will Bandai release a RG newtype specific ms? Qubeley, Nu, Sazabi, Unicorn, etc
    Been waiting for ages


  71. Hm. That new post of RG 00 Raiser is really interesting. They're advertising it along side the other Celestial Being suits? You think maybe we will get the RGs for them too?

    1. Yes there are going to be two more as of now, don't remember the names right now but it's the sniper and the blocky one.

  72. Does the poster mean RG Arios, Seravee/Seraphim, and Cherudim? Because that would be amazing.

    1. No one seems to know. But it would be awesome. And then maybe that'll give us hope for MGs for the other Celestial Being suits...

  73. is it just me or the dead is a little bit weird?

  74. I think the legs are too fat for my liking.

  75. im guessing astray red frame for #19!
