Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Robot Damashii (Side MS) Gundam Deathscythe Hell - New Images [Updated 7/9/13]

Robot Damashii (Side MS) Gundam Deathscythe Hell (Release Date: Oct 2013, Price: 4410 yen))
[Updated 7/9/13]
[Updated 6/21/13]

Above Images via Toys Daily. Gundam Zousho


  1. I only like the twin beam scythe weapon. Other than that, I prefer the EW design more for the Deathscythe Hell.

    1. But this is THE original version.

    2. DEATH TO SUITON!!!!

    3. Now I understand what the name "Beam Scissors" refers to.

    4. I pretty much hate all the EW designs because they completely run away from anything "real world" and just look like some 16-year-old's wet dream sketches. It's basically the "broing out" of the Gundam Wing designs. Gundam is best when it's somewhat rooted in practical design. Just give us the original damn Deathscythe already!

    5. If you don't want it, then don't buy it,.

  2. Are the other RD's of wing limited, cuz if they're not, I doubt this one'll be.

    1. The Shenlong is, that's why I am uncertain.

    2. But Shenlong is the ONLY one they've made of the first five Gundam's. You can count the exclusive option set for Sandrock and Heavyarms and that means that 4/4 kai suits have been regular releases while 3/3 of the originals are exclusives. If this is a pattern then D-Hell will get a normal release, which makes sense because it's more popular I think. Personally I am going for the original five so I hope they make Wing Gundam and Deathscythe, even as exclusives.

    3. I don't think that they would release the first version of sandrock and heavyarms anymore as they had announced the swappable parts to convert the released kai version to the normal ones...

    4. That's what I just said. You can basically count that exclusive option set as them releasing the original versions. Technically you have to guy the wide release suit to make it world but the point was that all the first appearance Gundam Wing Gundams have been exclusives.

  3. Tallgeese 2 was, and i think the swap out parts for sandrock and heavyarms were....

  4. While im more a fan of the EW version...

    My mg needs a companion XD

  5. I will always like the original more. And this RD makes it look even more sexy

  6. Probably gonna be online exclusive. Bandai's really stingy when it comes to black plastic (e.g. Blitz).

    1. They know this one is more popular than the Blitz and will likely make the first Deathscythe and exclusive.

  7. Do my eyes deceive me or is it in black (or some sort of super dark purple-grey)? Because of what they did to the Danashii Banshee, I was thinking Bandai would skimp on the black colour for the Deathscythe. I'm thinking (hoping) it won't be an exclusive since so far, all season 2 damashii gundams were regular releases and only the season 1 damashii gundams were tamashii exclusives.

    1. The Banshee is dark blue. No Banshee toy or kit has been molded in pure black.

  8. This is the Deathscythe Hell, which is in the lineup with Wing Zero, Altron, Sandrock Kai, and Heavyarms Kai, none of which have been exclusive so far so it would be very strange and a bitch move by Bandai to make this one an exclusive.

  9. Oh yes I bet this one wont be exclusive.. But whatever it will be ill get it, this will complete my rd once and for all

  10. Hehe the Gundam whose name caused parents to freak out because kids fragile minds can't take the words "Death" and "Hell" lol.

  11. Death + Scythe + Hell. heck yeah.
