Sunday, September 23, 2012

Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin - To Begin Soon!?

Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin - To Begin Soon!?
With the Gundam AGE series ended with today's final episode, some of us are starting to shift our attention to the previously announced new animated release for the highly anticipated Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin.  
Are you ready for it?  Leave us a comment and share your thoughts with us...
Image via CyberGundam


  1. Looking forward to it but that afro really breaks away from the trendy hairs of Gundam new protagonists.

    And finally, back to the good ol' Zeon VS EFSF no holds barred. Screw the pacifism nonsense.

    1. no we need more self-destruct frenzy.

      long live heero.

    2. Yes. Pure glorious yes.

  2. it is old news..............

    1. well duh. They didn't say it was new information. they said people are turning their attention to what was previously announced.

  3. Been waiting for more news of this. Hope to get this as a 50 episode series. That's all I need yo.

  4. I hope this is really the next series... :)

  5. Hell yea I'm ready!! Been waiting for this and hoping for the MG RX-78-2 Origin version~

  6. And we need to relive the One Year War again, why?

    1. because its THE biggest and most popular thing in Japan why wouldn't they make it new and improved.

    2. Sure One Year War is popular with old school Gundam fans but new audiences? I dunno...

      Personally I don't think there's need for this remake of a remake. The original MSG movie trilogy was pretty much perfect.

    3. yes, because new people like you don't even want to touch it with reasons like graphic is so ugly, the series is so old, and so on.

    4. U serious.bro. I'm a new fan and I saw all the gundam series and you can't call itself a gundam fan without the original.

    5. Im not a new gundam fan, I got into gundam with gundam wing when it was airing on toonami. Still I've seen every gundam series ever made. I enjoyed the one year war stuff. I was hoping that they could come out with a gundam series that could have rivaled the size of the Universal Century. I was hoping gundam 00 would be that series. It wasn't, but im excited to c this remake of the original gundam. The orginal gundam was supposed to be 50 episodes but Tonimo couldn't get it approved so it ended up being short. I like the original. Gundam Age was targeting a new generation of gundam fans and everyone was complaining that it was "a little kids" gundam series, they forget the original gundam was that way. It was targeting a young generation. Gundam the origin was done by the character designer of the original gundam and he went into more depth of the original gundam series. Tonimo wasn't able to. I hope this too is a long gundam series and not an ova or a couple of movies.

  7. If the project will actually be implemented, don't you think that Sunrise need to re-design the characters? Only shoujo & shonen-type characters are accepted by the younger audience recently...

  8. We already have enough One Year Stories to last us for the next 10 years. What Bandai should do is to make an anime adaptation of Gundam Sentinel, Crossbone Gundam, or another Gundam title from a manga or photobook, you know, something that's outside the OYW era.

    1. Sentinel will never be animated because of a rights dispute with Bandai Hobby Division. And fuck Crossbone. That shojo shit will never fly. Besides, it's a shitty story and you know any adaptation would be flamed by fans for not living up to the original. Sorry, let's try something else.

    2. false. we really need it because new audience even don't want to see the UC era because the series is old. so we need this remake so the new audience'll attracted to Universal Century era. especially OYW...

    3. If they ever animate Gundam Sentinel. Oh boy, that will contain some of the most epic Gundam battles, featuring FAZZ, S-Gundam, MK V and that huge ass mobile armor.

      Angsty but average pilot? No problem, let ALICE do the work. Good guy always wins? Let New Deside even the tides of battle.

  9. If the fight scenes are anything like Unicorn, then yes! We are ready!

    1. In terms of animation maybe yes, but in intensity? No, this is the origins of the wars throughout UC and the first mechs, they don't posses the tech, speed, and firepower of the mechs seen in Unicorn

  10. ahh all gundam series today are boring.

    unicorn is good but main character is like sissy. what the h..

    if The Origin is about RX-78 piloted by cold blooded assassin like Heero or Setsuna, then I've no complaint.

    1. Another faq that just dont wanna shut up and the ones i usually kill first in gundam online games for their 90's fetish

    2. Setsuna cold blooded? Maybe for the first 5 episodes... And I don't want to start about downfall of 00. And of course someone would be as you say "sissy" when you are thrown in mobile suit... And OYW needs re-telling, and no fan service for sissy watches who need super robots. And of course no big characters re-design. I started with seed, then UC and back to AU, and UC have something that others don't. And we need something more serious other than Unicorn, I'm sick of aliens trying to be mobile suits and mobile suits trying to be aliens...

    3. Oh great more complaining about realism in Gundam (rolls eyes). Yes the original was ULTRA-SERIOUS, gritty and dark and in NO WAY a toy commercial to sell kids toys. The Gundam DID NOT have a rainbow color scheme, DID NOT combine, use a hammer weapon and the pilot was DEFINITELY NOT able to talk to the dead via psychic powers. Girls also DID NOT appear naked in shower or bath scenes. Am I missing anything here?

    4. Agree , We need Char not stupid sh*t like Zeheart, Setesun, or that stupid child Heero

      the original series have the best story however the animation was bad compared to today's standards, a remake will make a good anime even though i will know what will happen

    5. Animation problems were fixed in the movies so you already got your remake, a damn good one at that. I don't see how adding CG camels to Lawrence of Arabia will make it a better film, do you?

      I don't want to ruin peoples hopes but do you really think that Origin will be the magic bullet that saves Gundam and be universally liked by everyone? The story of original Gundam was a product of its time and if people didn't like it then, they're unlikely to be converted by this. Origin, like Unicorn, is comfort food for hardcore fans and while I'm looking forward to it, I think its a step back for the franchise, not forward.

    6. @Anon 3:38
      Well, the original Gundam DID use a hammer...
      But on topic, character development is what's interesting, not your "perfect soldier" types who don't need to get Bright-slapped around.

    7. I agree story and character development is my main factor. G Gundam was super robot and funky designs but it had better story and character development than some UC shows.

  11. stop the super soldier, kira/kio copycat, childish like setsuna(emo, sadness, ), and aliens era ! . .we need to back to OYW. .when average pilot can become a hero like 08th team. . . . .more realistic war. . Cuz war or battle just have one ending, kill or killed. . . .war need a man not a boy. .

    1. I don't know what Gundam you've been watching but EVERY SERIES have always had, and will always have, kids as the main pilot.

      If you want grunt combat go watch Votoms.

    2. MS IGLOO and MS08th Teams wants to talk with you

    3. Those are OVAs. That why I said TV SERIES.

    4. @Anon 5:07am. You said "I don't know what Gundam you've been watching but EVERY SERIES" technically under what you said an OVA is a series of episodes. So the quote above from you is stating that "EVERY SERIES" whether it is an OVA, or TV Series, has always had kids as the main pilot. Which is untrue, due to 08th MS Team, and MS IGLOO, also if you count F91, due to the fact that it was created as a series and not a movie but due to development had to be a movie then you can also count that as well seeing as how Seabook is in college.

    5. Well to nitpick further we would also have to define "tv series". Did it air in Japan or the US? "Kids" can also range anywhere from kindergarten to late teens. But I think we all get the meaning.

      OVAs generally have higher budget and less creative restrictions but TV series generally target youth and are more commercial.

  12. This looks interesting but to make as the new series? If it were to made a series like Gundam Unicorn(an hour long length anime and long period production) is acceptable for me. But making this into a new series? Common man, its like I'm watching a story that I already knew the plot/story/character profile all over again and for what? It's just like Seed Remastered. I didn't watch the entire episode all over again. I started watching it at episode30+ (I think) after some real changes were made. So by making this into a new series would spell DOOM!! it is a HUGE RISK that bandai is playing.

    For the hardcore gundam fans I assume you all watched this series regardless from the series itself or the movie. So my question is, do you all wanna watch this all over again where as is the same story, same plot, same character just better graphic and animation?

    So my conclusion, it is a big risk if Bandai make this into the new series after the appointment that they give us in the previous series(Gundam AGE). I'm assuming that not all ppl wants to watch the same thing all over again(making Gundam popularity worst). So I sincerely hope Bandai won't make this into the new series and come up with something better. at least better than Gundam AGE.

  13. Will this the animated version of the novel where Amuro dies at the end? I love Amuro and such but the other fed aces need love too, maybe the story of Tenneth A. Jung, the Feds OYW top ace or Lido Wolf, I'd pay to see some dude in a saberfish take out 21 Zakus.

  14. And what about G-rekko?

  15. UC sucks, deal with it uc retards.

    and Amuro was nothing compared to Flit.

    1. Wow... (ignores)

    2. Yup it sucks because it doesn't target the strawberry generations like you who loves soft kids piloting overpowered machines only to be defeated by an even more powerful machine until he's given a better one himself too. In which he still manages to wreck it.

      And Amuro was indeed nothing like Flit. Amuro was Amuro whereas Flit was retake on a supposedly modern day Amuro, who instead of dying with Decil ala CCA, went on to head the EFF.

    3. Did you hit your head or something?

  16. Id rather see a season 3 if Gundam 00 dealing with a SEED style Innovators VS normal humans. The plot doesn't even need to revolve around Celestial Being, i guess i just want more GN based suits.

    1. No. Gundam 00 already wrapped up its story and theme. To extend it further would be redundant. Sidestories possibly, but leave the main plot alone.

  17. Gundam franchise is DEAD.

    1. If you think the franchise is dead why in hell are commenting on a gundam blog? o.O

  18. I believe the origin of the anime so in 2014, to commemorate 35 years of the franchise.

  19. Bandai should make more Gunpla Builders. It's the most REALISTIC Gundam series ever to be made.

    1. Agreed, no really!

      A model kit is more realistic than a giant bipedal robot of war :D

    2. Wait isn't there a ps3 and ps vita game to be released based on that idea

    3. I can't agree that it's more "realistic" because you are using realistic based on two different things. One, we don't have giant bipedal robots. Two, we do have gunpla so that is more realistic in that manner. Whether its more realistic in terms of technology being used it doesn't matter. Why? Because its a SCI-FI Non-Fiction story. Meaning its not real in the first place so to say either of them are more realistic then each other doesn't make sense. However I do agree if Bandai wanted to make a big toy advertisement series then Gunpla Builders would be great! And I do wish they did a series.

    4. I think you mean sci-fi "fiction" story. Actually there's good reason why the military doesn't make giant bipedal robots because its simply not functional and tactically flawed. In the future we could see human size robots but nothing on the size gundams.

  20. Ugly characters and VERY weak robots.

    1. You sir are to dumb to insult.

    2. hes just offering his opinion. it is true that some characters are ugly and the mobile suits are relatively weak compared to later uc mobile suits

  21. Everyone should just be glad that we have a new gundam series coming out

    1. Agreed. Plus due to the fact that I am a hardcore fan, it would be nice just to have a new re-made series of the OYW, due to the fact that it is NOT the exact story from Tomino, and to see the OYW in new animation would be nice. Also different but similar MS Designs.

  22. Im one of those Gundam fans who started in 90s with Wing which defined my childhood anime (along with 0083), then later on got hooked back into the franchise with 00s insane combat and visuals, then I went back and watched every series but G-gundam, turn-A, and Victory. The original series I was doubtful of due to oldschoolness but I gave it its chance, and I loved everything except the graphics (which was pretty nice for its time I believe)

    The Origin is gonna be a blast :), hopefully its not gonna be 50 episodes, the animation quality will suffer some if they do, I think 30-40 episodes will be a good choice

    1. Aw man, I started in the same era of gundam as you but trust me, Turn-A alone is worth a watch! Great characters, great story, due to the fact that it ties all of the UC era in. It was a blast I really really recommend it! As far as victory goes it is very different then 0079, Chars Counter Attack, and F91. It's a good story, the animation isn't up to par as 0079s but its still a blast, however in the middle of the series it does tend to drag alittle but once you pass the middle it raps itself up nicely. Although I will also have to warn you that it is a BLOOD BATH! As far as G Gundam goes. I find it to be my one of my least favorites, with AGE being 10 times worse then it. It throws away the whole realisticness of gundam and goes alittle Super Robot Wars. But without the robots being super agile and non robot like. I would give it a try however do not go into it with the mindset of 0079, 8th MS Team or any other realistic gundam series, and just watch it for what it is. Then you will enjoy the journey.

    2. I can't believe you dislike G Gundam, that show's made of awesome! Besides isn't AU supposed to different? We already have UC for the regular stuff.

  23. i do wonder after reading these comments if people know the source material is an manga adaption of the original series in which the plot basicly should follow the original plot.
    But there are differences involving some machines and locations in the story and also more backstory for the UC universe involving things that happened before the one year war. Read up on the manga if you want more details or the wiki for the manga.

  24. YEAH!!!! The Origin........but i was hoping for Crossbone Gundam ova..........

  25. So is the origin like a remake of the original ms gundam animated show. Because I've always wanted to watch the original but the graphics kinda put me offense to does that really liked it. All I want is to get to know how the UC story started without having to sit through some bad graphics. Either way Im excited for this :D

    1. Origin is the remake of a Manga which is based on the original series. The original Gundam tv animation is dated but the Movie Trilogy version is much better. It's not a big investment of time and I highly recommend you check it out before Origin since I heard there's differences in the story.

    2. Ahh I see, thanks for clearing thing up. I'll keep an eye out for the movie to check it out.

  26. I hope they use new animation for the series instead of trying emulate how the original series looked like cuz......that would not be good....

  27. I hope we learn more about Char's past in this one.

  28. Not too excited, as I've seen /know the OYW timeline like the back of my hand. I think this is more for those who look at gundam's dated look and decide not to watch it, despite the movies. Also, considering AGE was a retelling of Uc era Gundam from 0079 to CCA, I'm personally hopping for the next AU to go off the deep end like Wing, G Gundam, Turn-A, or Gundam X with story or style.

    It could be as say, a female protagonist? UC wise, Christine was the only lead Gundam pilot for the majority of UC.

    Come to think about it, maybe the origin is an attempt to real the AGE audience in?

  29. the Origin is a re-telling of the original series. The creator of Origin alters the time line (slightly) and expands on some of the key characters from the original anime.
    As for the animation quality, it was the late 70s early 80s where everything was mainly done by hand, and not processed by CGI. Obviously by the time the trilogy movies came around there was a bigger budget and technology had improved to fix the overall issues with the animation used in the show.
    Don't forget that Gundam was actually NOT popular at all, until Bandai took the licensing for merchandise and created the models which helped boost the popularity.
    As for nudity there is a scene in the original series where there is a nude shower scene and some adult humor.

    If anything they should do an adaption of Yoshiyuki Tomino's novelization of the OYW, where there are some big differences in plot and character.

    1. Is that the one where Amuro sleeps with Sayla and where he dies at the end?

  30. I really wanna see the Mobile Suits from Advance of Z in an Anime.
    Still the UC Timeline is the Original. Just remember: Stardust Memorys it had the best Graphics. Or MS Igloo these Animations were off the Hook.

    Gundam Age for Example: its for Kids,cause most of the Audinces are.
    And the series sucked.Gundam Wing? Common, Backstreet Boys in Mobile Suits.What the hell!

    I just want a good Story of the UC Timeline, but for adult audiences.
    There is still so much Potential in it.

  31. i would watch the origin right now!sunrise should have done this instead of the crap of seed Or a remake of F91
